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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Pot calling kettle black huh? I am glad to see you are back on here with your normal union/evil rants. At your consistent.
  2. Tom you know that I have stated many times that unions have problems and can do wrong when they protect people who abuse the system or that are simply lazy. Again, rose colored glasses. No employee is ever treated unfairly.
  3. Wow. Again with the assuming you know people. Such a dumb ass. Wait a minute was that too aggressive? Ohhh I am supposed to be a pacifist.
  4. The U.S. clinching its fist worked well too. What to do... WHAT TO DO!!!
  5. I believe in the Labor Movement. Shoot me. Better than putting on rose colored glasses and think that workers are always treated fairly.
  6. I do not mind working and hopefully figuring out the illegal immigration problem. This part obviously needs to be worked on: "...illegal immigrants were deported along with their American-born children, who were by law U.S. citizens. The agents used a wide brush in their criteria for interrogating potential aliens. They adopted the practice of stopping "Mexican-looking" citizens on the street and asking for identification. This practice incited and angered many U.S. citizens who were of Mexican American descent. Opponents in both the United States and Mexico complained of "police-state" methods, and Operation Wetback was abandoned."
  7. No kidding D-A. Personally I love pulling information and ideas from Wikipedia. ??
  8. Wow. I never said I would lower prices. Wait to interpret though. I have also NEVER said "Tax everyone. Spend more. Build the cars. Run the banks. Give amnesty and health care to illegals. Dictate income. Outlaw carbon dioxide. Only the government can save us from ourselves." Good job though. You rock.
  9. I am actually finding all of this to be funny. It seems to me that no matter what President Obamas stance is people on this board will ALWAYS find the negative side. And really that is with pretty much EVERY subject. I am waiting for people to cry about them using a Hawaiian theme for the party at the White House.
  10. We'll see who's right I guess.
  11. Totally agree regulations that are not enforced mean nothing.
  12. In regards to protecting their fees, etc. They should have some sort of change in their policies. Dear god, someone misses one payment and their APR goes from 8% to 21%. Let's face it some of the penalties that have been put in place are just plain ridiculous.
  13. Listen I agree with you... I want reform but I do not want it to be completely run by the government, and cost a ton. I think the issue with the illegals, like you said, is the biggest part of this and well other issues. Seems like no one has an idea on how to deal with illegal immigration or they are all scared to do so. Something does need to happen though.
  14. From I have heard is that he wants more regulation so that the banking system doesn't screw up like they did before with the mortgage crisis.
  15. I love how you state that I do not know the difference. Do you know me? Have we met before? If I wanted to live in Canada and have their healthcare system I would. I want reform. I love when people on this board always talk down to other people. Do you work within the healthcare industry? If not, you should because you know ALL!! Again, I understand how the media works, I understand how both parties are ALWAYS bickering at each other instead of getting something accomplished. I will hold Obama accountable just like I would hold any other politician accountable if they do nothing. I do not have blinders on like most people. So again, please keep your assumptions about what other people think and what they would do to yourself. Easier to actually respect your opinions when you do that. Side note: I do not like PETA. Actually going to have a steak for lunch.
  16. Not an apologist by any means. I just know the FACT that this country has been F'd up for the past eight years and it's going to take some time to fix it or at least get things moving in the right direction. Actually most people WANT healthcare reform, most if not all are worried about the cost. People do want that change though. I just laugh when people criticize him for using a teleprompter or rehearsing. Like no other politician does that. Republicans are just still pissed because they were dumb enough to follow McCain and Palin. Old leading the dumb. Conservatives seems to do nothing but say they have the answers but then don't tell them or just say no to everything. Why not just stick your head in the sand for a while. As far as the honeymoon being over... please the honeymoon was over pretty fast especially with the party of no bashing every little sound bite or video. I am not surprised they didn't complain about the Obamas getting a dog.
  17. I believe before they were elected it was "Change we can believe in" and "Yes We Can". And then it turned into the other. Either way it's awfully dumb to post that slogan every time one disagrees. And even dumber to be upset over supposedly screened questions in a Town Hall. I am quite sure that every other politician out there has some staged or screened questions. To have outrage over this.. again dumb. To bad the right doesn't know how to market their politicians.
  18. Really. Should be better than that. I guess that stupid slogan is catchy with some people.
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