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Everything posted by pBills

  1. And you didn't expect that? That happens in all town hall meetings with politicians.
  2. Problem with this guy and the other Republican from last week is that they BOTH went after Clinton. Which is fine... if they were not doing the same thing. People with glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  3. Maybe they are no longer in existence. Who knows. You would like to think that hiring managers would see that even though the service is better and the work is better it's worth the higher price... however most look to be WAY under budget, not just a tad under budget and go with the lesser hoping that they will have something to be proud of. I would imagine that sometimes it works out for them. Betting on that it's not worth the hassle.
  4. And it's not a matter of better service. Many companies will go for lesser value just to save a buck.
  5. I do set my freelance rates. People/companies come to me with their ideas or projects. I tell them what I charge for my services. Sometimes per hour other times per project.... either way I set my rates. I know where I need to be for each project.
  6. I have no idea. I do not herd cattle. However, I know I AM worth in MY field here in the U.S.
  7. Wow, someone is not a playing mood today. Can I herd cattle. No. Can you?
  8. When dealing with some people at my main job... I feel that I do that at times.
  9. When it comes to freelance work I am entitled to what I am paid. I set the rates. And yes, I know what my worth is.
  10. And your point? I know what my worth is... do you know what your services are worth?
  11. First off, not poor. Secondly, I agree with you. I do have items such as a car and a more expensive home than some of the market competitors in India. A person charging $10 per project in the U.S. would be on Welfare, whereas in India they are for the most part doing ok. Mainly because they do not have to cover the expenses we may have. So you would rather eliminate all trade barriers? May ask what market you work within?
  12. How did I say I was entitled? I have earned the right to charge the way I charge. Earned via awards, experience and overall great work.
  13. Why does that explain why I am pro-union? Because I charge more than someone in India?
  14. When one loses out on some projects due to someone in India or where ever doing that project for a considerable drop in price. One should may want to look at lowering rates to compete. Personally. That has happened to me before. I said F the project and went for higher end freelance clients. Not going to kill myself over something that clearly does not pay well. I have been fortunate to be able to do that. Not a lot of people can gain clients like that and are forced to come down.
  15. Actually I have not hit the wall. Doing very well actually. Also, I work very hard, quick and my productivity is unmatched. For me, I do not want to charge $10 for a job that I normally charge (and rightfully so) $75 - $100 just because someone in India is. I would however lower my rates if I didn't have a higher cost of living than those I compete with.
  16. Have to say yes. I would imagine my cost of living is much higher than those who live in India. I think we need to figure out how to level the playing field. From what I understand, China does not allow nearly as much as we do. Do not shut off imports, just make the import/exports a bit more level if possible.
  17. So you have resorted to calling people that? Don't lump me in that category... just catching up. Either way, I am going to bed. I'm tired.
  18. Wow. How did I miss this thread. Damn, Damn, Damn.
  19. No. My words do not ring hollow, you are just stuck in a mentality of hatred towards unions and do not want to listen. You constantly lump everyone into the same category, the same negative role. When in fact there are many extremely hard working union people out there. Many of whom give major portions of their paychecks to charity, many (like me) who do not have large salaries (like you think) that simply have good benefits and support their families any way they can (I work a main job, freelance and a 2nd job). By working multiple jobs, picking up extra shifts, etc. Of course in your mind they are all scum. Again, nice. Way to knock down entire group of people. Now, on to your "nonsense"... I for one have stated COUNTLESS times how I appreciate and respect hard working people with great work ethics. Obviously you are having trouble understanding that with the whole lumping thing you do. If you do a little research you can easily find out how many benefits the average person has gained through the work of unions. Like the end to child labor (unless you are Walmart- yes they have been busted for that in the past), minimum wage, etc. And now protections against intimidation. Have you ever thought that maybe the people you are calling "lazy whiners" are working that way because of the fact that they know that you could give a crap and you don't respect them. Why work hard for a person who could give two craps about you. Sounds like you have the horrible attitude. Although, thats a given. Personally, I would work circles around you just to show you up. But then again, I can see that would get me no where... you wouldn't respect the work.
  20. I know that in some counties teachers can be suspended without pay. I have no problem on that especially if the alleged offense warrants it.
  21. Management and the Union both agree on contracts (now is the time for you to mention how the unions manipulate and place a strangle hold on management). This has nothing to do with having teachers unionized. This has to do with those hearings being completed. No matter who the outcome favors teacher or school system. Who ever is not doing their job should be held accountable. I have said countless times. If a union worker is not doing their job, go through the procedures and get rid of them. Ridiculous number... nice. Yes in your rose colored world all business owners and companies treat their employees well. Talk about not living in the real world. So what do you do again? Shouldn't be shy about it if you can easily call other people scum. Especially when you know crap about them or their beliefs. You just place everyone in one category because it's easy. And frankly sad/pathetic.
  22. So what do you do since you are calling me and other pro-union people scum. Let me criticize what you do. By the way, you are wrong. Most union reps want to get the hearings going so that the worker can get back to work if cleared. But of course you will tell me I am wrong because you know everything and your blinders won't let you see that there is ALWAYS two sides to a story. Keep posting nonsense though. Great job.
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