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Posts posted by JinWPB

  1. If you believe our government is tyrannical then you are on the political fringe. Your tea bag views are very difficult to digest. When I see elderly people getting medicare coverage and receiving social security checks and then rant about how our oppressive government shouldn't be involved in their lives I sometimes want to laugh and other times cringe.


    You should be commended for your service. For that I thank you. But your views as you state them are very retrograde.



    Actually I was refering to the British empire from which we gained our independence.


    But perhaps YOU were having a Freudian moment.

  2. What militia do you belong to? How many camouflage outfits do you have? Do you have your uzi ready when the government storm troopers try to take over your bunker?


    Some judgments don't take too long to make. I'm sure this very hard-nosed fellow can handle the comments.



    Well thank you for the compliment. Yes I did serve my country in the USMC. I still remember what our founding fathers died for. To free us from a tyrantical government that levied unfair taxes,usurped personel freedom,enforced limited property rights and forced us to believe as they did,....sound familiar.

  3. The country is broke. You are basically advocating that the super wealthy should pay less. That is utterly foolish.


    Pay less??????? average income and above earners are already payin for everything that the government doesn't put on it's open ended charge card.


    Get half a brain, this is not sustainable, the system as we know it will collapse under it's own bureaucratic weight.

    When the tipping point comes and the "world" is in chaos .....told ya so.....


    The idiology that goverment , or society in general ( for all the religious brotherhood crowd)can take care of even the basic needs of all the worlds needy billions is crazy. Sorry but as with all life on earth survival goes to the most fit, most lucky, most prepared ect. Not those getting or giving the biggest handout.


    Wants some more.. lets open our borders to everyone , that way we can all live in a third world country.

  4. The NFL had no say in The Associated Press' decision.

    The decision was made by the AP to have a re-vote. I cannot speak to anything further, because I was not involved in the discussion, nor am I one of the 50 voters.

    How this went down is how this went down.




    I think where he was going is ; the NFL should have released a statement in Sept. when he failed the test, and that he was appealing it. Why wait till now to release the information. There was no reason not to make it public other than the NFL's self serving attitude about the timing of the news release.

  5. My take is this just showed what a b-llshit award it really is, to have someone that tested positive for performance enhancing drugs during the season and still gets voted for.


    Don't want to hear about ; well it wasn't steroids... it's what they take to mask their steroid use .


    Whomever voted for Cushing the second time should sit down and rethink their views and values on more than sports awards!!!!!!!

  6. Trent was awful last year, but I just love how the hate is directed at him instead of our front office.


    We had a guy who looked like he could be a decent starting NFL quarterback and decided to cut our starting LG, trade our Pro Bowl LT with no Plan B in place, blow up the right side of our line, "upgrade" at C by getting the cheapest guy available who was so good in Carolina they used a 2nd on Ryan Kalil, and then cut our LT after the start of the season because Ralph wasn't paying a back-up $3 m per year because Lord knows you don't need depth in the NFL. We decided to add a degree of difficulty to this by trying to run a no-huddle, fired our offensive coordinator, elevated the QB coach to become a first-time coordinator and then, of course, never filled the QB coach position so Trent had to deal with all of this with no position coach.


    Yep, what we need is a new QB.


    YEH! What he said....

    All we are saying is....give Trent a chance.

  7. I hope Cody is their but Vikings or Dolphins will likely take Cody and Price.

    That might leave leave us to take OT Campbell or OLB Kindle.


    My 2nd round

    Rams...OT Campbell

    Vikings..DT Price

    Bucs..DE Everson

    Chiefs..OT Brown

    Eagles..S Mays

    Browns..QB Clauson

    Raiders..DE Dunlap

    Dolphins..DT Cody

    Bills..OLB Kindle

  8. Here are a few before and afters ...Marlin Briscoe was a shocker for me. I remember he played some QB for Denver, played wideout for us and may have thrown a few passes, but won his ring with the fish.


    Frank Lewis, won a ring with Steelers before Bills. Kawika Mitchell did with Giants,again before.Kendell Simmons before with Steelers.Lawyer Milloy before he left Pats,Wayne Simmons before with Pack,London Fletcher before with Rams,Sam Gash before with the Ravens,Sam Adams before with Ravens,Kevin Williams before with Cowboys,



    Marlin Briscoe,won a ring with the Dolphins after trade from Bills.Don Beebe with packers,Larry Centers with the Pats,Ted Washington also with the Pats in 2003,Bob Chandler after with the Raiders.

  9. Just finished visiting with an old friend. His son has just committed to Wake Forest( because it is a Christian school and the only school that stressed academics first to Dad).He was recruited most major schools .Anquan Boldin is his cousin.


    The scout stats are behind the times on him... he is now 5'11" 185 AND RUNS A 4.2 FORTY!!


    If you check out the nov. 30 2009 issue of S.I. in the Pahokee Mud Bowl review you'll see him #10


    also http://insider.espn.go.com/ncf/recruiting/...cruitId%3d78956


    As much as we love our DB's here is a star in the making.


    Hey Bills scouts, keep this name in mind

    Merrill Noel.....

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