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Everything posted by pBills

  1. BEST THREAD EVER!! How dare the White House invite someone that raps about cop killing. AHHHHHHHHH!!! And Michele Obama hates this country!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!
  2. Yes, you are right... the Left doesn't care about this.
  3. In the context in which Republicans toss it around it can have a negative tone to it. Just like the Obama Checks thing. Which I will give Republicans credit for.. they have used that term as a negative for so long people some believe it to be true.
  4. I think he's wrong too. There's is something to be said for those who can think logically, yet can show some empathy.
  5. Granted some people who claim they need help will take advantage beyond what is truly needed. However, I am sure that most of those less fortunate will want to get up on their feet by finding a job. Is that better?
  6. Granted there will be some people out there that will want to take advantage. Hard to stop that. However I'm sure most people will want to get up on their feet by finding a job. Again, there will be some people that take advantage of the system. If they find them, give them some harsh penalties. I can equate the two because most of the constituents out there are so damned worried about doing anything for anyone these days. To me, it has become much more of a selfish society.. if helping out someone makes my taxes go up .1%, let them starve. I am not determined to label anyone. Nice quote though "Liberals are like Slinkies: they're really good for nothing, but they can still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." Sorry but from what I see, Conservatives are so worried about bottom line (rightfully so) that they would love to eliminate all social programs. I just laugh because it's food stamps. Seriously... food stamps. The other thing I laugh about is the stupid naming of things by the right. Obamacare... Obama Checks. Always trying to demean the President no matter what. But if I question the right... it's hands off. Again, funny.
  7. Wow, some takes every little word literally instead figuratively. Not surprising with you I guess. So should he get rid of unemployment checks? Limit them to a month? I guess Section 8 is horrible too since the government is helping people improve their standards.
  8. What other handouts did he create? I mean, damned if we help out the less fortunate. We're becoming a nation screw your neighbor instead of help your neighbor.
  9. The funny part is that you call Food Stamps "Obama Checks"
  10. HAHAHAHA Obama-checks. HAHAHA so funny.
  11. Of course some companies do not want to deal with unions. But unions are NOT the only reason companies are moving overseas moron.
  12. Tom, most companies that are back in the black are NOT hiring people back. YET, giving the execs huge bonuses for their "tough" decisions. In other words !@#$ over the worker and the big guy gets a raise. I'm sure your happy with that. Probably falls right in line with if the mentality of selling your house and moving your family closer to work to avoid gas prices. DERRRR many of the original investors still have stake in the company. No Tom is fine with the workers being f'd over as long as the company makes money off of it's taxpayer bailout.
  13. This has nothing to do with the reason why companies are leaving the US. Union or not companies are using ridiculously cheap labor overseas.
  14. yes, I read the article. I have also read many articles stating that the investors will be fine as sales go up and the company gets stronger. Any company who received bail out money should be hiring as soon as they are in the black if the need is there.
  15. The deal they wanted was a no strike deal, a deal where wages and benefits would have been extremely limited if not frozen for years. Again, negotiating in good faith. When was I whining again? You seem to be the one whining.
  16. Wow, you seriously need to get laid. Either that or you are just one up tight mother!@#$er. I'm sure you have a basement full of bottled water and guns just in the case the end of the world is near OR in case Democrats take control of DC again. All of which is stockpiled next to your Reagan and Glen Beck posters. I know all union people and democrats are fools and only you and your ilk know the way. HAHAHAHA!!! Republican run states removing Collective Bargaining Rights is an attempt at union busting. Smart plan by the way, take on many states at the same time hoping that the unions won't be able to handle the fight. Koch Brothers.. I laugh at this one as well... it's not ok for unions to support Pro-Labor Movement Politicians. The old "supporting those at the bargaining table" nonsense. Yet, with the hypocrites like yourself.. it's ok for the Koch Brothers to throw millions at elections all across the United States. Default on Debt... anyone with half a brain knows the United States should raise the debt ceiling AND cut spending. Fact of the matter is that spending should be cut everywhere.. even in defense and they should not be shy on altering tax rates. Alligators... one must be up your ass. Let me ask you this... so you would have rather have GM go into bankruptcy which in turn would have forced thousands of workers to the unemployment line. Not from just GM, but their suppliers, etc., etc. I know that the investors were hurt big time with the bailout, I am sure that over time they will be completely fine. Again, GM is moving back up.
  17. Granted the Governments bailout of GM forced the bondholders to take much less on their investment. However, that bold move also saved thousands and thousands of jobs and a great American company. I'm sure investors will be fine in the long run with GM beating estimates... sales being up 25% this year.
  18. The workers of GM, the workers of the supply companies and so on and so on and so on. Not a bad thing at all.
  19. So I made a mistake... so what? Part of USW
  20. So is there proof or just speculation that Obama did this (GM) to help out his campaign contributors? OR was it to simply protect major part of the American Auto Industry.
  21. Truth be told... they wouldn't. They would just spend it in different areas.
  22. Hey I have no problem with US Oil Companies opening raising it's oil production. Fact of the matter is that market speculation is F'ing things over. Are you avoiding your earlier dumb statements? HAHAHA!!
  23. HAHAHAHA... man I guess they shouldn't have done those other spending sprees to those non-union supporters on Wall Street right. Fact is that GM is paying off. Face it Republicans have only used "jobs" as a keyword. Bigger concerns...union busting, abortion, medicare/medicaid voucher system and protecting the low tax rates of the wealthy
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