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Everything posted by JinWPB

  1. E.Aurora N.Y.( original home of the Buffalo Bills) to Yuma,Ariz. to West Palm Beach,Fl.
  2. Season tickets for the Rockpile are sold out. Not sure about single game tickets, when they go on sale. You can still get them on ticketstub ect. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Bills-announce-Coors-Light-Rockpile-sold-out/d3dadbf0-b58f-4438-b51a-703ce2b24279
  3. So I'm "silly"? Silly how? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InJTWXgmgtw&feature=related
  4. Lets hope Tim will join us again from time to time , maybe if we all took a pinky oath to not be dumb ass when we reply to him.
  5. This is a contract year for McFumble so he either performs at a higher level or next year he'll be going back to his lawn maintenance job.
  6. Here is something to think about; Vince Young is only 5 months older than Browns 1st rnd rookie QB Brandon Weedon!!!!
  7. Sloppy ( slip-shod), sloopy ( some nautical reference) .If you're not being sarcastic, ease up , we already chased other sports writers off the board.
  8. Wouldn't that be the first time in NFL history father and son were drafted by the same team? Kalil that is.
  9. Well aren't we the spunky one......good to see!
  10. Ramius, on 24 April 2012 - 03:19 PM, said: It's simple. Brutus and Ronde know Dan Marion. Marion was in a movie with the longtime NFL coach/DC Ace Venturi. I'm guessing they talked about the NFL draft on the movie set. Your thinking of Dan Reagan . He made that movie about Notre Dame and monkees , married Nancy Grace and moved to DC.I think Tom knows him.
  11. 9 pm on a school nite, do you know where your children are?
  12. Sounds like if he was in this years draft everybody would be yelling for Hairston at #10 .Go figure....
  13. Used to be pretty even back in the Kelly - Marino era. Jims "U" connection helped. See you there.
  14. How can that be a good thing????
  15. To much of something. After multiple years of scouting,prodding and measuring it come down to one question every round of the draft; of the remaining players which one the GM thinks( knowing team needs and using the talent evaluation he has) will improve the overall team the most. And yes it is somewhat arbitrary because they are dealing with people not commodities. Now that might be a RB like CJ or a Kicker like Sebastian Janikowski , or it could be a WR like Andre Reed or a QB like Tom Brady.
  16. I've heard they wanted the halftime extended to 90 minutes, so they could pitch a free "Latino theme" rock concert at every home game.
  17. More fuel ....because you asked for it.I did a quick study of the schedule and came up with these interesting facts. As already posted , beside the early roadgame lube job, the Bills seem to have 3 disadvantages to there schedule and TWO west coast road trips back to back. Bills only advantage comes in wk 12 playing Indy. after the Thur. nite game, a game I would hope we'd win against a rookie QB and new coach. Miami also has two west coast trips. SanFran.wk4 and Ariz. wk14 ,not back to back. Miami has 5 schedule anomalies; wk 2 Oakland at Miami after Oakland played Monday nite (advantage Miami) wk 6 St. Louis at Miami after St.louis played previous thurs( advantage St.Louis) wk 8 Miami off bye at Jets(advantage Miami) wk 12 Seattle off bye at Miami after previous Thur. nite game( advantage Seattle, somewhat diminished) wk13 Cheatriots at Miami after Cheats played previous Thurs nite ( advantage Cheats) Cheatriots have 2 schedule anomalies; wk13 Cheatriots at Miami after Cheats played previous Thurs nite ( advantage Cheats) wk 15 SanFran at Cheats at 8pm. after Cheats play previous Monday nite.(Advantage SanFran,somewhat diminished) Cheatriots have only ONE west coast trip Seattle wk6. Jets have 3 schedule hiccups; wk13 Ariz. at the Jets after Jets played previous wk Thurs nite.(advantage Jets) wk 8 Miami off bye at Jets(advantage Miami) wk 16 SanDiego at the Jets Sun 8pm after Jets played previous Monday nite.(advantage San Diego,somewhat diminished) Jets also only ONE west coast trip Seattle wk 10. If I've made any errors sorry kinda tired of staring at sched. But I think you can see a clear pattern of favoring the big market teams, especially the Cheats. Belly most have some good snapshots.
  18. http://www.torontoescapes.com/discover-toronto/toronto-hot-spots/
  19. Since they are voluntary workouts I'd be interested to see if he even shows up. If he does it says a ton about his desire and the chemistry on this team. Heh,say what you want , I'm pulling for the guy.When he is healthy he plays "Lights Out"effort on every down, doesn't take plays off.
  20. Only during the season.
  21. Seems as though the Bills have started off fast in seasons past only to fall flat at the end.With this years apparently weak schedule ( which the "League"can't do anything about strengh of schedule ) of teams the Bills face, all Bills fans were excited by the prospect of another fast start to the season and a trip to the playoffs. Well, lets hold on a second. The Bills will be starting the season with a totally new defense, a new D coach, and a lot of new faces.Consider that it may take the early part of the season to get the D in sync.Consider that the Bills away record is horrific.Now rethink what the NFL schedulers have done for us. The following text was pulled from a readers comments on an ESPN blog which REALLY got me thinking about it.Considering that 6 of our first 9 are on the road.Our 2 west coast games are back to back. Then ther is this: "We play Arizona the week after they play on Thursday night, so they have extra time to prepare. The next week we play Tennessee and they will also be coming off of their Thursday night game, so again they will have extra time to prepare. We play Houston after our bye, but don't get an advantage there, because the Texans have a bye the same week as we do so both teams have two weeks to prepare. Our next game is at NE and they will be coming off their bye. That's four straight games against teams that will have extra time to prepare." Needless to say The Bills will have to have it all together early on or that easy home stretch at the end of the season will mean very little.Just a little to think about besides the draft. Conspiracy.....or just the worst luck in the league.
  22. The quintessential hip pocket corner. You go Jabari! Now you've got a lifetime supply of "Charmin Extra Soft."
  23. Brady will be 35 this year if Belecheat thought Hoyer or Mallet were franchise QB's do you think he'd trade them or develope them?
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