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Posts posted by Drewgetz

  1. "When Russ Brandon was named Buffalo Bills president in January, he announced that the team would be implementing a "robust" analytics department to boost football operations. Four months later, Brandon acknowledged the program does not yet exist."




    What do you think and do you care? I always liked the concept of moneyball in the NFL but feel it may just be a pipe dream and not really feasible. Perhaps Russ spoke too soon and is starting to think the same thing?

  2. The guy had 4 fumbles in 10 games in 2012. That is simple not excusable.


    I read through the post until I saw a stat I wanted to stand up for and this is the first. I like Fred. He's a tough guy who I would trust with my sister. I just hate the memories of him fumbling at the goal line. I will root for him to retire a Bill and show he and Spiller can carry the team. I just can't get past the feeling of if he fumbles again, especially at the end zone, that I will lose start losing my interest in him. I don't want to but there it is. No matter how he plays in the future it won't diminish my respect for him or his effort to succeed.

  3. Without a doubt my least favorite Bills player of all time. I don’t know what he was doing out there, but it sure as hell wasn’t football.


    Mine would have to be Mike Williams. Lazy motherf*cker. I may not be able to play or take a hit like Trent did, but if I "earned" that kind of money I would have busted my ass and finish my short career injured just to avoid the life long guilt that comes with stealing that much cash. Not to mention disappointing soo many fans.

    For shame Mike, for shame!!!


    (Sounds like a thread. Who is your least favorite Bill and Why. Any takers?)

  4. Just going to say it... I hope for the best for this guy. He seemed creepy, spazlike, and a little bit of a dork but he was hard to dislike.


    Sounds a bit like me. More Dork with less Spaz but... I knew I liked him for a reason. I got hit hard once in high school, haven't been the same since.

  5. http://profootballta...-trent-edwards/


    The Eagles finally have reduced, not expanded, their quarterback depth chart.

    Gone is veteran Trent Edwards, the Eagles announced late Monday afternoon.


    I've heard of him... Get er done!! Sign him!! Doomed!! Trade Mario!! It's on like a mofo!! Super bowl!! Ralph is cheap!!


    Did I get most of 'em? I figured I would be the first and just get them all out of the way... :bag:

  6. A lot of people complained early in FA when we lost some "great" special team guys and were all up in arms. Sounds like this guy is a replacement for them and maybe, just maybe, a defense contributor. I agree with those saying it doesn't mean he will make the team. We need to cut what, 40 some players at some point? I say bring in everybody that may contribute and see what they have to offer. The more you throw out, the better the rest will be. Also, just because coaches bring in players they know doesn't mean they are playing favorites or they "love" the guy. It just means they know a bit of what they are going to get from them and feel they deserve "a chance".


    Some fans want to jump on or off the cliff. I just want to enjoy the view and see what happens.

  7. Will he live to see the Bills make the playoffs? :unsure:


    What do you think has kept him alive and going this century?

    I just hope he's not forced to stick around more then a century himself to see them.

  8. Wouldn't know. I've only been to Rich Stadium.


    I've been to both.


    Happy Hour, Drew?


    You sound like Hank Kimball from Green Acres (one of my favorite characters).


    Actually I had just gotten home from a 12 hour day at the hospital but not long enough to get in trouble, I'm on my way though.

    That is actually how I am sober, scary I know.

  9. I hope he can get a ticket for a decent seat.

    Course we all know there is no bad seat at the Ralph.


    ... Ralph going to the Ralph. Not often a person can go to THEIR stadium.


    Pardon me, I'm going to the Andy... (Glad my name isn't John) (sorry John, no offense)

  10. for serius? seriusly?


    - Fred is old coming off an injury.....aka we would get maybe a 5th for him at best

    - He is worth more to us then he would be for a draft pick

    - Yes lets create a hole where none exists


    I swear to christ there needs to be a manditory minimum amount of posts here before u are able to create one



    If that's your view then a spelling test should also be included.


    (Sorry, couldn't resist. :bag: )

  11. He was right about 2011 statistically (wrong about 2010, of course). Maybe I'll catch some flak, but I thought Nelson was our second most talented receiver (not exactly a ringing endorsement considering our WR corps but still). I'm surprised we didn't keep him. I hope that Doug made this call and not Buddy.


    Very very good point. I would have more confidence in team decisions if they come from the new blood rather then the old (Nix).

  12. All the 'experts' say that this year's QB draft class is weak, and there are a couple teams ahead of us that are probably going to take a QB... I don't see how it's pessimistic to have low expectations for whatever QB we end up taking. If we were in a position for a Luck/RGIII type, I'd be feeling much better.



    Then you are of the opinion that we should not take a QB at all then?


    I'm sick of the Colin/Russell argument, however did they deserve to be surrounded by pessimism coming out since they were not the Luck/RGIII type either?


    Your so called experts also say that 1 or 2 of the QB's this year will defy the odds and be successful and I for one will hope the Bills select said QB.


    I'm just saying let's not give up on players until they have earned the right to be given up on, no matter how jaded we may become.

  13. I kind of think TJax will earn the starting job during pre-season, and then he'll be mediocre during the regular season, and our bust of a rookie (yup, calling him a bust already!) will come in and suck too. :D


    (Simply put, I'm not super confident in our options at QB, I think it all shakes out to be effectively the same as Fitz... we'll probably have a draft or two more until we get the right guy if we really focus on it)



    Wow, Giving up on QB's we don't even have yet. TBD has hit a new level of pessimism.

  14. Just out of curiosity, why did anyone vote for Corp? Given his unspectacular college career, it's hard to imagine Aaron beating out Kolb, Jackson, and a drafted rookie.


    Maybe somebody sees or knows something the rest of us don't. Or maybe somebody's just being contrary.


    Personally, I think Jackson will give Kolb a run for his money but Kolb will prevail in the end - if he stays healthy.


    Though I wouldn't be completely shocked, given what happened last year in the NFL, if Marrone gambled with a rookie under center.


    At least one of the votes was so he wasn't the fat chick in gym class as stated earlier in the thread.

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