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Everything posted by JinWPB

  1. Awesome...... and so it begins; Fitzmagic Man, Why so serious and the Hardliners take on all non-Billievers.
  2. Well I think your avatar sucks...so there, nanny, nanny , boo.
  3. I know longer live in WNY but a lot of my family still does. My opinion is vote for the same pieces of crap year after year that have made NY the great state it is.
  4. Kelsey has saved a lot of D breakdowns this year from going for big gains. Right now he the best we've got at the position, heh, what are you going to do, it is what it is. Whitner got suckered on Moss TD but the Pats* had a great play called and the execution was beyond perfect. I agree he has not shown #8 pick risk/reward though.
  5. So where is the punnishmen, the outrage. One would think after the DUI manslaughter in Miami last year the NFL would be taking a much harder stand on players drunk driving. Oh, I forgot, it is the media darling J-E-R-K-S.
  6. And so MAYBEn checks for airport departure times on tuesday.
  7. So with any luck Trent will pick up the Jags playbook and look good in practice , that way maybe he'll get to start against us.... We either get of the snide or find out how bad we really are.
  8. Urbik was in for Wood on several plays and on some of the failed Jackson redzone runs. My quess is they are trying to get some experience in case of injury and to see what we've got in live fire.
  9. Or just blow it up. Move Wood to center, Urbik to right guard and Wang to LT.
  10. This could be good news for "some" team . Mcneill had to sign his offer sheet with the Chargers in order to play or be traded. The NFL trade deadline is Oct 19th. Need I say , lets go Buddy!!!!!!
  11. Really maybe we should just forfeit. On a side note, last weeks 63yd fg try, Has Brian ever tried drop kicking a fg , even in practice. I mean I've heard he can kick way over 70 yards when he isn't trying for hangtime.
  12. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/09/17/moorman-questionable/
  13. I was actually presenting a comparison of what I consider to be offensive, insulting behavior. Although I hold no animosity toward the Muslim religion , I do find it absurd that one of their religious leaders could find nothing wrong with building at ground zero , yet think it perfectly O.K. to issue a Fatah to kill a cartoonist for making fun of Allah. But heh, that's just me Benny.
  14. About as low class, as you can get.. Like muslims iman trying to build a mosque at Ground Zero!!!! (For the critics, I used no upper case as sign of protest.)
  15. Bottle nose Dolphin are on the endangered species list, they can not survive long away from their salt water environment. It is illegal to eat in United States , so dead Dolphin are best disposed of quickly as they smell real bad.
  16. Donte playing word games, my quess that won't make Chan happy. He's more like Marv " act like you've been there before" kinda coach.
  17. Parcells stepping down, cutting their starting center from last year 3 days before game,Dollfans are goin nuts..
  18. Just checked his Bio ,he has started 56 games at guard and mostly center for Raiders and Fins after being picked bt Raiders in 2nd rnd. Is very good run blocker. Hmmm.......> than what we have for backup.
  19. He also had guaranteed money contract, if we signed him for vet minimum the Fins still pay him his millions this year I think...
  20. I was kind of hoping a certain poser, I mean poster would get carpal tunnel.
  21. I'll check out the chat...DEFIANTLY...LOL. Who works for these networks anyway?
  22. In past seasons I think the problem was not that simple. A. He was still learning NFL speed and game. B. The offensive game plan and concepts were,shall we be frank,not NFL quality. C. The OL sucked, because of ability and injury. D. I think Trent is a gamer and held the ball too long trying to make plays. E. Fitz played OK , but who to say how Trent would have down in the same games . Fitz is better... well , the head coach does not agrees. We will all know soon enough...
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