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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Of course, rules would be negotiated with each contract. That way neither side can manipulate them.
  2. Normally administration. Unions normally ask that there is a disciplinary hearing. They do not schedule or manage them.
  3. Oh my god. The company will suffer because procedures have been put in place? Keep in mind that BOTH sides agree upon all contracts even if they mention procedures. Now I am sure the next thing I here will be something along the lines of the union strangle hold against the employer. What if someone accused you in the real world of something you didn't do. The manager just takes it for what it is. You wouldn't want due process? You wouldn't want your voice to be heard? I love the pure hatred for unions. Yet, most people wouldn't have 90% maybe more of what they do without the unions.
  4. I know that life is not always fair. However I do not know one person that would just take an accusation, lose their job and just walk away without having their side heard. If someone did that and they were innocent of whatever - they are a moron. Question is: Is it the unions fault that it's taking so long for a disciplinary hearing? If it is, then those people should be shot. Get the business done and over with and move on. Doesn't help either side to have anything linger on.
  5. If you were accused of doing something wouldn't you want due process? Let me guess you wouldn't have a spine... you'd just say f it and go get another job. I am sure it would be so easy for you to find another job with accusations hanging over your head.
  6. Now if you want my opinion... if the teacher or any union worker is blamed for some sort of offense. They should be allowed due process. If after that, the facts are that they were not doing their job or abusing the system. Fire their ass. How's that? I protect union workers who work. Not the ones that abuse the system.
  7. Yes, we union people are lazy. You're such a d-bag.
  8. Did you demand action for the last eight years or did you just drive around town with that W sticker on your window? All in all, the honeymoon should be over. He was elected to do a job. He is doing that. My problem with President Obama is that it seems like he trying to take on to much to fast. Another bad thing for the President is that all of the haters... many on this board are looking for anything and everything to B word about. If he sneezes in the wrong direction those people will label him as trying to infect someone. People on the right, you lost. Get over it and give the guy a chance. If after a year nothing has changed I'll be right there with you saying he should do more.
  9. Funny how to bring unions into almost everything you post. In your world they would be a part of the axis of evil. You bring up ethics... how was Congress when the republicans had control? Nice job on using the word again. Do you feel empowered now?
  10. Not all problems are, but most started under Bush's watch.
  11. All in all... I completely agree with you. Especially on using that word.
  12. Granted she may have worked hard to gain her status as a Senator. However, I think she should have understood that people within the military speak that way. I have friends that teach their children to address every adult as Yes maam or Yes Sir.
  13. Growing up on Rush... still have to love... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF-k4wg70rg&feature=fvw
  14. One may want to throw in there Tim "Herb" Alexander from Primus. The beats he throws out there and crazy timing in my mind makes him move up the list a bit. And just for the fun of it...
  15. HAHAHAHA It is absolutely mesmerizing to watch that guy play the drums.
  16. Danny Carey - TOOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVbFrl9wLBA
  17. Treat workers fairly and there is no issue right? I love strong arm tactics, threats and harassment. Like I have said MANY times on here. I would love to have your rose colored glasses. You act as though management is always on the up and up and they NEVER threaten anyone, harass their workers or use strong arm tactics. Get a grip on reality.
  18. My topic was dumb? I simply said that if she was smart, we know that she's not, she would condemn the hateful speech spewing from their mouths. Easy enough. Do you understand that? Maybe not. With all of your talk about Wright you were probably one of the people yelling nasty things from the crowd at her events.
  19. I got your point. The difference is that Obama came out and said he disagreed with what the reverend was saying. Palin hasn't for this and she didn't during the election. Granted she can not control those who come to her side or offer their support.
  20. And he came out and said that he disagreed with what the reverend says. Your point? May I ask which politician you support?
  21. Never said she has control. However when people come to her defense one would think she would separate herself from people like that. Although, I guess she didn't do during the election... why change now.
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