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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. It is funny you ask that. I was just picking my daughter up from pre school & heard this story. What is weird is the guy said AP was precticing with the Vikings today & says he will play Sunday. Far be it for me to judge anybody on a situation like this but if my son or daughter was pretty much beaten to death my their mother's boyfriend playing a football game would bet the last thing on my mind. Why isn't he at the hospital at bedside with his dying son? Oh, okay that at least explains that part of the story. Can't imagine not being a part or not wanting to be a part of your childs life. I go no sympathy for AP if that is case. The only person I feel bad for is the poor child.
  2. Yeah I listened to Simon & White a few days ago & seemed like they were making excuses for them. That whole station is a ton tougher on the Bills then they are on the Sabres. At least the Bills are competitive & actually have guys on the roster that belong in the league.
  3. Hey my slider works alot better when I am half in the bag what can I say.
  4. Listen though here is the important thing. When you turn into lot 5 make sure you stay left. If you go right to park they will make you go down abbot. Also, try to get as close to the center aisle as possible(the aisle you turn into off of southwestern. I am usually home at my house if the game ends @ 4:00 or so no later then 4:30. I live probably 15 minutes from the airport so if you follow my advice you should have plenty of time. You also might want to just park there & you & your dad could take the walk over to Hammers to get with a small cooler if you want to get the full tailgate experience. Just make sure you dont have an open container when you cross the street as they have been ticketing people for that. Hope you have a great time.
  5. I beieve our snow total are around 90 inches on average but honestly the weather pattern is changing. It just does not seem like we get that much snow anymore. I golf right up to Thanksgiving & in recent years have gotten a few rounds in December. 2 years ago I played twice in Febuary & 6 times in March. I don't think I shoveled the driveway once that winter. If you want to talk about getting pounded with snow head down the 90 to Syracuse. I spent 4 years there in college & though it was 15 years ago, I remember it being way worse then Buffalo.
  6. If he follows my advice as long as the game does not go into overtime he will get to the airport no later then 5:15. Trust me.
  7. The other thing is too if the BIlls started out as bad as the Sabres are right(& make no mistake about it the Bills are nowhere close to being as much of a mess as the Sabres are) they would be killing them. Because it is the Sabres they always have an excuse. All they are are Sabres apologists. What is it now 5 games in & they are averaging under a goal a game. That would be like the Bills scoring 1 td in the first 3 games.
  8. This is coming from a season ticket holder so I do go to the games(although I gave my tickets away to my nephew & his friends this week) but with all the outlets there are to buy tickets(Ebay, Stub Hub, Ticket Exchange) I really think the bills need to sell the games out before the season starts(or get close to that number) to get the games sold out. Once the season starts, they are going to have trouble moving large blocks of seats especially if they don't win. String together a playoff season or 2 & you would see the place sold out every Sunday. I really believe that.
  9. They also have Andrew Peters on with Rueben Brown on channel 2 after the news Sunday night. They talk about the Bills game that day. What jackass down @ channel 2 thought putting Peters on to talk about the Bills game was a good idea? My 4 year old daughter knows more about football then he does. Got to agree. Even the most diehard Sabres fan has to admit this is going to be a lost season. I don't know if they will win a game all year.
  10. 1.) You need a QB 2.) You need a defense that could make a big play every once in awhile 3.) You need a QB Yes QB is that important that I listed it twice. Get yourself a top 10 QB & you should be in the playoff hunt most years. Get your self a top 5 QB & you should be contending for a super bowl on an annual basis.
  11. No it is not BS, go to Accuweather. The weather channel sucks. They generalize too much. Kevin Oconnel on last nights news said that he was speaking to some of his collegues around the country earlier in the day & they pretty much all agreed that WNY has had one of the nicest weather patterns/weather in the country for the last few months. I tend to agree with him. It has been beautiful here pretty much everyday for a while now.
  12. Park in lot 5. Take Southwestern/Transit all the way to the Airport. I am home usually by 4:30 or so from a 1PM game & I live in Lancaster about 15 minutes from the airport. People that are telling you you wont make a 6:30 flight don't know what they are talking about. Call the Bills today & see if you could get a D pass for Lot 5. There $20 for suite holders. Not sure if they will sell them to you. Get there at 9 or a little after. When you go into the lot you go pass the security guards. Stay left. They will wave you to the back once your past them just head to the middle(they wont stop you.) By middle I mean the road where all the cars have to get to to get out leading to Southwestern. You get one of those spots your home free. You just have to pull your car up & your on southwestern. Once your on southwestern you will be at the airport in 20 minutes guaranteed. Why would you park @ Hammer's if you want to get to the airport. I told him how to get to the airport on time. If he wants to get there on time he needs to park in lot 5.
  13. Alright, I apologize, I should not of painted such a wide brush & lump everybody in the same group. For people like you that can not get to the game it does truly suck that the game is blacked out. MY apologies.
  14. Exactly. If you really want to go to the game, cough up the $40(I guaranty you could get tickets for even less @ the stadium if you wait right around game time) & head to the stadium. If you can't afford the $40 you probably got more pressing needs then watching a Bills game anyways. I have season tickets but I am not going. I just don't feel like going up to the stadium & watching Thad Lewis QB this team. It is going to be a beautiful day out & I am going to bring the TV out on the patio, grill some ribeyes, play some wiffle ball with my son & drink about 20 beers. Will I be able to watch the Bills game? No, but I will find some other games to watch, maybe even between teams that have QBs playing for them that should actually be in the league & not QBing the local semi pro flag football team like the QB we have going for us this week.
  15. Alright, I just went on Oakland's weather for the last year. I will be man enough to admit when I am wrong. You guys have nicer weather then us pretty much all year round. Still our weather is not as bad as you & Illinois make it out to be.
  16. Agreed. Fitz over played his hand though. The Bills did offer him a $3 million contract & he turned it down. I believe he signed something similar with Tenn.
  17. For a good part of the year or at least half of it our weather is nice then SF/Oak. From May until November I would say our weather is nicer. Sorry but it is true. In the dead of summer that water probably does not hit 60 degrees. Who in their right mind would swim in that? & I never said the weather in Buffalo year round is better then Nocal. We have nicer summers & early falls though.
  18. Just like there is more to Buffalo then the chip strip or the fruit belt.
  19. The point is the bay area's summer suck. Yeah it is great that your high's in the middle of July are upper 60's(& I do realize that you could travel a little inland & the temps perk up dramatically. What is the point of having that beautiful ocean if you can't even go in it up Nocal.
  20. I will add one more thing. Buffalo's average highs in October range from 65 in the beginning of the month to 54 at the end of the month. Buffalo's average highs in November range from 53 in the beginning to 42 at the end & in December range from 41 in the beginning to 32 at the end. Chicago's you ask? October is 69 in the beginning to 57 at the end, November is 56 in the beginning to 41 at the end & December is 40 in the beginning to 31 at the end. It should aalso be noted that the average lows in Buffalo don't hit below 30 until 2 weeks into December where Chicagos average lows hit in the 20's starting the last week of November. This is taken right from Accuweather.
  21. You could easily boat here in November. As I look out my office window there are boats on the lake right now. It is going to be mid 70's out this weekend. It was 81 just this past Sunday. I don't put the clubs away until usually Thanksgiving. I have golfed several times into December & regularly golf in March. I would take Buffalo's weather in a heartbeat over Chicago's. Not even close.
  22. Yeah Oakland is so much better then Buffalo, you keep telling yourself that. My friend used to do a lot of traveling to Oaklan for business. He said he would stay in across the bay on his own dime(company would not expense it since it was much more expensive to stay in SF). said he did not care. Said Oakland is the biggest sh*thole he has ever been to.
  23. I think EJ has been fine. He has not lit it up but the game does not look too big for him either. With that being said & he is out for 8 weeks we probably won't win another game with Tuel time starting(or any other guy they bring in @ this point) so we will be picking in the top 5 my guess is. If you have a chance to grab Bridgewater they better dam well do it. I don't care if it hurts EJ's feelings or not. That is the only QB coming out next year that I would take with our first round pick. I would love to grab Aron Murray in the 2nd though. I think he is going to be a good one & the last thing I read on him is he projects to be a late first early 2nd.
  24. That is surprising. I have met Moorman a few times & have known people who know him well & I have never heard anybody say anything like that about him.
  25. Why are you surprised. Have you watched him punt all year? The guy sucks + I have heard from a couple people that he is a real arrogant prick. I am glad he is gone. I don't have this confirmed so if it is not true don't blame me but my Bills source tells me Morman is coming back.
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