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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Pretty much nailed it. I mean noone expects Tuel to go thru 5 progressions but Johnson was wide open with his hand up about 10ft away from Tuel. Throw him the freakin ball. A high school QB 8 out of 10 times would be able to make that read. Tuel decided before the play began he was going to Graham on that play. Rookie QB or not, that is just inexcusable.
  2. I think that was the right call. Johnson was wide open in the back of the endzone. Tuel is starring right at him. Johnson even has his hand up in the air. Is it Marrone's/Hackett's fault that Tuel can't make the right read, a read that was starring him right in the face. I mean honestly, the guy is open, your staring right at him, get him the ball.
  3. Funny you mention this. I was watching it with my friend that has coached high school football for 20 years & he was sayiing the same thing about his mechanics. Said that was why all his balls were floating & ending up high.
  4. Agree with most points Bill. I even said to my brother in law just kick the fg to go up by 10. In Marrone's/Hacket's defense they had Johnson wide open in the back of the endzone. It is not their fault Tuel sucks. & this is my final point. This team is close, I mean really close but they need a qb & hopefully Manuel is that guy. If he takes that next step next year this team will contend for a playoff spot. The talent is here, they just need a triggerman. Vince Lombardi could not win with Tuel as his Qb.
  5. If you leave around 8:30, you will get there in about 20 minutes. Just go right down transit, forget the thruway. The stadium will be right on your left. Transit turns into southwestern. Just stay on that. If your parking there & want to get out right away your best option is parking in lot 5. That is right on thelfet hand side right in front of the stadium. The lots open at 9.
  6. I would also argue that Kapernick & Wilson are playing better then Brady also.
  7. I think the dropoff has been noticeable this season. I believe he had only 26 yards passing in the first half last week, 113 total I believe. Far cry from a few years ago when he was setting all kinds of records with Moss & Company.
  8. It is going to be interesting to see what kind of crowds they get for these games. I bet the Duke game could set a record.
  9. Gronk has a ton of health issues & I think most of this stems from his back problems @ Arizona. If he was healthy coming into the draft he was a sure fire 1st rounder, probably a top 15 pick. My guess some teams stayed away from him due to health concerns.
  10. I hear what your saying about the playoffs but just take a look at their remaining schedule after KC. @ Pittsburgh NYJ ATL @Tampa @Jacksonville Miami @NE. Honestly the only game until the NE game that they probably won't be favored in is @ Pittsburgh & that is probably a 3 point line & I think it is a winnable game. Win this game & I think they could go on a real run.
  11. My brother in law is really into homebrewing. He has a sweet basement with 3 taps hooked up behind his bar. We go over there every year for Thanksgiving & he always has 3 different beers going on the different taps. He usually does some kind of pumpkin spice beer & 2 others. He did this Apple Cidar one last year that would knock you on your a**. It was pretty strong. I am not a big fan of them but he loves to do it. Pretty funny my dad will have 5 or 6 of them every Thanksgiving over my sister's house & get pretty tipsy(I think some of the stuff he makes is pushing 8%) & my mom will give him the evil eye across the room(she doesn't drink).
  12. I don't know her jugs look a little to firm & perky for my taste.
  13. They enter their meat of schedule now. They got to play Ohio & I believe Toledo(both will be tough games) & then I believe they also finish off with Bowling Green which should decide who goes to the MAC Championship. Should be a fun November for the home town team & yes I do believe this is their best team at least since they joined D-1. I would put this team against the team that beat Ball State in the championship a few years back.
  14. Who said anything about your kid being a brat. He is probably a normal 1 year which is good. No 1 year old kid imo belongs @ the Ralph on gamed day & you will never say anything to convince me otherwise. But hey it is your kid, it is your perrogative. I honestly do hope you & your family have a great time at the game. Good luck to you!
  15. Given the Chiefs status of the only unbeaten team left & the mindsight of at least most fans that this is the Bills last chance & a must win if they want to play any meaningfull games after Veterans day & have any impact in the wild card race, if the Bills are competitive the Ralph will be rocking Sunday afternoon.
  16. Agreed. I don't buy the statements it is not a safe place for kids. I brought my son to hi first game when he was 7, took him to another one last year & took him to the first 3 games this year. No problems & we sit in the upperdecks. But to bring a 1 year old into this environment is a whole different animal. It is irresponsible plain & simple.
  17. I don't know about that but it is certainly no place for a 1 year old. Your crazy for bringing him. Bringing a one year to a Bills game is almost as crazy as wanting to meet schopp & bulldog.
  18. Exactly, if you beat the bad teams, take care of business for the most part @ home & steal a game or 2 against the good teams you will be in the playoff mix every year.
  19. One of the problems with the NFL is that there is always one or 2 teams that are a byproduct of their soft schedule. An average team like the chiefs gets an easy early schedule & now almost half way thru the season they are the front runners for the #1 seed. It happens every year. My guess is the Chiefs will end up somewhere around 12-4, 11-5, get the 1 seed or at worst the #1 wild card & get bounced in the first round. Their defense is very good though, their offense can not stretch the field which will hurt them against the better teams.
  20. I will agree also. Joey B. is alright in my book. I like him.
  21. Okay cool, Jacksonville is at home this week so that will work out good. I won't have to go to wild wings. Thanks.
  22. Yeah it is pretty disgusting. Poor little guy, never had a chance.
  23. Taking the family to Disney World this week. Just wondering any Orlando resident, does your CBS affiliate get the Miami games or do they give you the Jacksonville games? I could go the Wild Wings right down the street to watch the game if they give you the Jacksonville game but would rather watch it @ the bar by the pool.
  24. People are not going to want to hear this but this season was never about wins & losses. It was about competing & changing the culture in the organization. This team is pretty close. They just need a few more parts. I said before the season started they are going to be in a lot of games, compete with most Sundays but in the end they are going to find ways to lose games instead of winning them. That is what young teams do. I think they got the base of the foundation in place, they just need to add a few more pieces, have another good draft & hopefully EJ takes that next step next season in becoming an elite QB. The most disappointing thing for me this season is that Manuel is on the shelf for 5-7 weeks when he could be getting valuable experience in what to amounts to a throw away season anyways. This team I believe is in the right direction. With that being said, I don't think they win more then 5 games this year.
  25. I just think it is rotten that his son is dying & he is off practicing football. As a father of 2 I got no sympathy or understanding for someone that procreated but doesn't take responsibility of being a parent. I consider that said person a dead beat & I don't care how much money they make. Maybe if he was a better father to his son his son wouldn't be fighting for his life right now.
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