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Pirate Angel

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Everything posted by Pirate Angel

  1. You'll eventually have to go threw the same type of deal with the Jags, every gos threw it at some point or another
  2. Wasnt it assumed at the beginning of the year that this was going to be a long season why is everyone acting so surprised
  3. I agree, he's shown some good things Its to hard to tell if he's improving or not because his help needs improving itself our oline is bad, they say our recievers a deep but besides evans I think there all slot recivers at best, Our defense rarely gives him good field position, because of our oline and the fact that we seem to be playing catch up most the time Mcgahee is also limited
  4. I agree he loses the ball way to much, Nall had a chance to show he was better and he showed hes not the answer
  5. This is always the greatest thing to see on paper when we play the pats
  6. And when the Bills won those two games ealier in the season they labled him as the second coming of ken stabler. Its like any other unproven QB when they win he'll get praise and tormented by the press in the loss. Im sure this guy put aside everything else in the NFL to breakdown the Bills Lions game, 2 bad teams. Sometimes I think these guys write these articles before the games and just fill in the blanks with the names of the losers. We have a young team thats developing, everyone new they werent going to be great this year but they have some stuff to build on and everyone whos been following the bills knows the biggest problems fall on the O and D line- nuff said
  7. got rid of there starting QB and sucked a**
  8. Gandy Should stay theyre not paying him big money and depth is really important to have on the o line. I dont want to see him start but he would be a pretty good #2, Same with Kelsay, I agree fletcher should stay. Clements is a tuff call, I would rather have them overpay someone in the trenches unless Clements will resign for alot less which Im sure he wont, Hopefully we can get a quality replacement as I like Mcgee as a #2 corner, but him as a #one scares me, Ill let Marv and DJ decide this as they know more about Ashton then we do
  9. Tampa 2, 4-3, 3-4 who cares a good defensive tackle is a good defensive tackle some stop the run better and some pash rush better, We need to cut all this scheme bull sh-- and go get some offensive and defensive linemen that can and have proven that they can play football at a high level, Bargain Basement players are great when theres a stud next to them to draw attention, but Bargain basement players lined up with bargain basement players is a blueprint for a team that will get knocked off the ball, Why cnt make a legitimate offer to a good free agent linemen or a reasonable offer for trade, Maybe our rookies will develop into solid players, who knows
  10. Why cant he spend his summers on a motorcycle
  11. If you leave early enough traffic really shouldnt be an issue, but I have found that if you park in one of the first yards you come across while approaching the stadium you can get out faster at the end of the game. If you park close to the stadium you have to wait to get out of your parking spot, wait to get on the exit road of the parking lot, fight to get on the main drag by the stadium that wait for the traffic to get outta town. If youre in one of those yards you have a bit more of a walk but you can walk faster than the traffic and you only have to wait long enough to pull your car out on the main road, theres going to be like 100,000 people around that area so theres is no good way to exit quickly, not my buisness to say what you should do with your kid but a sitter or sell the tickets might be a good idea
  12. Maybe we should try him on the oline
  13. The enemployment rate in buffalo is so high its hard to tell if they are really hard working or not
  14. I believe he lined up at both, he was a good special teamer too. One of those guys who tries to be a Jack of all trades for a roster spot
  15. Unless we are 100% sure we can upgrade the position It doesnt make much sense to get rid of them, One of the Staples to a good team is Depth Schobel is the only 1 that makes to much not to be on the Field all the time
  16. The #2 link didnt work so I chose that option because it didnt have a sweater on it, I think you need to go shopping. Here you go http://www.buffalobillsproshop.com/
  17. I think we need to keep Fletcher just for leadership, he plays hard and is a good character guy, he still has 2-3 good years. He may be our only starter with an adequate amount of playoff experiance or superbowl (considering we ever make either again) We dont know yet if TKO is going to be able to play at the level he once did (cant pay him what we are if he's not going to play better than average) So I believe we'll need Fletcher so our LB talent isnt wiped out . Clements will most likely be shown the door as his CB skills seem to have been lost and Mcgee seems to be covering #1 recievers more and more so I think we should keep london to have a quality veteran on the Field.
  18. Yeah that was the main reason he wasnt resigned to bad SF paid him so much, I wouldnt mind Gandy so much if he was filling in for an injury prone Jennings
  19. good call not to mention we have 5 rookies getting plenty of playing time, new coaching schemes, they brought in bust coaches with williams and mularky so we had to rebuild our rebuilding twice, our patience has run thing but we now have something to build on
  20. one less person to post a bitching thread
  21. We need beef on both sides of line. we are constanly muscled on th interior. Donahue tried building this team bass ackwards. Good teams are built from the inside out, we went and got Willis, JP, and Evans and settled for walmart special offensive linemen we need at least one stud on the oline we can count on
  22. Garbage time as in sacks forced by good coverage, he rarely beats his blocker and blows up a play he usually cant get to the QB until the QB runs out of options and he picks him up
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