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Posts posted by JinWPB

  1. The guy is a freakin' embarrassment! What's he going to do - accuse the Jets of infidelity or get in a shoving match with a NYC reporter...oh wait...he's done that already. Anyway the Bills have enough challenges without that idiot in the mix.



    I know longer live in WNY but a lot of my family still does.

    My opinion is vote for the same pieces of crap year after year that have made NY the great state it is.

  2. Are you trying to be funny?


    Well, Whitner is too busy trying to cover Kelsay's mistakes in both the running and passing game to do a whole lot of freelancing out there.






    Kelsey has saved a lot of D breakdowns this year from going for big gains. Right now he the best we've got at the position, heh, what are you going to do, it is what it is.


    Whitner got suckered on Moss TD but the Pats* had a great play called and the execution was beyond perfect.

    I agree he has not shown #8 pick risk/reward though.

  3. What the heck does your weird religious hatred have to do with anything?


    I was actually presenting a comparison of what I consider to be offensive, insulting behavior.


    Although I hold no animosity toward the Muslim religion , I do find it absurd that one of their religious leaders could find nothing wrong with building at ground zero , yet think it perfectly O.K. to issue a Fatah to kill a cartoonist for making fun of Allah.


    But heh, that's just me Benny.

  4. In another thread, I mentioned I would be happy if Tom Brady got injured. I was SHOCKED when many people were upset at this remark, and thought I was way out of line.


    Am I really the only one that was happy and was high fiving people when Brady suffered that early season knee injury a couple years ago?


    Do you guys not remember when Wilfork threw and intentional forearm shiv into the side of Losman's knee and injured him on purpose?


    We couldn't beat the Patriots the year Brady was hurt anyways, but at least we stood a better chance. They are confirmed cheaters on many different fronts, we need any advantage we can get.


    If Stroud lays a vicious sack on Brady this year and knocks him out of the game, you better believe I will be cheering my ass off about it! :)



    I was kind of hoping a certain poser, I mean poster would get carpal tunnel.

  5. At least at Buffalo I think it is a combination of the O-Line and his poor pocket awareness. It is clear that the O-line was bad last year, but Fitz didn't have quite as bad a time behind the line because he has good mobility and awareness of what is going on. Trent just seemed to fold up or not realize pressure was on it's way. If preseason is any indication I think he has improved in those areas a bit, and maybe can make a whole season?


    In past seasons I think the problem was not that simple.

    A. He was still learning NFL speed and game.

    B. The offensive game plan and concepts were,shall we be frank,not NFL quality.

    C. The OL sucked, because of ability and injury.

    D. I think Trent is a gamer and held the ball too long trying to make plays.

    E. Fitz played OK , but who to say how Trent would have down in the same games .


    Fitz is better... well , the head coach does not agrees.


    We will all know soon enough...

  6. Does it really matter what it was?


    It was illegal for his job. He got in trouble for it.


    What matters now is if he stays clean.


    I hope he does, and it's none of my business what it was in the first place.


    Good luck Shawn, I hope to have you back on the team and providing productivity for our offense. :)



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