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Everything posted by pBills

  1. True. However, I am sure that the Panthers would much rather have something more than the #34 pick. If they can get more, why not. Let's hope that the front office is attempting to do more to move this team to the top of the AFC East.
  2. I agree. I would much rather have a proven DE at this point than hoping a draft pick plays out.
  3. Vets were pissed way before Obama came into office. Don't keep throwing out this nonsense that he doesn't care about Vets. It's just dumb.
  4. Bottom line is that if they really want to make a run or at least keep up with the rest of the AFC East. They HAVE to make some more moves. I like the idea of trading Peters for two #1's from the Eagles. And trading our #11 to get Peppers.
  5. I think we have to. If not we could be bottom feeders... and fighting are way to the top.
  6. My worry comes from the possibility of Peppers and Cutler coming into the AFC East and neither is on the Bills. Cutler to the Jets could happen... after all they need a QB big time.
  7. Ok what is he bigger picture? The fact that people who royally screwed up are getting ridiculous bonuses from the AIG bailout? And if AIG is coming back and asking for even more money, doesn't really prove to me that those brilliant people are making the correct decisions yet or that their expensive meetings are paying off. Now remember, many people here blasted the automakers and their CEO's for their bad decisions. Why is this right? Damn, those same automaker got blasted for showing up to a congressional meeting in private jets. Yet, these people pissed away more money. And again, it's ok? What a double standard. And you want to talk about ripple effect. What about all of those companies that deal with the automakers, they will all be crushed if they go under. Yet again that's ok. Don't worry about that ripple.
  8. There are now reports that Julius Peppers may be going to the Pats for a 2nd Round pick (#34) overall. Is it just me or does anyone else find this to be absolutely ridiculous. Wouldn't Peppers draw a 1st Round pick? I may be alone on this, but I would not mind the Bills trading their 1st for him.
  9. Do I care is the question? When taking taxpayer funding these companies should be minimizing their expenditures no matter what. And really their clients and partners should also understand that. Again, no justification for this. Especially when people are losing their jobs/homes left and right.
  10. With this economy and the receiving of government funding... no way. Those meetings could have easily been done some where else and for a lot cheaper. They should know better.
  11. First one was held min California, second was cancelled due to public outrage. Now I know, some people will say that was paid for by a subsidiary. I could care less about that. As CEO's of the parent company which is in trouble they should be putting a stop to all spending like that. And here they are again, now looking at bonuses.
  12. What is done is done with the people that originally handed them the money. They can now correct their mistakes. I am talking about these greedy ass people at AIG. And really shouldn't we have seen this earlier? Maybe after their first retreat?
  13. Exactly. No oversight in the beginning. These people ought to be shot... or at least fired.
  14. That statement is ridiculous. Yes, I would much rather have a guy that throws a ton of ints as compared to a guy who can control the game.
  15. Please Reuben "Turnstile" Brown's last few Pro Bowls WERE a joke. Hence turnstile. He couldn't protect his own arss.
  16. With his speed and power, he reminds me of a young Jason Taylor.
  17. 11 million for him. NO. Not when there are MANY holes to fill. They still need to sign another OL, they would like to sign a LB, and they still have to sign draft picks. No way. Plus, this guy has shown that in a few years he will be doing this all over again... even while he is under contract.
  18. NO WAY!!! PLEASE BUFFALO FOOTBALL GODS... DO NOT PAY THIS GUY THAT KIND OF MONEY!! Even at 9 million per.. that is completely ridiculous.
  19. And yet, the Ravens have McGahee. I'm sure he's messing around with something at this point to cause his team grief.
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