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Everything posted by pBills

  1. And on that note... say what you will. I have to get back to learning some new programs. Take care, have a blessed Friday and weekend.
  2. The point of the article is to show that the Employee Free Choice Act is needed. It's a shame, that so much pressure is placed on people when they want to organize, yet there is no outrage over execs receiving ridiculous golden parachutes. Oh that's right - they have to retain the talent base? If they were so talented, so greedy most of their companies wouldn't fail.
  3. What about those countries where the line between the have and have nots is very dramatic. One side eats Filet mignon the other starves.
  4. Make the economy work for everyone http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0709/25645.html
  5. Neither do I. You are such a bad ass with a message board. Now go run along and F^@! yourself. And with that, I introduce you to ignorant... I mean ignore button.
  6. Wow you really are dumb... that or have the mentality of a 3 year old.
  7. Wow, wake up... new day and you're still an d-bag. Glad to know that you haven't changed. I'm sure people are sooooo proud of you.
  8. I have been a Mac person for years now. Just great computers. Never have crashes, never have viruses, etc., etc. I even had employers present and past buy me a Mac for work. Most of the time I was the only person in the building with a Mac, and I am also the only one without computer problems. Granted they are expensive, but they are SOOOOOOO worth the cash. My wife also laughs at me when those PC commercials come on. I yell at the TV. :-)
  9. No. You're just the one assuming you know someone when you know nothing. I know for a fact that I could work circles around your dumb ass. I'm sure your available time comes from someone else doing the work and you just taking the credit for it.
  10. This coming from the person with over 13,000 posts.
  11. I'll admit that you may be right on some levels. After all it has happened under other administrations. Just funny how now people are vert upset about it. Whether you believe in them or not. I do believe that the checks and balances can and will work within our government. Side note: It's easier to discuss things with you and respect your opinion when you are not attacking the other person. We all have different beliefs and opinions. Right or wrong, we are entitled to them.
  12. Better yet. I don't have time for those who constantly think they are better than others... all the while trying to compensate for a lack in another area. Good plan... what do you have genius. Again, an example of the many on this board. Thinking they know all yet no credentials to back up their own thoughts.
  13. Now on to this email. i would not do that either. Again, simply saying that SOME people would do that. People should not mention their children in their posts. Keeping living on the side of the government is always trying to take away my rights.
  14. No blinders at all. I unlike you can see differences in all sides. Especially unions. Now on to your failed attempt to bash my career. What is that you do again... oh that's right avoiding again? As far as milking off of union dues. NO. I earn the money I make. My career path also has me working in other areas outside of the union on a freelance level... again EARNING the money I make. I am what you call skilled labor. Again... how about you? Let me blast your career.
  15. Since you are utterly retarded, I said that because you brought your children into this discussion. "In fairness, I also ask to insure that my children do not ever follow in your footsteps in any way besides being a Bills fan, which is bad enough." One would think you would be smart enough NOT to do that, ESPECIALLY when you are attempting to ridicule the other person. Most people would not only attack you but your kids as well. Simply a warning that went WAY over your head. Dumb F&%$!! We simply disagree. And as usual on this board, people take their disagreement way to far. I believe that the government is attempting to correct this problem. Hopefully something will catch and the economy will turn around. And then maybe you will have all of that liberty you lost back. Oh wait a minute in the genius that is you... let's all do nothing. Everything will be just fineeeeeeee. My biggest concern with this administration is that they are trying to take on to much at once. One more thing... I could really give a crap about polling numbers as this point.
  16. Wow, you must really like the:
  17. I have a college Degree and I work for a Union. My work is done primarily between Organizing, Communications/Marketing and IT. Is that good? So what did you do again? Never teach anything about evil corporations. I simply don't blinders on when it comes to Labor.
  18. Concerned about government power grab in the United States. No. I have faith in the checks and balances our government has in place. I also do not believe that the administration is trying to do that. I believe that they and partly the one before... right or wrong were/are trying to fix this mess. No conspiracy theory or other agenda here. I am completely happy that your children do not follow in my footsteps. Wouldn't want them to be misguided and think that the government is always out to get them. Keep in mind that other people out there may verbally attack your family after you attempt to give them tongue lashing. Might want to keep your family out of your dumb ass posts.
  19. God I hated the Berkley area when I went to CA. Just flat out sucked.
  20. No, my point is that everyone is entitled to their opinion. If some opinion differs from mine, I'll listen but not have sympathy for them. Government Power Grab... worried about that. No. Worried about spending, yes.
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