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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Redskins have formally come out and said that they have no interest in T.O.
  2. I think some how it would have to spun that he's #2 to Evans based on whatever contract he would get. I still believe that Evans would get a ton of balls thrown his way. Owens being on the field would free him up that much.
  3. Case of the dropsies with over a 1,000 yards receiving and 10 TDs. And I believe he played with a torn ligament in his hand. I would still take him on this team.
  4. A windbag with over 1,000 yards and 10 TD's last season.
  5. I understand what the term means. Look at how the Bills have been doing by bringing in that type of player. Maybe someone a bit different, a bit loud, a bit of an ass could be a good thing... as long as they are productive.
  6. The guy is productive. We need someone on our team that is not afraid to open his mouth. He would be an asset to this team. No doubt.
  7. Let me ask this... what do people care more about this point: A) A Playoff bound team B) Bringing in character players Personally I am sick of having the Bills not in the playoffs, I am sick of the Bills being the laughing stock of the NFL and no one ever taking them seriously. We need a huge weapon. GET OWENS!
  8. There something that hasn't been said about the Bills in a long time... they would be talked about on a NATIONAL LEVEL.
  9. Great post. Who gives a crap about character guys. We need to see the Bills get back to the playoffs. Think about the opposing teams secondary. Evan, Owens and Reed.... and who knows maybe Shouman or hopefully Putzier. That would kick butt.
  10. Personally, I could care less if he is "trouble" or not. The catches the ball. Over 1,000 yards receiving last year and 10 TDs. Having both Evans and Owens would be a huge threat to any defense and bring the Bills to the top of the AFC.
  11. Sign this guy!!! A 1,000 yard WR, 10 TDs last year. Damn would this offense look different and be taken seriously if we had Evans on one side, Reed, then Owens. Give him Housh money, maybe more. Oh and sign Cato June too. Thank you.
  12. TE, maybe Jeb Putzier. That would be nice.
  13. Yes, I do have them spending a mere few hundred thousand on a retreat. Are you telling me that the business conducted there couldn't be done in their HQ? Did they need the resorts, spas, golf, etc. to figure things out? Come on, to excuse things like that is ridiculous. And honestly, I do not care who paid for the ONE retreat what about the others? Also, how come people didn't bash them for these retreats yet bashed the automakers for flying into DC on a private jet? And really if the parent company is losing money hand over fist why wouldn't the CEO's do the RIGHT thing and cancel the lavish spending no matter who is paying for it?
  14. What a ridiculous post. Knowing that this whole mess started years ago. Yes, blame the new guy.
  15. Raising taxes is going to be one small way of paying into this debt. Again, it's inevitable.
  16. Spending I'll give you is crazy. I liked the idea of spending on infrastructure, but the add-ons are ridiculous. Now in regards to not raising taxes. I feel as though that is inevitable.
  17. Great job nostradamous. What would have the country been like if McCain would have won?
  18. You really can't remember AIG's wasteful spending? And cite source? How about closing plants, offering early retirements, selling off brands, working with the UAW on contract concessions? I have already said no I would not say jump to them. They were run through the coals to even ask for money the first time unlike the financial institutions. The CEO's were hammered for simply flying into DC on a private jet. AIG spends hundreds of thousands on multiple retreats and now comes back to ask for more money.
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