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Posts posted by Drewgetz

  1. Not live, nationally...but they'll all be on NFL Network at some point.


    Good point. Maybe not all but I like to watch at least one game to see what kind of trouble we are going to be in.

    My birthday is in August and I want football tied up in a red and blue Buffalo ribbon.


    Gotta get them season tickets so you don't miss any of the action :rolleyes:


    I heard once you could get them for the price of a candy bar.


    I kinda wish they would bring back the Buffalo-Cleveland scrimmage.

  2. Some here are selling Jenkins short. Not to be picky, but it's just "MIKE" Jenkins, not Michael. Mike, in this case, is not short for Michael. His real first name is just "Mike."



    Fixed and thanks.


    My sister's name is Kris and only Kris. She gets upset when people try to turn it into Kristin or Christine.


    Michael Jenkins is a WR who just signed with NE


    Mike Jenkins is the corner who is visiting Buffalo


    Just sayin


    Got it, only need to be told once. But thanks for reiterating.

    My apologies to all Mike's, Micheal's, Mikey's, etc. I may have insulted, I know they appreciate you looking out for them.

  3. Why is this a thread? What century is this again??


    This type of discussion is for racists and bigots which I thought were out of style.


    or perhaps it's just a bad way to start a conversation.


    If you ask someone if they are a racist in a public forum would that be inappropriate?


    You are straight out asking who is homophobic and who is not.


    To answer what you are trying get across I say nobody should care anymore and yes I am okay with it.


    The only problem I have with gay people is if they go around hitting on and groping people they shouldn't.


    I have that problem with people who are straight, crooked, soft, hard, black, white, yellow, red and rainbowy.

  4. I would like you all to ask yourself an honest question before you judge a person as ugly.


    How would the person look to you if they were skinnier?


    I'm not saying this applies to everyone because I agree, the fact is, some people really are just plain ugly to most of us and weight can amplify the affect.


    I also find it disturbing that how a person looks tends to relate to their IQ. It seems that the better looking a person is the more successful they are. Also the very good looking and the very ugly tend to lack access to the top floor to the elevator. Sorry, tangent.


    Just really look at anyone before you judge them at first glance. I'm willing to bet there are less ugly people then you imagine there to be.


    The fact is there are a lot of big people that could be "good" looking if they weighed less. I think Natalie could be one of these people.

  5. As fans, we only have to learn a few new names each year. Marrone has to learn literally hundreds: all the players, everyone else that works on OBD, not to mention all the college kids the scouts are talking about. I'm sure this isn't the first time he screwed up a name. Means nothing.


    Agreed. When I went to Geneseo I had to learn names again each time I came back after summer and winter break, and they were frat brothers...

    I am great with faces but suck at names. I bet if Mr. Corp walked into the coaches office Mr. Marrone would know who he was. Not a lot but a fin at least.

  6. Wilfork could undoubtedly have a "hotter honey". The fact that he doesn't, says he doesn't want one. Whatever Bianca's got, that's what he wants.


    I don't want to flagellate the poor dying equine here. But I love all my TBD budz so I'll put the point out there one time. If you're willing to pick it up, check this out.


    Think about this for a minute. Someone you can trust maybe better than you trust yourself to let you be true to your dreams, to help you focus and achieve what you want. Someone 100% your fan. Someone you can trust to take care of the business side and make sure your agents and investment advisors are fully acting in your interest. In addition, someone you can love with a whole heart, who gives you kids you love (when you watch the Wilfork's body language during interviews, I don't think he's missing the 'hot sheet action')


    If you find someone like that, and you don't see it or let them walk because they're not "hot honey", you're nucking futz. If you find a "hot honey" and she's all the rest of that too, good for you. But if "really hot honey" is your first sort criteria, you're shrinking the odds. Today's divorce rate speaks volumes to this.


    It's a fairly safe bet that If Vince Y. had hooked up with someone like Vince W's wife from college, he'd be set for life financially and balling out with the best of them today instead of broke, suing his investment advisers, and out of football. Which brings this to Bills football 'cuz if YV were focused on football and balling out maybe we wouldn't be crying for a QB right now.


    Take it or leave it, Hopeful out.


    I like this. I believe this line is as old as George Washington himself. "behind every great man is a great woman."


    It sounds like you either have a woman like this or a least know how to appreciate a woman like this.


    If he does feel this way then he is richer then some in this world.


    (Sorry, feeling sentimental at the moment)

  7. Why would Gilmore be the person to announce something important about the team? Its probably something personal, child on the way?


    No way he would talk to the fans that way about his personal life. He doesn't strike me as a tease.


    Besides, a kid born that soon would be knowledge that is widespread. Ergo: It is something we would know which contradict his statement

  8. I disagree. Bianca clearly does not fit society's traditional definition of beautiful. I thought it was an adroit and honest statement.





    True. Sad, but true.


    I don't put too much stake in traditions that aren't mine tho'.


    Being part of society is keeping the peace by not saying out loud everything that passes through your head.

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