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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. At times like this when the chips are down & their backs against are against the wall I have learned a long time go to bet the house against the Bills, they usually get their lunch handed to them.
  2. I love College gameday & that is pretty much the only thing I watch except for the games on ESPN. It is worth the view just to get a glimpse of Samantha Ponder. The College Gameday for basketball is great too.
  3. What ESPN does good is there offsite stuff. College Gameday for both Football & Basketball are top notch programs. Fox 1 Sports is trying to compete against College Gameday this fall. All I got to say is good luck. But your right, their in studio programing sucks.
  4. You have had to go there Promo? How many times do I have to correct you on this. I will do it one more time. Starting in 1988 - 9 home games that year, 9 sellouts, Averaged a little more then 78K per game 1989 - 8 home games - 6 sellouts. The 2 games that were not sold out were against the Rams on 10/16(76K actual attendance) & Saints 12/10(71K actual attenance). They still averaged 77K per game 1990 - 10 home games, 10 sellouts, average attendance a 77,800 1991 - Once again 10 home games, 10 sellouts including 12/28 meaningless game against the Lions which they drew over 78K. Average attendance just over 78K 1992 - 9 home games 7 sellouts. Only games that did not sellout were 12/12 Broncos game(71K actual attendance) & Oilers Wildcard in which they had less then a week to move probably 30K tickets in inventory. They still got an actual attendance of over 70K that game. They average just a shade over 77K that year per game. 1993 - 9 out of 10 games sold out. Only game that did not was 12/26 game against the Jets in which they still drew over 71K for that game. Average attendance was just under 77K. 1994 - 5 out of the 8 games sold out. 9/26 against Denver, (still got over 75K there), 12/11 against Minn(67K) & 12/18 against NE(57K). 4 straight super bowls & the fans were burnt out. Still averaged 74K actuall attendance per gamewhich had to still put us at the top half of the league. 1995 - 5 out of 8 games sold out - average attendance was still 70K. 1996 - 6 out of 8 games sold out - 11/24 Jets only got 63K & KC 12/22 got 69K. Still averaged 74K. So as I have pointed out yet again it was not just one or 2 years that the fans supported the team in December. It is pretty obvious, have meaningful games in December & the fans will show up.
  5. He hardly dominated that season. I think 7 out of his 10 sacks that year came against Temple & a D2 school. I think there were 9 games where he did not record a sack that season. But once again the fault really lies at the Bills front office. One of my friends went to Penn State & follows them very closely, before that draft he said I don't care who they take as long as it is not Maybin. I read reports when the Bills selected him there out loud laughs at the draft from other teams tables because it was such a stupid pick. I honestly do not know any Bills fan that was actually happy when the Bills announce they were selceting Maybin. The Bills have noone but themselves to blame & it is foolishness like the Maybin pick that has kept us out of the playoffs & basically a laughingstock for this past decade.
  6. I think this is an excellent post. We were at a family reunion Sunday @ Elma Meadows. Beautiful day, there is a basketball court, wiffle ball, nature walks but most of the kids were all complaining they were bored. I was telling my wife when we had these type of picnics when I was a kid the parents tell the kids what time dinner was & make sure your back & you would not see the kids all day. Kids today have no imagination & are married to electronics. If there is not a computer in front of them they are not happy. So many of the teenagers were just sitting on the benches fugging texting on their phone all afternoon. What a way to go thru life. I feel sorry for a lot of these kids, they don't have a clue.
  7. We should all raise a glass wherever we maybe the first week of the season to Microscopes, the only SOB on the board that pays full price for the Ticket.
  8. It maybe too late. My brother-in-law called yesterday too & he got the same crappy deal. He threatened to actually cancel his service & they called his bluff. The hot head that he is instead of just hanging up or saying can't we worked something out actually had the service cancelled & is getting Time Warner tomorrow.
  9. The throwing the football I could tolerate although I think it is kind of stupid seeing 30 & 40 year old grown men trying to relive their high school days when their arms are obviously shot, the thing that really pisses me off is that one ahole that tries to punt the ball. That always ends up hittong a car or crashing into a tailgate.
  10. Yes you are correct. How is it there if you don't mind me asking?
  11. Getting out is the problem. From lot 5 we could just shoot out Southwestern. I am home in 15 minutes(live in Lancaster). I believe they will not let you turn right off of Abbott onto Southwestern after the game. They close Southwestern up until you hit lot 5 & they make everyone from lot 5 make a right out of the parking lot. I never really paid attention to it so please correct me if I am wrong.
  12. Yeah I just don't want to take a chance getting all the grills tents etc.. setup telling everybody to meet in lot 5 & then have some 20 year old pimple face secuirty guard shut us down for having a keg. Hammer's I would like to setup shop there but it is just not convenient since we come up Southwestern. Otherwise I would go there as I have heard nothing but good things about it.
  13. I just read in the news the Bills are not allowing kegs in the stadium parking lots this year. We always bring a keg for the opener because we have a ton of people show up. It has been a tradition we have had for over 18 years now. We have never had a problem. I don't really see the logic in this. You could get just as drunk drinking cans. First it was not opening the lots to 9am(I remember when we first started getting season tickets back in the mid 90's we would show up at 7am at Lot 5 & there was nobody even collecting money at that time. A guy would just walk around from car to car collecting money. From that to the stupid Disney like parking, to changing the parking rows so that everything gets conjested now. Like I said not a big deal just aggravating. Looks like we will be parking in the grass lot right before lot 5. & before anybody says Hammers lot it is just not convenient for us because we are coming up Southwestern from Lancaster.
  14. Yeah I guess so. But it is technically not stealing. He tried to pay for it. Is it his fault that the grocery store hires incompetent people that do not know how to process a credit card payment?
  15. 2nd thought I agree with Illinois. May 2012 I wrote a check to my wife's little cousin for her communion. It was not for a ton of money, $100. She never cashed it to this day & I did not say anything. Never even told my wife(she would of definately made me call them). Of course I can't stand most of her family so that probably played a small part in it too.
  16. No it's not. CC Companies charge so much because they will give anybody with a credit history a credit limit & then when the predictable happens & said CC goes bad they got to make up the chargeoff somehow so they pass on the loss to everybody else. BigCat I hear what you are saying. Credit Card companies are the biggest crooks in this country. They are loan sharks with a badge. They screw people anyway they can. Bigcat, if you were certain Chase was out that money I would tell you to forget this ever happen & chalk it up to good luck. If it is the Grocery Store that is out the money(which more then likely is what happened) that is a tough one. Grocery stores have horrible Profit Margins, I think they are 2-3% only. That is a lot of groceries to recoupe. I would probably try to fix it.
  17. Really, never met him or have an kind of insight but everythingI have read & heard has been nothing but positve when it comes to lefty & his wife. They said they are really down to earth kind people. Just goes to show you I guess the public really does not know what kind of people these athletes truly are.
  18. You know around here it seems Rosenhaus gets the negative pub but is it me or as far as agents go Parker has been a thorn in the Bills side for many years.
  19. That is a good story. Reminds me of the time a couple years after college & we took a road trip down to Savannah, Georgia to meet one of our friends from high school that lived down there for St patricks Day. They had beer tents & such setup all around the town square & my friends and I started doing funnels. The people around us must never of saw them before because everybody was asking us what we were doing and they were facsinated. We were a big hit that day. This one ahole who was watching bet me I could not do a 5 beer funnel. He siad if I did it he would buy $100 worth of girl scout cookies that these little girls were selling. I probably had 12-13 beers in me at the time & really did not want to do it but the whole crowd start chanting "for the kids, for the kids" so the pressure was on & I was kind of backed into a corner. So I was like "yeah sure, give me the funnel." I ended up doing the 5 beer funnel & to the guys credit he bought $100 worth of girl scout cookies. After I was done my one friend went to high five me & said "that was f*cking awesome, you showed that red neck how the boys up north drink." I looked him right in the eye & said "leave me the f*ck alone, I got to go somewhere where to puke in private. I found a back alley & puked my guts out.
  20. You just need one of those converter boxes. We have done it befoe for Sunday Night games & the opener some of the people that do not have tickets bring a flat screen & use that. It has worked for us. Of course you are not going to get any additional channels but if you just want to watch one of the games you will get 2/4/7/fox which should serve your purposes.
  21. Agreed, as soon as you get thru say cancel service. When they tell you that well you got to December for your contract to run out & it is $20 per month for a cancellation fee tell them Fios offered a $200 credit so your not concerned about the fee. Tell them you want ST for free & $15 off your bill every month for the next year or your cancelling. If they still call your bluff after that just hang up on them.
  22. Funny you memtion the fast car. I have been toying around the last 6 months or so & debating on whether to pull the trigger on buying a corvette. I used to own one when I was in my late 20s. I would have a tough time affording a brand new one but I was looking at 2007-2008's maybe. They are not too expensive. The kicker is if I do decide to do this I am not even going to tell my wife about it, I am just going to bring it home(have it delivered one day) so she does not have a chance to sh*t can the idea. Yeah I will be sleeping on the couch for a few months but it will be worth it. & yes I just turned 40 this past May.LOL
  23. My first job I ever had when I was 16 was at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Just a horrible job, so after 2 weeks I told my manager I am quitting. He pulls me in the office, closes the door & says I wasn't going to tell you this until after your shift but since you have been doing such a great job for us we decided to give you a nickle raise per hour. I said "thanks that certainly sweetens the pot but nevertheless I think I will still quit."
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