I was one of those negative mentalities when I was an Upstate NY resident, I Left around 6 years ago, have worked across the country and am now relocated in Tennessee. Now I have discovered that I have to eat crow about the area. I have has better trustworthy lifelong friends from upstate NY that I have come across anywhere. I think the negative mentality of the area comes from people speaking there minds and not sugar coating everything. Anytime there was work to be done at a friends house there where never a shortage of helping hands, If there was a death in the area I have not sense seen the support of a community since upstate NY. I have been stabbed in the back, lied to, and have seen people do some very low stuff since working out of the area, I sometimes think that maybe the weather gives us a differant mentality about work, we arent afriad to role up our sleeves and earn our pay and respect rather than suck a**. The weather I dont miss, the people you bet your sweet a** I do.