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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Ummm, negative. The guy makes me sick. Yes, freedom of speech but he's an a-hole. Big fan huh? My point was that Rush was awfully quiet during the W years, only thing wrong with America was that Democrats lived within the borders. Now it's that and really EVERYTHING else is wrong in America. Every problem is caused or will be made worse by Obama and the democrats. Maybe he needs to jump back on the drug bandwagon - might keep him calm. But then he would probably blame that addiction on Obama as well.
  2. Funny. I don't ever remember him being very loud about the way the past administration spent money. Damn I must have missed that.
  3. Rush wants a balanced budget? Why didn't he say that during the W years?
  4. So basically true Bills fans like yourself should not buy tickets. Ok. Just out of curiosity who did you want the Bills to take with their 1st pick? And why would that person better instantly better than Maybin knowing that neither of them have played one down in the NFL?
  5. The right to free speech has limits no? Like yelling fire in a crowded building? Funny on the VP part.
  6. So he mentions wanting to kill the President. Hmmm, I guess they should just wait and see what happens.
  7. Just for the fun of it, can you list out your ideals and values?
  8. First off, some of the emails are not funny. And really some of them are racist. If the guy was using a work email, he is a moron. Plus he obviously doesn't know his audience. Self-edit... all of those emails are not funny.
  9. Union workers going above and beyond again to help save their company and jobs. Good job UAW members.
  10. One great thing Bush did? Made some kick a$$ baked beans? Oh sorry, not that Bush. How about gave us a years worth of mind numbing quotes?
  11. How so? Especially Limbaugh wanting the President of the United State of America to fail. What Patriot would want that? Sorry, that's just laughable. Like me saying Jesse Jackson is a patriot. Um, not.
  12. So the Democrats stole the election by using support of labor unions, etc. Ok.
  13. I wouldn't say clever... seems like the same nonsense that comes from Limbaugh, O'Reilly, etc. Not spinning, sorry.
  14. Like all elections... more people voting for one person over the other.
  15. So people are not supposed to like and support the President because you don't?
  16. I really don't believe they took into account who donated to which party when they decided on the closings.
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