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Tod Flanders

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Everything posted by Tod Flanders

  1. Yeah, whatever you say. Clements and Royal pushed their guys in the back sorry if they refs called it correctly and the Bills lost and I am the enemy of all poster on this board if you say so. Obviously disagreeing with you makes anyone an imbecile. So tell me who's behind the conspiracy? Why are they fixing games against us. The Bills lost try acting like an adult.
  2. That's right no one can beat the Bills, they would go 16-0 and win the superbowl this year but the league officials working with Al Queda have decided to fix the games so that the Bills always lose. So Clements and Royal blocked people in the back and the rules clearly state you can't do this, the refs still shouldn't call it. I don't know why they shouldn't but since the Bills lost they shouldn't have. And to think they might have missed some holding calls on the Pats I'm sure they didn't miss any holding calls on the Bills as offensive linemen never get away with holding unless of course the refs are deliberately making the Bills lose. So the season is hopeless once again we have an unbeatable team but the league has it in for us and therefore the refs will cost us every game.
  3. The refs didn't cost us the game, they gave the Patriots one generous spot on a third down play but that was it. Clements and Royal did commit illegal blocks it doesn't matter that they didn't put their heads down and drill the guy in the back with their should pads - there's no rule on how hard a hit it has to for a block in the back to be illegal any block in the back is illegal. Here's why New England won the game, they scored more points. Are we going to make excuses after every loss?
  4. We lost, same old story I remember the team playing hard and coming close for Gregggggg Williams and Mike Mularkey a number of times. Bottom line is we lost. JP looked pretty good that is the one thing to take out of this but a loss is a loss and I for one am sick of watching the Bills lose. The only reason I'm not depressed is that I came in expecting them to lose.
  5. It was a horrible call the kind of brain-dead coaching we've had the past 5 years. Patriots scored 19 points, a field goal would've given us 20. We had a chance to take a 13 point lead which meant any other score would have pretty much locked it up for us. Instead we come away with nothing except providing the Patriots with a emotional boost. I'm not second guessing I hated the call the minute they made it.
  6. Just another quick comment while this was fair and balanced article, I still don't see how they justify charging extra to get this "inside" information. Gee, JP Losman is a question mark? We need to see how the new OL and DL lines perform? Not exactly privledged information.
  7. Good article other than the "carry the mail" references.
  8. If the Lion's don't want you chances are you're not that good.
  9. I do understand the English language, very well why are you an apologist for this sportswriter? Your explaination seems to be a stretch in my opinion. What he wrote is fairly clear. If he meant to say the same 5 for the entire preseason he should have written that. If I'm wrong on what his intent was it's his poor usage of the English language not my poor understanding of it.
  10. I think Conlan had it much worse, it was a torn arch muscle I believe. Anyway I've never had an ingrown toenail so I can't comment on how much pain there is but us fat asses use our feet just as much as he does. They only deliver pizzas as far as the door someone has to get up to get it and that potato chip bowl doesn't refill itself not to mention that the refriegerator where all the beer is kept is in a seperate room from the couch and television.
  11. Jauron's first training camp saw the Bills settle on J.P. Losman as their starting quarterback (no surprise), the same five players start on the offensive line (a big surprise), wide receiver Lee Evans show he's ready to become the team's heavy duty No. 1 receiver and running back Willis McGahee show he's focused on a big season.
  12. Here's another great article on the Bills and this guy really did his homework. I was shocked just as much as he was to learn that we are starting the same 5 offensive linemen as last year. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/teamReport?ca...ype=InsideSlant So when Bennie Anderson commits a false start when we play the Dolphins, which team loses the 5 yards?
  13. First it looks like the article was written last year, secondly it's poorly written: "the relatively unseasoned yet mostly ineffective Losman" is all you need to read. Here's a hint, being unseasoned would suggest that his play would be ineffective, using "yet" suggests otherwise. What does it take to be a sportwriter these days? Apparently you don't need to know anything about sports nor do you need to be able to write.
  14. I don't buy that injury from last season, it looks like Mularkey was citing an injury as a reason to bench Losman in favor of Holcomb to avoid criticism that he was jeopardizing the team's future in an attempt to save his job. I believe that he was trying to save his job by playing Holcomb and didn't have the guts to come out and do it directly. By all reports JP practiced without any difficulty those weeks when his shoulder injury allegedly was keeing him out of the lineup. As for Losman being a bust, well his QB rating and performance look no worse than Elway's, Eli Manning's, and most other rookie quarterbacks plus he was noticeably better in the latter part of the season. Personally I consder him a second year QB, let's see how he performs this season before labeling him a bust.
  15. It's a requirement that as soon as the Dolphins win at least 8 games in the season all the sportswriters at SI have to declare them the superbowl favorites. They were the AFC East and superbowl favorites every year during the 90s despite the Bills 4 year run and I think 8-2 record during that run over the Dolphins (including the 2 playoff drubbings we gave them). And yes it'll be great to watch coach Mularkey work his magic like line up a WR behind center to throw a 1 yard swing pass - this should have the defense so confused they'll all fall over. At least we'll know if it's 1st and goal at the 1 we can take all of our DL off the field and replace with the DBs.
  16. I don't see his name but who really cares this is just another step forward for him to "be the dominant player he knows he can be".
  17. Mine neither, in fact I admire them but alas they're not conducive to playing professional football.
  18. Jacksonville http://www.jaguars.com/story/5411.asp Too bad his laziness and desire to eat everything on the planet got in the way of his NFL career.
  19. The Jags just put fat, lazy Mike Williams on IR.
  20. FS makes the calls
  21. No the coaches are wrong Boondock (or whatever his name is) has been watching football since he was in diapers and evaluating talent since the 5th grade. Jauron and staff have only been involved in football for I believe 6 months. And all the other coaches that cut him were also wrong, none of them have as much knowledge or experience as Boondock.
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