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Everything posted by Drewgetz

  1. Weird, I was just thinking of him in the last week or so also. Good for him, good people are always in need. I agree. i wonder how often this has happened in the NFL or in pro sports in general. I imagine this is not the norm but I would like to be told different. I'm surprised he has not kept in touch with the medical staff. I would be sending them a Christmas card every year at the minimum.
  2. Since when have the Bills been a fan of play action? It would be nice tho'.
  3. All I know is my grandmother was healthy and got a little cut on her hand. A week later she died from the infection. My point is a little thing to you or me could be fatal for someone in advanced years. Maybe with all the money he has he can call out all the stops. I think when ralph goes, the bills are not very far behind. I am a bills fan. If the bills leave I don't think I could migrate to another team. Long live (the) ralph. Being an Aid in a hospital ER and going to nursing school I can say that bladder infection may not be as common as you think. At that age pneumonia or any plain ol' infection would be more likely and be just as serious. I don't have a good feeling about this...
  4. I don't care how good anybody says Eli is. I will never like the man if no other reason then his draft day acting like he is bigger then the game and thinking he didn't have to play for anybody He didn't want to. Sorry, that stuff bothers me. Other then that, with the (Nike?) commercial where it's raining and he is tearing himself out of a football acting all tough, all I could see was a baby face. That just made me laugh at him. (yeah yeah yeah, who wouldn't want to be him speech has been heard) I just don't like the guy. PS. If you can rattle tom brady, you can beat tom brady. Doesn't = greatness to me.
  5. I assume you mean that he said exactly what you were gonna say... Otherwise he quoted people that were not you. sorry, still trying figure out the sarcasm here...it may take awhile.
  6. In order for that to happen I think a QB would have to play on different teams or least very different systems. To have the same coach your whole career does not bring out adversity and that is what makes players (and people in general) great. Thinking presently if Peyton pulls the broncos to stardom with his arm and mind then he would be considered way before brady. IMO
  7. How long has it been since that has happened?
  8. Superbowl bills were 0-3....
  9. so brad smith? I would like him gone personally. or 4 qb's. or.... does TT still get cut?
  10. I hope they don't care if they win this. They are trying to see if he stumbles or if he is the real deal.
  11. T-Jack better have a great few minutes. Thigpen makes this team. too bad it took losing a few millions to step up. Plus galley really wants him too succeed
  12. Easley makes the team if he could do that at the start of the game. I think I'm kidding
  13. Back ups are not supposed to be good in general. They are supposed to step up for short periods of time.. aka, frank
  14. Sorry. I had my page on auto reload while I was typing. OF looked good. Fitz was 5/5 TD Spiller looked great. Def had pressure but big plays were had.
  15. Anybody see hoe Wendling did?
  16. Have we seen TJ? How can we judge that?
  17. Thigpen is making a case. all the more reason to see TJ sooner. Too bad it took losing millions for him to get a light under his...
  18. have you seen that lottery commercial with all the little guys? I totally thought that was a pep boys ad the whole time.
  19. Whys is TJ getting run into, was the ball thrown short, is he and the QB not on the same page. He is supposed to run by everybody. Should they throw long and let him run up to catch it.
  20. I agree, not first round talent at all but worthy of a spot regardless.
  21. LOL, on the head. Should they be looking at the ball?
  22. Well, we got more good RB's then we need, trade or are they all catch and release??
  23. Plus I just lost my first love and am drunk. Will stop posting......
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