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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Absolutely ridiculous.
  2. NAHH, pretty significant since the result was pretty much based on Paul Ryan's (the Republican) plan.
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is the BEST statement EVER!!!
  4. i know who he is you moron. Lighten up.
  5. HAHAHAHA!!! Sounds like you already locked up the job for the Republicans. Tell Karl I said hi.
  6. I guess you forgot about Governor Pataki. Easy to forget three terms in office.
  7. I wouldn't mind seeing the tax rate going back up 40%. Seems fair to me.
  8. This really is a non-story.
  9. Yes, one seat. One seat that was never held by a Democrat. Also points out how bad the Ryan plan is.
  10. I am dead serious. Do you honestly believe that they will instantly start spending, investing, etc because their rates are lowered? What's also to say that they will stop all spending, investing, etc if their rates are raised. Under Clinton the tax rate was around 40% and the country looked pretty damn good.
  11. Listen I know that yes, the country gains more income off of taxing the majority which is the middle-class. However does that excuse the wealthy from having to take some hits as well?
  12. Right now they are paying 35%, back in the day under the Republican Parties Jesus (Reagan) they were paying upwards of 70%. Now there is talk of lowering the tax rate into the 20's... of course with closing some loop holes. My question is do you really believe that if the tax rate is lowered for them there will be any huge positive affect on the country?
  13. My point is that they have received break after break, now paying I believe the lowest amount in what 30/40 years? While they are receiving breaks, the middle-class and others expected to take hits, pay more, etc., etc.
  14. I think both parties will have to raise taxes at some point. The belief that the country can only gain "income" from businesses and the middle-class is not flying anymore. The middle-class simply can't give much more, plus many already are paying more for benefits. When will the upper class start to pay their fair share?
  15. Really? Come on... did you forget about Death Panels, Socialism, etc. Fact of the matter is that people do not want to hear about Seniors having to pay more through a voucher system. A system that many people are scared of.. believing that it will not work. Yet, Republicans will not raise taxes on the wealthy.
  16. Do people ever think that maybe Common was invited to the WH because he also does a lot of good. He runs a charity organization for at-risk kids, he runs a summer leadership program for kid, promotes AIDS and literacy awareness. Yeah, I may not agree with his lyrics/poems... however those words obviously don't completely define the person.
  17. Did I read the article… no. I don't need the article to tell me what is going on. I work within an International Union. We have meetings about what is going on around the country and in Canada regularly. You told me this would happen? Ok? I do love your belief that no one thinks the concept of a union is a rational one. Again. ok? Can you tell me the next time I need to take crap too? Because that is what your putting out here. So you are a hypocrite when it comes to people demonstrating… Tea Party is ok because you agree with them. Unions it's bad because you disagree with them. Fact of the matter is that the fight is not over, if you think it is you are a fool. In Wisconsin they have upwards of six in danger of recall. Paperwork has already been turned in. Funny thing is that I have yet to hear you complain about the Republicans threat of recalling Democrats in Wisconsin. I wonder why? Either you had no clue or just chose not to talk about them. I also love how you act as though you truly know what is going on because you see some people on TV. You really have no idea. Who gives a crap if the Koch Brothers actually "saying" anything at all… it's documented that they donate a **** load of money during election cycles. Here's a little article about Soros and the Koch Brothers http://mediamatters.org/blog/201105160009 "Right, the major difference between the extremes is: the ones on the right wants to pretty much stick with the models/system/values we have. The left wants to create the USSR all over again. In general, the left's vision takes a hell of a lot more "suspension of disbelief" for people to accept. " HAHAHAHAHA And statements like that PROVE that you are a freaking' loon. How about the far right wants to push the models/system THEY believe in and others must follow. Hell even a Republican candidate said that the far right was wrong. Thanks Newt!! In response: 1. You may not be worried about these politicians, but, you had better get used to them being in their jobs, or President someday. Because of their wins over the unions, they will all be re-elected. Doubt it and with your half-bag of Presidential Candidates unlikely. 2. You really don't understand political strategy do you? You LOVE the fact that a winning model has been developed, tested and implemented over 15 times now...heading into an election year? You love the fact that every other governor will soon be copy catting this model going forward? After this steam roller of anti-left thinking has been allowed to pick up momentum for a year...you love that next year at this time it will be peaking? Your winning model was scare the **** out of people and make ridiculous statements over and over and over again until the loons follow along. ie: Death Panels, etc. 3. The pro-union groups can sign all the 10k petitions(where that # comes from) it wants. It's not going to beat the 100k people who don't agree with you who are enjoying not leaving their homes, not having to argue with you, and defeating you all the same. It's not a # of people in the street thing: and that's what you dolts don't seem to get. If all the people who don't agree with you get to stay home, do nothing, ignore you, and still see the union's collective bargaining ability severely curtailed....then they win, big. That's pretty much what happened. How about the 300,000 people that lost their collective bargaining right in Ohio alone… oh by the way that's more than enough to cover putting that legislation to a vote. I guess you are also forgetting the 80% of people polled who believed going after Collective Bargaining Rights was to far. And where did you get your amazing data from? Fox News?
  18. Keep in mind that these companies PAY taxes in other countries... yet do not here.
  19. Please.. you B word about everything and anything.
  20. Since you are freakin' dumb, the crux of the latest part of this thread was another moron bitching about people receiving help (Food Stamps).... instead of saying hey let's help these people out, even though some things may need to change a bit it's more along the lines of screw them because my tax dollars are funding that program.
  21. Thanks for joining in Tom I guess the circle is now complete.
  22. 1. You're talking about the democrats in NH. Yes, they received backing from the unions and turned their backs on them. Which is why they will not have union endorsements in the future. Very simple. Also, because their actions many unions are thinking of doing what the IAFF is doing and pulling their PAC money from Federal Campaigns and moving it to other items. 2. So unions were acting stupidly because they were marching in the streets, wanting to have their voices heard when fighting to keep their Collective Bargaining Rights? So I guess you hated seeing the Tea Party people in the streets as well? What about their talk about recalls or voting people out of office? I guess speaking out and pushing to use your vote in order to gain change is a bad thing. 3. Forced union dues. Usually when someone joins a group or organization they have dues. I guess in the unions case they should be allowed to be a member, receive the benefits that unions bargain for yet not pay dues. Ok? It's so bad for their dues to come out of their paychecks. Oh the horror. You talk about Soros, are you forgetting the Koch Brothers? Believe me the poor Republican Party has MANY huge donors. 4. Far left…. I agree in part they are hurting the Democratic Party. I would much rather see the party leaning more towards center and most Democrats I know feel the same way. If you pay attention you will see the Republicans on the far right doing the same thing to their party. People on the left and right are getting sick of the extreme party views and need/ want things to get done in Washington. The way for that to happen? Both parties moving towards the center. Mario Cuomo is doing what many others are doing… planning to raise the retirement age, working towards having employees pay a bit more towards pensions, etc. Scott Walker is a freak show… lied about true intentions. Wisconsin's Pension Plan was/is one of the healthiest in the country. Also those, as you call them bad union people, gave into concessions offering to pay more towards pensions and benefits. Did you also know that Walker is making efforts to push his own appointees into state agencies. In other words he needs more people that share and will protect his ideas. Chris Christie - he's a blow hard. Big mouth and honestly I think people will not agree with his policies. Getting boo'ed during a commencement speech. Awesome. Kasich - Another one I am not terribly worried about. He pushed through Legislation in Ohio, even removing people within the Republican Party who didn't share his view. Nice guy. Good thing is that there should be enough votes to put that legislation to a vote by the people and out of his dirty little hands. Bottom line, I have no problem with States asking union members to pay a bit more towards pensions/benefits. However that should be enough. Again, I love the fact that republicans played their hand so early. LOVE IT!! You may not agree with me and I really don't care if you do. There has been a huge amount of people signing up with pro-union groups since the Wisconsin thing went down. There continue to be rallies all over the country. Some as large as 10,000+. Unions did screw up and didn't fight hard enough against these people who don't care about the middle-class during the past election. That will not happen again. Democrats, Progressives, etc. ARE letting their voices be heard and will continue to do so in the next election. Now as far as unions being coddled… come on. I am sure you positive you think that large oil companies still deserve their tax breaks right? Aren't they being coddled? Funny how they pay taxes everywhere else in the world, BUT the U.S. By the way… I am always honest. I always speak my mind whether you like it or not. That won't change.
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