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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I haven't said that GM hasn't screwed up. I said that GM was/is trying to right the ship before and after they received money. AIG was not doing that. They wasted money received from their bail out and now they are asking for more. I hope they get told to jump.
  2. He has ridiculous speed.... could be like Jason Taylor from years ago.
  3. My double standard. We all know that the big three have screwed up. However it's the blatent wasteful spending that AIG has done even after receiving money that pissed me off. But ok, you are fine with that right?
  4. And if they go under that will affect the many companies that work with them and of course those jobs as well. Granted their piss poor management, designs and having to many lines were the main reason in them getting in this mess. Hopefully streamlining them out and continued consolidation will help get them on the right track for long term success.
  5. No one is at the mercy of anything. You stated the issue... no viable plan as of right now. Hopefully they will have one soon. And you asked the automakers have been making concessions with the unions that will save tons of money, they are closing plants and reconfiguring others on top of offering early retirement to many as well. They are making moves, unfortunately it may be to late. I love you continually bash unions. You are awesome.
  6. I am ok with GM asking for money. They have been run through the coals for the money they have received and the money they still desire. And they will continue to be run through the coals. The thing I am not fine with is companies that received money and did not use it correctly or rather the way they said it would be used. And seriously, AIG coming back for more? If they receive more cash something is seriously wrong.
  7. There is only so much Bush could spend money on in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
  8. I agree with what some people have said here. In order to get out budget moving in the right direction there is no doubt that taxes have to be raised. I have absolutely no problem paying a little bit more.
  9. I thought Peppers was franchised? Of course that doesn't mean the patriots will work out some deal that will make no sense, like trading a 5th round pick this year and a 6th next year for him.
  10. I like how Edwards is cool and calm. But I love the fire that Cutler can bring.
  11. I have said from the beginning with this Coles talk... I would rather them bring in Washington or Henderson and spend the larger money on another need. DE or OL... hell even TE. Side note: Has anyone heard what the Pats will be doing with Ben Watson?
  12. Come on. We will fill those holes in the 5th round or later.
  13. Speaking of the Falcons didn't Brookings become a FA?
  14. Josh Reed is a very solid possession receiver for the Bills. Let's face it he saved their butts many a time on long third down situations.
  15. I don't think it's a matter of just spending money. But let's face it there are a lot of players out there that would be upgrades and we're not entertaining right now. Come on.. Winslow for a 2nd (2009) and 5th in 2010?
  16. I really would love to have seen the Bills go after Winslow. Oh-well. Problem is that we need many upgrades.
  17. I have given my reason. I would rather see them bring in someone like Nate Washington or Henderson for a lesser amount and then spend money on the OL and hopefully re-sign Greer. We have more to worry about than just getting a #2 WR. And we all know that Ralph does not like to spend money in FA.
  18. Again, not saying that I like the choice. I'd rather see them go after: T.J. Houshmandzadeh - Spend some money for ONCE or save a little bit of money and go after Washington or Henderson and help out the OL line with a possible big signing.
  19. I am not about to bash Josh. After all his third down receptions carried that offense most of the year. Definitely need a good #2, not feeling the idea of spending lots of money on Coles. And dear god. I know who we currently have on the offense, I just don't like the idea of Coles.
  20. You are right. He does average about 6TDs a year and roughly 800 yards. Not bad. I am just hoping for more, maybe younger too. Plus, watching him in Washington. Not to impressed.
  21. That would be a very nice pick up. Especially if most mock-drafts are right and the Bills can land DE Aaron Maybin from Penn. State
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