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Everything posted by JinWPB

  1. Which make them as cherished as the baseball records broken on steroids. Wipe your ass with them.
  2. Sorry I've had enough and I'm not going to take it anymore. He is an overbearing jerk who has taken advantage of other teams, owners , players and fans by cheating to fulfill his inner little weewee.
  3. Can we please let this thread die as I am getting ill from seeing Bill Bellycheats * name on the Bills board.
  4. NFL network reporting the salary cap for teams was increased by 12 million yesterday . This sure could help the Bills fill those last few holes. They must have been getting close to their self imposed "cash to cap" after the FA signings and multiple early round draft picks to pay. With next year being uncapped, locking good players to contracts now might be a wise move. Lets see; OLB check, LT check, DT check,DE check........CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!
  5. Anyone hear this? I just got a text from a friend that Trent suffered a groin pull working out with the Toronto Blue Jays. ..... What's up with that???
  6. Mcsynopsis for those not signed up?
  7. Actually it's my oldtimers disease, tends to block out the p-ss poor seasons we've had this decade.
  8. A little something to brighten the day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeQYK59rMmY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB-Ohq_IPJw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8yHQ_lcLJA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv1r_9PDPQs I still think this was a team that could have given the NFL championship teams of the day a run for it. 2009 may have the talent , lets put it on the field guys ...GO BILLS>
  9. I predict this years secondary more than doubles the interceptions from last year despite having to face some of the top QBs in the league in 09.
  10. As I understand what has been said about the Bills defense, corners and safeties are pretty much interchangeable.I took the liberty of showing Florence as a backup FS as I like what I saw early on from Youboty last and already took the heat for suggesting we try him at FS , even though I feel he plays bigger than his size.
  11. I think the Bills still need an every down,pass rushing OLB. With that one addition I think our DE and DT position would be OK as it is. Who is out there we could still trade for or may be a coming cap release? Or, regardless of what is said by the team, would starting AM at OLB be wise.
  12. The best secondary in the NFL. Corner Leodis McKelvin Terrance McGee Nickel Ashton Youboty Reggie Corner Dustin Fox SS Donte Whitner Bryan Scott John Wendling FS Jairus Byrd Drayton Florence George Wilson
  13. We have a winner!!!!!!!
  14. Buffalo Bill Cody after whom the team was named!
  15. FromDJ; TO rules, ML is great, TE is smart, gotta make the post season. and then, The usual talking head sh-t. #1 The Bills suck because they refused to pay JP( not ; the Bills offered JP the largest contract in Bills History and he balked.) #2 We didn't draft a LT 1st rnd so we will suck.
  16. Dick will totally fool the Pat's by switching from a no-huddle single back set to a conventional double tight end running formation using the great run blocking of the two Deriks on the ends and Shawn as an H-back/ fullback .
  17. 2008....New players on both sides of the ball, everyone excited about prospect of another 7-9 year. 2009 .... ditto
  18. First I was afraid I was petrified Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side But I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong I grew strong I learned how to carry on
  19. Too many people think the "no huddle" is the same as a two minute drill , it is not. In a "no huddle" the offense gets over the ball quickly to keep the D from catching up , but the QB can still let the play clock run down and he has more time to survey the field and change the play if he wants.
  20. Hey , how come no school today..
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyX5mfb-eaA&NR=1
  22. Please make it so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXJJ14HL5EE
  23. Not one trick pony. Speed Quickness Power All the moves Grit I watched him play at FS and he reminded me of a guy from VT.( not CE)
  24. Everyone was on their feet shouting...EEEEEEEEEEEEEBBBBBBBBBBBBB http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXJJ14HL5EE
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