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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Yes, their board shows the Top 100 FA's. With the note from Ralph to not get anyone on that list.
  2. Not sold on Coles. Does seem to be that great #2 WR to me. Good but old.
  3. True. But we all know that Haynesworth is a beast. Hall I could care less about. Maybe I am jealous that they are a team that actually makes moves unlike the Bills.
  4. How do they do it? Hall for a $54 million dollars and then Haynesworth for $115? Damn!!!
  5. So you are under the belief that every company, every CEO will actually use those tax breaks to further their company and not use them to line their pockets.
  6. I absolutely LOVE my new Suburban. Looking at the 2009 G6 hardtop convertible this year. I never buy anything but GM.
  7. And then do nothing with it again... except for a few banks of course.
  8. Did I expect them to bow down? No. I did expect them to actually attempt to work with him and not play games especially when the country/economy is in the sh--. Hoping that the needs of the country would out weigh their party. Most people were respectful of Bush. I know I was. After all of the problems and things that happened on his watch he was still my/our President. Respect should have been given. Not saying you can't poke fun though. BOTH parties need to remember that regular people are in trouble out there. They need to get together and find a solution or hope this one works.
  9. The package will be signed today, he has not been in office for very long... yet everyone says that everything he does is wrong. Why don't you wait to see if it works? Did you do that for Bush? Hell you are even criticizing him for saying the economy is absolutely horrible? Why because it's the truth? "Fear Motivates" - of course... ask our last leadership. It works, but for only so far. Are we as a people so dumb that if the leader sugar coats the problem we'll feel better? No. I am glad he came out and said what was on his mind, spoke the truth about the economy. Better than what we have had from our leaders in the past. Give the guy a break and see if something works... hold back on your hatred that is anything democrat or not your idea (because you know better?). I was hoping for more from the right after they said they would work with the new President. Fact is that they are not willing to work with him at all... and that is sad. This country will go no where if both sides can not work together. Some people criticize me for my avatar... I loved it during the political season. Now, I think it represents the right when Obama speaks.
  10. Just saying the claws are still out by republicans... that's it. Good post though.
  11. I love how the claws are still out with the republicans. Just cracks me up. That aside people... so the republicans got their way and had less spending on infrastructure, etc. and more tax breaks. Would that have worked? I say no. I say no for the general public because people are savings whatever they can just in case they lose their job. And I say no to businesses because businesses are still going to trim their workforces and make other cuts. So the money they save via tax breaks will not do anything to boost the economy. Kind of like the banks that received cash in order to open up lending. Has that happened? No. I love the idea of spending some cash and getting people hired and back to work on projects that will help this country out in the long run.
  12. How much money is available for the Bills to not play with this year?
  13. We don't always see eye to eye. However, this was a great post.
  14. Believe me, I knew what I was dealing with from the beginning. You are not that bright.
  15. No, my response is simple. You are just an a-hole. How is that?
  16. Resorting to what tactics? Wanting to get things done? Asking for both sides to give him their thoughts on the stimulus if they don't agree? Maybe the horrible tactic of appointing a few republicans (3) into his cabinet? You act as though he is asking for people's first born child. Give me a break. And now you are on to bashing Community Organizers. Another smart move on your part. Yes, let's bash people who want to make their community better. Personally, I have never heard of Obama being a Coke head. Now with all of your racist, demeaning rants... is being a Community Organizer beneath you? Although, I am not sure what can be beneath a piece a garbage.
  17. Bush got crap because he had eight years of nonsense. Obama has been in office for less than a month. Give me a break. And you are telling me to STFU yet you are the one tossing out racist comments. It's not being oversensitive it's having brains enough to know what is not right to say. Dumb ass.
  18. How am I being a fraud? I think statements like that are complete and utter racist BS. Not about manning up, just about not throwing out racists comments. You know and dear god you are whining about the "YOU do it = "BAD", WE do it = "OK"" logic... please that logic goes both ways. Rep to Dem and Dem to Rep.
  19. At least you still have your union jabs. Nice.
  20. The Chocolate Wonder? What an a-hole thing to say. The problem with Bush and Cheney was that everything they did revolved around Doom and Gloom.
  21. I'm not. I just find it funny how people are going crazy about Obama and he hasn't even been in office for a month. And how could you think anything else about the last administration?
  22. Makes you wonder how the Bush Cabinet cleared the vetting process.
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