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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I have to have sympathy for those who disagree? Why? Do they have sympathy when I disagree? No. I do not believe that we should just sit back and HOPE that everything will correct itself before everything goes even more crazy.
  2. Simply saying (again) that I would like the government to do something. I am do not want everyone to sit back and hope that the market eventually corrects itself. And by the time it does, what will have been lost? Not saying that a 2nd stimulus is the correct way to go... looking for other options.
  3. Granted some people will look for the quick fix. For me personally, I would want the government to help out a bit instead of just seeing what happens. Especially with the state that the economy is in now.... ridiculous amount of jobs being lost, etc., etc. Doesn't seem like there is an end in sight yet.
  4. Didn't the republicans have the 60 votes for the majority of those eight years?
  5. That may be true with some voters... worst thing for them is sitting on the sidelines saying "I told you so" after the fact. That clearly does not show leadership.
  6. I especially love this quote ""This was supposed to be about jobs, jobs and jobs. And the fact is it turned into nothing more than spending, spending and more spending on a lot of big government bureaucracy," John Boehner of Ohio said." John - where is your plan to help out the economy?
  7. And where I have ever said that I was not alarmed by the deficit? You call me a parrot because I state what should be the obvious. A LOT of republicans still pissed off about losing the election, that do not like Obama or the anything he does and none of them have ANYTHING to say that would help. Just ummmm we do not like that idea. Point of this is simple you assume that I am some sort of parrot when in turn you sound the same damn way on the other side of the aisle.
  8. And I forgot how Magox blames everything on Obama. But noooo, he thinks on his own... never follows the leader. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
  9. Dear god almost everything you rant about is a pull quote or GOP talking point. Pot calling kettle huh? And really, the media group that is complaining the most or skewing the most is FOX. If Comedy Central can pick up on that so can you. Grow a brain? Wow my six year old has better come backs. Just sad.
  10. A) Left of center? How so when I would say 80% - 90% of the posts are anti-democrat/Obama? B) I would say most see the BS that they spew out via other websites (drudge, etc.) C) Reiterating the same talking points that many "conservatives" here state. Again, using talking points, not admitting.
  11. Shocking that FOX news, etc. are the ones crying foul about media access at the White House and Republicans are crying foul about questions being asked at Town Halls. Did Bush hold any Town Halls outside of gearing up for an election? Just asking.
  12. Oh lord, you have to admit that: A) they have a following B) that following is here even if no one will admit to it because they are all "free thinkers." C) many of the beck/limbaugh points are spoken here
  13. Hell yeah. To bad you can't bungee or base jump for there.
  14. And you can't blame unions for the way companies are managed. Although, give them credit... especially the UAW. They have given up so much in order to help that company. Restructured pensions, health care benefits, salaries, etc. Now since you bring up the "lazy" union worker. I have stated time and time again that THAT is one problem with the labor movement. Sometimes they protect the wrong people. I understand why they back those people, although it does a disservice to the union and their members as a whole who bust their butts everyday. Now what is to be done about those non-union workers who are lazy and are being protected by someone in management? Same thing right - they should be written-up, (create a case file) happens again.. can them.
  15. And I have said the same thing. I just tired of people stating that all unions = lazy people, death to companies, are thugs, etc., etc. Furthest from the truth.
  16. Sorry for the late response: Collectively bargaining that often bring companies to their knees. Ok. First off, when someone receives threats from either side from the employer or from a union member that is disgusting. Secondly most organizing drives that I have been on or know of do not call people or stop by their homes at 10PM. Most of the time organizers will ask potential union members what time would be best to talk IF they are interested. Would they rather be contacted by phone or at home. And finally, do not forget about the threats that come from the employer. Threats of job loss, losing shift seniority, being threatened with violence or my personal favorite for new citizens of the U.S. ... threats of the employer calling the INS and having them revoke their citizenship. That's just good stuff there.
  17. HAHAHA... thank you Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Did Beck really have the time to write that though? ... to busy crying.
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