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Everything posted by Drewgetz

  1. This is dumb, replacement refs won't make it to the season.
  2. Does everyone believe Easley will be cut? I had high hopes for him. Is he that bad or just that far behind?
  3. understood, thanks for the feedback.
  4. No link yet, just saw on ticker tape on NFL Network. Seahawks are "talking to a couple teams" about trading for Tavaris Jackson. Do you think the Bills are one of these teams. Do you think he would be a significant improvment over thigpen and young? Keep in mind the time it takes to learn the offense. Just wondering your thoughts.
  5. I Concur. Way too much concern about preseason. 90's Bills never won in preseason. This is only to find the holes so we can plug them by season start.
  6. He said they took the Bills for Granted. Not the other way around. Preseason folks... They are not just trying to win games.
  7. Good point. Supposed to be part of the main offense but no touches yet. With no solid second he could be important.
  8. Is that enough to push him past TT? If they are that close in QB abilities, the running factor may make a difference, no?
  9. Ok, I love Tasker, One of my favorite Bill. but he is hard to hear as an anouncer, stumbles the lips.. I still want to hear him tho anytime.
  10. \ Goes for every team. Status quoue. just saying.
  11. Soo... Is Moats the real deal or not?
  12. Yeah, we have no 2nd QB. I want frank back. I can't hate on Lindell. Do I like Potter...yes. This I leave to the coaches.
  13. Special teams of ol' may be back in Buffalo. Bobby April incarnate.
  14. i understand your view. I have been telling people for 5 years I wished I had come up with a shirt idea saying buffalo bills on the front and "There's always next year" on the back. I could have sold that shirt for over a decade by now. However, as a true fan I have told myself I will billeive untill it hopeless,.. that doesn't happen untill the team leaves. If the Bills leave I may stop being a fan of football, I never cared about any other team. I'm just saying I will hope and defend untill there is nothing to hope for or defend. Go Bills and keep the faith.
  15. I just remember the super bowl bills (hardly) never won a preseason game. they are working on what they are worried about. With that said, we still look week overall. We have time and I reserve judgements till after september. i still think the potential we have is undeniable.
  16. Damn, we still suck...today. I still have hope. I did see darius get stuffed one on one, didn't like that too much.
  17. LINK With the other ex- Buffalo RB in the news I forgot about this guy. Is this a case of "he's done so we can let him back in"? 33 years old and hasn't played in 3 years. Anybody think he can find a team? Does anybody care?
  18. I am not going to let you now drag this into a romo discussion. To say he has had trouble in December is well documented, that's all I was saying. If you want to doubt on Fitz and the Bills go ahead. I support my team and hope they can win. During the off season my expectations are high, as they are every year and should be for every NFL fan. And regardless of what you think. I'm willing to bet that Fitz feels pressure every game and every play. He does not say "oh hum, just a regular season game" The playoffs are not all that different. It's just beating the best of the best and they are the same teams that play during the regular season. I got your point and it is mute. Good coaches can translate into good players that translate into good games which translate into winning seasons. Improved defense will translate into improved offense and healthy players will translate into better players on the field which will translate into won games pre season, regular season or post season. yadda yadda yadda. I'm going to work, good day.
  19. It's not supposed to translate. Regular season is regular season, playoffs are playoffs. He has not played in a playoff game yet so to say he can't do it or worried that he can't do is unfair. If he CAN do it in the regular season then you have to give him the benefit of the doubt and not assume he is going to pull a Tony Homo and flounder at the end. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt instead of making him prove me wrong. He has the tools, he has the smarts and he has the supporting cast now. Why are we doubting him before he has a chance to do it. There is no past experience here so we can't rely on past experiences to predict. New territory for Buffalo here, Playoffs. Go Bills! Win Bills!
  20. I don't think he even needs to be QBing this team to the SB, I think he just needs to be a QB on a TEAM that is going to the superbowl. -- I would NOT be happy with a playoff appearance unless it's behind an AFC East championship. I would also be happy to get to our second game into the playoffs however we get there. I know they have to prove it first, I get it, show it on the field, but I really do billieve in this defense to make the difference in games. I also agree that with not having to come from behind Fitz will take less risks and be the QB that he is meant to be. A smart guy who can study the field and make the best pass available. Can he tell the difference between a bad pass and an easy pass? Sure, but he's hasn't had much of a choice recently...well, ever in his career. I think he finally will be able to always take the best pass available rather then take that risk and force it, otherwise throw it away. Maybe he has always been a mediocre backup b/c he has always had to play from behind and try to get creative. Upper echelon? No, but so what?. A superb game manager with some skills to lead a team? yup, and that's enough. Disclaimer: I don't claim to be an expert on anything, I don't have any links to prove anything. I am just a fan who thought he had something to say and is IMO, IMHO, IAOTWMMBCAM (In any opinion that won't make me be called an moron.)
  21. I hear ya, but making great plays and celebrating doesn't mean you ARE there yet, you're just trying to get there. Every step closer to there is a great achievement and deserves celebrating. Once you get there, whether it's the win of a game or the win of a superbowl,you can say "yeah, I know" and you "act like you've been there" b/c you are there. But during the game and during the season and you get a another step closer, sure, celebrate, b/c on the way to that ticker tape is the time to go over the top and drive yourself. Once you get there, THEN act like it.
  22. Really?? Being excited means you are immature and can't calculate? Both Brett Farve and Payton Manning have been seen jumping up and down screaming... And a harvard QB not being calculating is a contradiction of terms. I don't think I would want a QB that is unemotional. If he was you would be there complaining he doesn't get excited enough.
  23. Who would be your guess to play fitz in the made for TV movie?
  24. It's depressing that the players of the NFL are acting like the players from NBA.
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