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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. What was the point of cutting T Jack when they did? I did not understand it when they cut him & still don't understand it now. I think he was only making $1.7 mill so it was not crazy money. Just another baffling move in a list of baffling moves over the last 13 years. I am not saying T Jack is anything great but he is certainly more capable then Tuel. Obviously they did not know Kolb was going down but why not at least bring him into camp & then cut him in the preseason? Absolutely short sighted & mind boggling & cost them a game last night. If the Bills had a capable backup they win that game last night. You better go discount those Bengals Tickets even more Brandon, youpiece of sh*t.
  2. Could not agree more. I said last week the way he kicks if he booms it he has no hangtime, the opponant is going to return a punt for a td. THe problem is if he does not boom it he shanks it. He has no in between punt. He sucks.
  3. It was 1984, it was pouring rain & we lost 13-10 in front of an announce croud of 33K. I had to laugh because I wanted to leave too & my dad & his friend were boozing up too & would not leave.
  4. It does not matter if he is on a rookie deal or not, he is subject to waivers. I doubt anybody picks him up on waivers because then the team who picks him up has to assume his contract. Once he clears waivers he is free to go anywhere he wants & the bucs are on the hook for his original contract.
  5. I second this. I never went the online route but had a couple friends that did & towards the end it was really tough getting paid. Sometimes I believe the wire got blocked. I would just be careful. One other thing, it is addicting & it could get out of control in a hurry. I speak from experience. One March Madness tournament about 8 years ago the opening Friday of the tournament I lost $1,800 in one day. So make sure you have the means to get involved in this & make sure you can handle it. Not sure if you drink, but over the years I have made the dumbest bets while drinking. Now when I know I will be betting alot on a Saturday & drinking I will put all my bets in the morning before I start drinking. Just a little tip that will save you some money in the long run.
  6. Smith is more of a game manager. If that is the kind of QB you wan that is fine. I want someone better, I want a guy that could go out & win a game for you once in awhile. With a guy like Smith you better have a hell of a defense & a good running game. Thru 3 games KC looks like they got just that.
  7. I used to play basketball every once in awhile with Northern. Him and a couple of the other Bills would play where we were down @ Losson Park every once in awhile. You always wanted Northern on your team because he was so big & strong, you could not move him under the boards & he would hack the sh*t out of the other team because he could not cover anybody. But as far as coordination & athletic skills I honestly don't know how this guy made the NFL. He couldn't even dribble a basketball, couldn't make a layup most of the times even if noone was guarding. Me & my friends used to always make fun of him.(behind his back of course). Moulds & Flutie could flat out ball, those 2 guys were terrific basketball players.
  8. Funny you mention that. I was reading an article last year that said Jeter will be the first unanimous hall of famer. Honestly if anybody dos not vote yes for either one of these guys they should have the credentials taken away. I am a lifelong Mets fan who really despises the Yankees but I have really come to appreciate Jeter & Mo. Ynakee fans should cherish them because they will never see a pair like that again in pinstripes in their lifetimes.
  9. The weather here is beautiful right now. This is about as nice as it gets for this time of year. Low 70's light wind, partly sunny skies. The weather should be great for the game too. Highs in the low 70's but it will be cool in the morning, probably in the 50's but it will be perfect for cracking that first beer at 7 in the morning. BTW, if you think it is cold here now, you should come in January. LOL
  10. This, Moats has been decent. Bradham will be out of here after this year. Another mid round draft pick that does not pan out under Nix's watch. Someone should send Nix a message that to be a competive team you got to hit on some of these mid round pick once in awhile.
  11. Very true. I just don't think the NFL would ever give up a game unless possibly if the playoffs were expanded to maybe 8 from each league.
  12. I see what your saying but you would be playing your rivalries every year, just not twice & you would get them home every other year. I kind of like it. The only thing I would change is keep the 16 games & play one team from the NFC. It would depend on how you finish up the year before. AFC #15 would play NFC #15, #14 would play #14 & so on & so on.
  13. This story gets even better. I heard the homecoming king took her out on a date later that evening, wined her, dined her; he went to put his hand up her skirt & was holding a tree trunk. He said "hey for a chick you got some set of balls." Signed Andrew Dice Clay
  14. It wasn't that cold that day. It was like 40 degrees. One of the SI yearbooks had great games of the Bills & they had this game. What was even more impressive then the hail mary was the catch the RB made the play before to even put them in position for hailmary. Full lunge out dive around the 50. I believe it was Roosevelt Leaks who caught it. Miller after that catch when fergy is lining up for the last play says "so where there is hope there is life" I don't know what the hell that meant but it sounded pretty cool coming from Van's mouth. Also when they got the TD there did not look like there were too many people in the stands but as he caught the td pass this security guard riases his arms & does this kind of leg kick. It looked kind of cool.
  15. Your spot on with this. I am not saying Kelly's offense is not a real good concept, but a ton depends on if you have superior athletes. At Oregon he had the superior athletes, in the NFL not so much. Same thing happened to Spurrier @ Washington. & Vick, that guy is a turnover waiting to happen. My guess is next year Kelly goes all in for mariotta(sp) in the draft. That kid could play.
  16. I hear ya brother. Over the last few months I have incurred some heavy duty unexpected bills & it looks like my annual trip to Vegas for the Super Bowl) is on life support for this year. I am going to have to go on a serious run in the gambling of college football & the baseball playoffs within the next few months to make this Vegas trip happen. If not, instead of watching the Super Bowl with the background of the bright lights of Vegas I will be stuck at home watching the super bowl with my wife. It gives me shivers just to think about it. lol
  17. Gillmore is the best player in our secondary & it is not even close. If he truly wanted to make a stand he would of never signed the one year tender & then milked an injury essentially stealing money from the Bills. You make some good points. I personally don't think Byrd plays a down this season. The Bills will franchise him again next year & then trade him, hopefully for at least a 2nd round pick.
  18. The Bills are not offering him to play for the league minimum. They paying him as a top 5 safety. If they franchise him again next year he will play as the top paid safety in the league. That is not good enough for the Byrdman though I guess.
  19. These contracts are not guaranteed anyways. He could sign a 7 year contract get hurt, not be as good as he used to be & the team could still cuit him. Just because a guy signs a $50 million contract does not mean he is going to see every penny of that.
  20. I will 2nd this. I had PF one time about 5 years ago. It was incredibly painful where some days I could not even put pressure on my foot without crumbling to the ground. After about a week of not being really able to walk I went to the doctor. He showed me some exercises, told me to done wear flip flops/sandels for awhile(it was summer time), told me to ice it down every chance I get & wrote me a prescription for 800mg Ibprofin. I followed what my doctor told me to do & it was completely gone in about 10 days. There is noway with the amount of medical attention that these guys have at their disposal that this should still be a problem. This is nothing more then Byrd/Parker making a stand. This says everything about Byrd's charachte. Yeah the franchise tage is not ideal if your a player but hey it is in the CBA. If he plays under it this year & next year he will make over $15 million in 2 years. Is that really so bad & so out of range what they are asking for anyways?
  21. This is an excellent point. EJ is used to playing big games & in front of 80K + crowds from his days @ FSU. The situation does not seem to big for him. Compare to a guy like Losman who would cry to his girlfriend every night because he could not handle the pressure, or Edwards who never played a big game in his life in college because his teams were so rotten.
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