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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I went to the playoff game at Three Rivers in our 3rd Super Bowl Run. Never been so scared for my life when I went to the bathroom with a Bills Jersey on. I was actually cornered by 5 guys but 4 security guards came in at the last minute to use the bathroom & they backed off. My friend when to the University of Pittsburgh for college & has said numerous times that Steeler fans are the worst to opposing teams fans, way worse then what goes on in the Ralph. Screw Steeler fans, I am glad their team sucks this year.
  2. One more thing the lines getting in have been awesome. I leave to go into the game around 12:45 & for the first 2 games have not waited more then a few minutes. I just go to the entrance left of the main entrance by lot 5 right in front of the JK Suite. The lines have been great.
  3. I was a long time season who had really good seats up until I gave them up 3 years ago. I never had a problem in those seats not once & that was going on 12 years. MY old ticket rep called me this offseason & told me he had a great deal for me. $225 per season ticket. Only thing is we are around the 20 yard line upper deck 4 rows from the top. I have never been an upperdeck guy & heard the horror stories about these seats. But I thought what the hell I will buy 4 of them. 2 of my buddies go with me & I have taken my 9 year old son to the first 2 games also. Now these have got to be the cheapest seats in the place. I was expecting the worst but man, I swear it has been a joy up there for the first 2 games at least. Mostly bills fans, I have not heard even one arguement up there let alon have not seen any fights, the bathroom by the tower is right there & is never too crowded. You could watch the game standing in the crosswalk if you need to stretch out & + you could really see the play develope from where we are. We knew Johnson was grabbing that TD I think even before most of the lower bowl people did, especially on the scoreboard side of the stadium. I got to admit I have been pleasantly surprised & how could anybody argue about the price.
  4. It was a horrible decision. They were running very well at that point of the game. If you can't get a yard they don't deserve to win the game. It is not a coincidence that Carolina is now 2-14 in games decided by less then a TD since Riveria has been head coach. Chicken Sh*t calls like that cost teams games.
  5. There was I would guess 15 rows spanning 3 sections of the Visitor Upper Deck Corner by the jumbotron side totally unoccupied. The announce crowd was over 65K so there were around 7K empty seats which is high for a sellout.
  6. Very interesting. It does at times seem like the writer is going more for the headline story then actually backing up what was written. Oklahoma State is probably thinking how did we draw the short straw to get pointed out. You could of written this article about any number of universities.
  7. I kind of agree with you. The place lost it's intimidation factor when they took all those seats out & put in the club seats. The clubs seats are a joke & the biggest ripoff in the stadium. Half of them are not even filled & the other half are usually inside watching the game. That is the NFL in general now though. There are very few stadiums left in the league that actually are loud. Seatle comes to mind immediately not too many other ones especially the open air stadiums. Look at the atmospher last night in NE, did not sound loud at all. Most NFL stadiums are like that now. One of the many reasons why college football is 10xs better then the NFL imo.
  8. You are correct sir. Unfortunately there is no team in the division that is capable of taking advantage of the Pats situation right now. I fully expect the Pats to beat the weak teams this year(Bills & Jets) & lose to the good teams but win the division @ 9-7 or 10-6 & get bounced in the first round. Next year will be a different story. I fully expect the Bills to win the division next year.
  9. I really do not agree with you about the weather. Take last week for example, Buffalo probably had the nicest football weather of any team hosting a game last week. 70 & sunny. The weather gets played pretty hard here but Buffalo honestly has best climates for football in the league. Watch NE games, they play in more miserable weather then anybody. LIke last night. It is either raining there or there playing in a wind storm or snow storm. When was the last time you could remember the Bills played in a true snow storm at home. Sunday once again , 70 & sunny, I will venture for the 2nd week in a row Orchard Park will be host to some of the nicest football weather around the league.
  10. I don't know, it is kind of a nice thing your doing butgoing on a road trip across state with a guy you never even met before. Only in NYC man, nobody has time in that city to make real friends. Hope it works out for you. Quick story, every year me & the boys used to go on a Bills trip. We did this from the time we all got married(27/28) & we just stopped doing it a few years ago. There was about 8 of us. We all went to high school together. Most of the guys still stayed local but one guy moved to NYC. One year when we went to Dallas(Bledsoe played, I think we lost 10-6 in one of the most boring games I have ever seen) my friend from NYC calls us & says "do you mind if my one buddy comes." We are like yeah sure. Well we got down to Dallas & this guy my frined brought along was so arrogant & cocky noone could stand him. I mean you don't no anybody, your the outsider, if that was me I would just try to keep my mouth shut & not ruffle any feathers. Anyways after the game, the hotel where we were staying had a basketball court. So in our drunken state we decided to play a little bball. This guy from NYC is throwing elbows, giving everybody hard fouls, so my one friend had enough & as he was going up for a layup pretty much tackled him. They ended up throwing haymakers at each other & it was pretty much an all out free for all. Later that night, we were like to my friend from NYC "why would you ever bring an ahole like this on the trip?" He was like "well in my defense I just met him last week, I really didn't know he was an ahole." Where like, "so you just met him last week & you invite him on the trip & he decides to come, who does that?" He is like "oh, people in NYC do this kind of thing all the time, and he laughed. Your story kind of reminds me of that trip, hopefully it turns out better for you.
  11. Wild Wings right by the Mckinley Mall is pretty good. Nice setup, ton of TV's, they have a patio with some TVs out there. I think the weather is supposed to be decent Saturday. Agreed. Wild Wings has the best setup for making a day of it & watching college football.
  12. Good analysis from the OP. I think it will be a close game & my guess is that Carolina will find a way to win it at the end, or the Bills will find a way to lose it at the end. I have a bad feeling that the first half of the year the Bills are going to be on the wrong end of a ton of close games. They are a young team & it takes time for a young team to learn how to win those types of games.
  13. That catch at the end of the game that Amendola made was unreal & was a killer. I bet 95% of the receivers in the NFL do not make that catch.
  14. Just out of curiosity why the hell would you drink something like that?
  15. Duff's is not very good, there are just so many other better places to go. Are they worst? No. That goes to the sick Son of a B*tch that says he microwaves his wings when there was thread about "how to prepare wings" on this board awhile ago.
  16. I guess that explains why I think Duff's sucks. The few times I have went there I go to the one in OP. Their wings suck. Most of the waitresses are pretty hot though & they are always wearing skimpy tshirts.
  17. I thought Marrone & staff called a pretty solid game. The defense clearly had brady frustrated, the offense moved it at times. It is not Marrone's fault that Johnson can't catch a throw that a WR on an average High School football team catches 9 out of 10 times.
  18. It is only going to be 67 degrees Sunday. Perfect football weather. It is not like the game is going to be played in 90 degree heat. Put a little sun screen on & you ill be fine.
  19. I take it you were not there when they announced Kelly in his first game against the Jets back in 86? My dad took me to the game. All you heard was "from the University of Miami" & it got so loud you could not hear Kelly's name after that. Man, I was only 13 at the time but I remember that like it was yesterday.
  20. You don't think you could get a 1st round pick for what everybody says is a top 5 safety in the league? I would tell Parker get a 1st round pick & the deal is done. In the meantime Byrd better stop faking the injury & get ready to suit up on Sunday.
  21. I know I am going to take some grief for this & let me say I have never tried one of these garbage plates but that looks absolutely disgusting. I don't know how any of you guys can look at yourself in the mirror the next day after eating a plate of that sh*t(& that is exactly what it looks like). With that being said enjoy!
  22. I know prison life is hard time but my god is it that hard that that guy could look attractive to anybody?
  23. This is exactly right, never understood the complaining from SH(& I am one) about paying for preseason. They give you discounts on the egular season games so the pre season games are pretty much free. Now complaining about having to pay for meaningless games after Columbus Dy year in & year out that is a different story.
  24. I can't believe college football starts tomorrow. I am so excited. They have some great matchups this weekend. South Carolina/UNC to kick things off tomorrow then Saturday they got a great lineup. TCU/LSU. Northwestern/Cal, Washington/Boise State, Syracuse/PSU, Northern Illinois/Iowa & then of course the capper, Georgia going into Death valley to take on Clemson. It is not even a nuetral game. I am still surprised Georgia agreed to play this game. + they have South Carolina coming in between the hedges the following week. Their national title aspirations could be derailed before the first NFL Sunday. As far as UB goes, they are not going to beat Ohio State but I think they could make a game of it for at least a little while. They have a good defense & from all the publications I have read they have UB in the 6-8 win range. I am having my annual College Opener party Saturday. The weather looks great so I am going to bring the TV's outside on the patio. We will be watching football from 10am(college game day) until well past midnight. Got about 9-10 friends coming over. Getting a keg & going to do some deepfrying & making baby back ribs, really looking forward to it. I also forgot V Tech/Alabama. What a great opening Saturday of College Footbal.
  25. Who cares haven't you heard Tuel is going to be our starting QB week one. We are screwed.
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