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Everything posted by Drewgetz

  1. sorry, was concentrating who was on the tackle, not what position they played
  2. he just pushed 51 out of the way. Johnson or edwards?
  3. sheppard, not K williams
  4. yeah, pressure but no tackling
  5. bring back the starting offense!!! Just kidding
  6. Time for the D, let's show it
  7. Don't start that crap... Just watch the game.
  8. Play action, finally It's been awhile.
  9. May look familiar to some of you. Jackson
  10. LOL. I don't know you but I can tell what your opinions have been. I don't think anybody ever said Fitz was awesome. Personally I don't expect him to be awesome. I just hope he can be adequate until we find a replacement. Also hoping DF can carry the load. 1st string, not beyond. VY is not it but I still hope he stays for his running ability alone. He may pick the smarts up, just not quickly...at all. Thigpen has peeked. I won't disrespect him by calling him Pigpen. Although it's obvious and funny, he doesn't deserve it.
  11. Hey ,kids had fun. Isn't that all that matters?
  12. Very nice point out.
  13. You just named my life mantra!
  14. I have more hope of taking fitz's brains and transplanting it into VY's body. But I agree, If Fitz doesn't perform, I think Ralph will spend some coin on a QB, draft or FA, regardless of his cheapness scale. Smart guy but... It has been proven that DF can win superbowls, Is ours good enough? I think they can be. Williams seems to be a good word for the roster.
  15. Hell yah, I really want this guy to succeed.
  16. That's my first thought too. I hope he makes the team but I also hope the coaches can teach him and he can learn.
  17. I just figured he was drunk. Plus you don't get to 17,000 posts by saying something smart each time.
  18. A true fan, posting to TBD while at the game. Very awesome.
  19. You 2 both have excellent points in your OP's but then got all defensive. I think what both of you are trying to say, to KISS, is that the score of preseason games mean nothing so the outcome means nothing and some of you don't like paying to watch this. While at the same time recognizing that the individual battles really is what makes the preseason "important". Remember: The 90 Bills never won a preseason game and if I remember correctly they lost most of them pretty bad. Postion battles were main focus which why we had the best individual players on the team. Then the coaches get to work to make them a better all around team. You both have good points and are more or less on the same page so let's play nice and continue what started as a very intellectual and well thought out discussion.
  20. You are generally correct tho I did find other definitions of the word where the order was reversed. I know no one cares so I leave you with tid-bit. "Historically, the meaning of the word decimate is ‘kill one in every ten of (a group of people)’. This sense has been more or less totally superseded by the later, more general sense ‘kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of’, as in the virus has decimated the population. Some traditionalists argue that this is incorrect, but it is clear that it is now part of standard English."
  21. Definition of DECIMATE 1: to select by lot and kill every tenth man of 2: to exact a tax of 10 percent from <poor as a decimated Cavalier — John Dryden> 3a : to reduce drastically especially in number <cholera decimated the population> b : to cause great destruction or harm to <firebombs decimated the city><an industry decimated by recession> — dec·i·ma·tion noun Just saying...
  22. Fixed. Sorry to ruin your perfection. Now you can be humbled... oh and for my contribution "That's the biggest thing" All the Bills players and coaches seemed to be saying this during OTA's. Haven't heard it much recently. "We just have to get better, that's the biggest thing"
  23. If that were the case it would Mr. Mrags.
  24. Did you watch "My Cousin Vinny" recently. Did you type that last line with a Brooklyn accent? Very good post, all excellent points.
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