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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Charlotte is Buffalo. There are SOOO many WNYers down there it's unbelievable. Best of luck!!
  2. yeah, cause that guarantees there would be no issues or problems right? I have to ask, what have Republicans done since they gained the house to push job creation?
  3. When I was whining? If boeing isn't negotiating in good faith when contracts come up, yeah that can cause problems. Even though you would never believe me, no one wants to strike. It's not good for either party. Interesting Article. You may enjoy this one as well. Read on.
  4. So all in all it comes down to how the action is perceived by the NLRB.
  5. If they were TRULY making this move for reasons other than a retaliation against unionized workers in Washington State for striking. Although, they already did say that they were worried about production and striking.
  6. Oh I'm sorry McDouche... you know that Boeings intentions for the move were legit? You know more than the NLRB? Ok. I forgot, you are a message board genius. This board is so wonderfully right it's unbelievable. If it's Democratic they are liberal socialists trying to take everyone's wealth away from them. If it's union, they are thugs and out to kill businesses. Never and I mean NEVER are the CEO's at fault, are businesses making shady moves and never is the Republican party wrong. HAHA
  7. Hey moron, I understand that it's a choice and I am not whining. I am stating a freakin' fact that to simply say "drive less", "move closer to work" are not viable ideas. And if you believe that they are... you truly are a dumb ass. Find another job... yes another BRILLIANT idea. Let's see combat the rising gas prices by finding another job. Ok? Not finding the balls to adapt? Seriously, I have been driving my commute now for 8 years, AGAIN since people here are awfully thick. It's not about me adapting or whining or anything like that at all. It all comes down to saying that people should move, or drive less, etc. Are not viable ideas/plans in ALL cases. Understand? If I blame anyone, I will blame your stupidity. So getting back to the crux of this thread... how does this country combat the ever rising gas prices. We all know that drill baby drill, people should drive less, etc., etc. Can only help in certain cases or not at all for about 10 years. Knowing that... does the government investigate the speculators, or follow the lead of ExxonMobil's CEO and find out why the prices are so high since based on supply and demand they should be in the $60-$70 per barrel range. Outer counties in the Washington, DC area home prices are dramatically lower than living closer to DC. No one in their right mind will spend $250,000 - $300,000 more for a home just because gas prices are high. Again, moving closer to DC not a viable idea. So in a nutshell, drive and deal with the gas prices HOPING that someone will pull a finger out of their ass a do something.
  8. Already read it. Thank you. Again, everything is based on what Boeings true intentions are. Something everyone can guess at and may never know the truth.
  9. Everything depends on Boeings true intent.
  10. How is this embarrassing this the only item Republicans have worked on in regards to jobs. Obviously the NLRB believed Boeing was making the move to get away from their union contracts. That is against the law simple enough. No one said you can't use those words here. However the hypocrisy is laughable. Considering since the Chairman of the NLRB was a Republican (big time anti-union) since 2001... not really worried about this move.
  11. yeah, Tom I am going to pack up my family and move closer to DC into Montgomery County or into DC and pay a **** load more money. That makes sense. HAHAHAHA!!
  12. I do love how Republicans are saying this is an attack on Right to Work states. HAHA!! Not like they aren't attacking States that allow Collective Bargaining. I may be wrong but I believe that most of the people on the board were appointed under a Republican President.
  13. Still have to give him some credit for giving the green light to go in and do it.
  14. yeah, because that's easy to do in the Washington, DC area. Another dumbass statement. Seriously, "move closer to work", "drive less" not taking into account how people actually get to work or the region they live in. And for someone like Tom who lives in this region to say such dumb things is amazing. Losing credibility day by day.
  15. Holy Crap!! There is proof of this on YouTube!! I would have bet the truth would have been showcased on facebook or as a tweet.
  16. So the President visiting Ground Zero a few days after Bin Laden is killed is a bad thing. Ok
  17. Is the Bin Laden story now replacing Obama's birth certificate? Pretty pathetic.
  18. Douche bag... I understand that. So your way to deal with higher has prices is to walk or get a car with higher mpg. Freakin' brilliant. Such a moron.
  19. I still think it's more than that. I do believe it has to do with people running scared every time there is a gun shot anywhere in the middle east, a storm in the gulf, etc., etc. Fact is that prices are being driven up and up with every new news story and not coming back down.
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