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Everything posted by pBills

  1. That has to be most ridiculous looking car I have ever seen. Maybe not ever seen, but it's bad.
  2. May I ask what reaching across the aisle would have done with the Republicans in charge for 6 of the 8?
  3. You already are with the bailout money going to some of financial institutions.
  4. But come on Molson... that's the financial market. It's ok for them to have a failed business model.
  5. Does she need a bus tour to learn what the issues are? No jobs, over taxed. Done. Get to work.
  6. Those working conditions still happen here in the U.S. Not just a developing country issue.
  7. I find this to be really funny. What people will do after their party gets its butt whooped. Amazing.
  8. Who to blame? JP - Could not make a short pass. Always throwing way to high. Also, four turnovers in the 4th. Great highlight reel JP. Jauron and OC - Ridiculous play calling. I do not remember one pass being down field for more than 15 yards. Normally when you run the ball very well, and we did. That call open up the passing game a bit. We just never went there. My opinion is that all three need to go. Next two games start Hamden.
  9. I agree with a lot of this. Unions have given the worker all that you listed above. Living wage, health benefits, pensions (this is dwindling fast) and job protection. They give the average worker a voice. Protecting them from harsh or unsafe working conditions. Many companies still have those working conditions. I have seen people that are new U.S. citizens be told that if they do not work the long 16 hour days 6 or 7 days a week (with no overtime) that they will fired and deported. Those kind of conditions can and will have cost people their lives. Constant scare tactics. So is there a need? Yes. I do agree with union greed to a point. Some only blame the unions for rising contract costs, etc. But if you dig a bit deeper what causes the contract to go up is the cost of what is provided. Example: Health care. It has gone up to ridiculous amounts for everyone requiring it. Most contracts that I see have only 3% raises each year for the life of the contract. To the workers I talk to and know, the biggest issues are of course health care, but also items that go along with seniority. And yes, unions have in the past were greedy. Some bargaining for to much, some protecting workers that shouldn't be protected. That nonsense for the most part has changed with new leadership in many unions. Problem is that it has to trickle down to the Local level, making it quite clear that unions are to have high standards. High standards in what they do or produce and high standards in work ethic. If they do not have that, then they are no better than the greedy people we are protecting the workers from. One thing people have to remember is that every contract goes through many levels of negotiations. It's not about killing the company or raping them. Both sides are looking for a fair deal. If management knows that part of a contract will drastically hurt a company then they can easily voice that in arbitration. Believe me, those points are listened to. I know that I will be bashed by the normal union-bashers. And that's fine. They can have their opinions.
  10. If asking a simple question is being a pain in the ass. Sure, I am.
  11. Comprehension is not your big thing today huh? When I spoke off concessions. Those concessions JUST happened. Then they offered more. Not necessarily in the past as you say. I never waved $7 billion dollars as anything. I mentioned $7 per hour. Now back to the concessions I mentioned, they WOULD bring the average worker down to be roughly $5 or so above other car companies... roughly $51. And as many times as you say, it will never be true. No one raped the system. I do love how it's always the union worker that's raping the system and never the management with you. O am glad that you would love to see these companies go down and possibly millions of jobs with them. Just proves how you could give two craps about the working man/woman. God help you if you ever need help or lose your job. And finally... "since the UAW has show zero interest in agreeing to a fair wage and benefits package..." are you high or just so blind by hate for unions? How much more do the union and these workers have to give up?
  12. Umm no. I am using this message board for networking nor would I ever.
  13. I have been using common sense. I have placed blame on everyone for the crisis they are in. You primarily place blame on the union and workers saying that they are greedy. One could easily say that about management as well. The Big 3 had to present a plan this go around, that was a prerequisite of Congress meeting with them again. No UAW person is looking to simply take the cash and run as you say. They want to save their jobs. And I certainly have never said that.
  14. It was simple question. What do you do? Anyone should be able to answer that without prompting the other person to look it up or anything like that. What does he do at networking events? Hide business cards and then when people ask him for one he tells them to go find one?
  15. McDouche what part of me not wanting to search his crap don't you get? He could easily type it... or maybe not.
  16. So what. Not a huge fan of them. And really they deserve what they get. Plus, not surprising that was posted on that site, basically coming from UnionFacts.org.
  17. Talk about BS. Companies are not forced to do anything. Get over it. UAW workers also build the cars designed for them. If you want to lat blame for building cars no one wants to buy, blame management and the designers/engineers. Personally I believe a major problem with the Big 3 especially GM is that they have to many lines.
  18. Oh dear Fing god. I had said earlier that since these autoworkers have already or will be losing a lot with cuts in the health care and cuts in their pensions and on top of that not receiving bonuses like the foreign autoworkers receive... I believe that it is fair for them to receive the few extra bucks per hour. Let's face it they have come to the table via the UAW and have given up a lot in order to save the companies. Now did you get that? Do you need me to email you a copy? Maybe post on some sort of Anti-Union, Class Warfare site for you? Now answer this... Is it worth the $15 billion to attempt to save millions of jobs? Or should the government let the companies die and hope that these people won't remain jobless for to long. Along with the other 1 million + unemployed workers?
  19. You always bust my ass telling me to do some research whatever, go look at my answers and come back when you are ready. And I am proud of what I do. If Ramius wants to play games... oh well.
  20. And I have answered that question today.... TWICE. You and another person. Go back and read. And do not judge me when you know jack-sh-- about me.
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