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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Ok. Sorry. She should be happy that those people are coming to her defense and most likely follow her.
  2. She should be so happy to be associated with these people: http://videos.nymag.com/video/At-the-Fire-...d-Letterman-Ral
  3. Economy is in the crapper, people losing their jobs, etc, etc. And people are worrying about who is on the White House guest list. Who gives a crap.
  4. If they bail them out, are they going to replace the powers that be with people who can run the state?
  5. Yeah poor thing sent out a racist email. I feel bad for her and those other people that send out racist emails or depict Michele Obama as a gorilla. Those poor people.
  6. You find them funny? I think that they clearly show this persons true colors. No pun intended. They are in extreme bad taste.
  7. I like your ideas... I wish the government would have just let every bank and automaker fail instead of helping them out. And really, why have health care reform? I don't mind paying high prices for my medicine, insurance and doctors visits. I wish the government would do nothing but worry about National Security and our roads.
  8. Nahhh, I will complain about her. They have to report train wrecks.
  9. Now I am debating now... retro white or retro blue.
  10. Who really knows if he thought that Bristol was at the game with Sarah. If he truly meant Bristol... the joke is kind of funny. If he meant the 14-year old. Then no. The slutty joke was funny.
  11. I can understand that. However many people are just upset at Obama for everything. It's pretty pathetic. Especially when they don't talk about all corruption.
  12. hahahaha very funny. I guess that remaining 1% has a brain.
  13. Because when Union is said around here its 99% negative. No jokes involved.
  14. Simply saying it's funny how some people can be so upset about what Obama does something questionable but their not upset about the actions of others. I call them hypocrites.
  15. So it's ok for republicans to be corrupt as long as they don't say they want change?
  16. She would have input into my life if the republicans can figure out how to get this woman elected.
  17. I guess it's good that they didn't say they were going for change: McClatchy Newspapers WASHINGTON -- Among the 17 senators who voted against allowing the Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco are some of the top recipients of campaign contributions from the tobacco industry, which has donated millions of dollars to lawmakers in the past several campaign cycles. Over the course of his nearly quarter-century Senate career, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who hails from the tobacco-rich state of Kentucky, has received $419,025 from the tobacco industry, more than any other member of Congress, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that analyzes the influence of money on politics and policy. North Carolina Republican Sen. Richard Burr, who led the opposition to the bill, is the second-highest recipient and netted $359,100 from tobacco-related political action committees and individual contributions. His state is the nation's largest tobacco grower and is home to R.J. Reynolds, the nation's second-largest tobacco manufacturing company, which contributed $196,850 to Burr's campaigns. Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss, the ranking Republican on the Senate Agriculture Committee, is the third-highest recipient with $228,700. Kentucky Sen. Jim Bunning, who's up for re-election next year and is considered the most vulnerable Senate Republican, ranks eighth with $194,166.
  18. That would involve removing pole from a$$.
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