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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. That is a great point. Joe B who I think is pretty knowledgable & went to FSU has never gave Manuel a ringing endorsement. Ramius who is probably the biggest FSU fan on her & I believe still lives in Tallahassee, has never given him a ringing endorsement. Sure they will mention his skills, but if you watched Manuel in college something was missing from his game. I don't know if he is going to be a bust but the warning signs are there. Let's hedge our bet next year & draft another QB in the first round. If Manuel is going to be the franchise QB then he will beat whoever they bring in & we got a trade chip to recoupe that draft pick down the line.
  2. I don't know about that. Sumlin has stated several times Manzel is the most competitive player he has ever coached.
  3. I watched him a ton in college & was never wowed by him. His accuracy stinks. Even Flordia State guys on this board(Ramius, a couple others) did not give him their full endorsement stating he had some short comings. Ramius oftened said it seems like Fisher is holding him back only using part of the play book. What is even more disturbing is seeing what Florida State is doing on offense this year. They have been unstoppable & Fisher seems like he has full confidence in Winston, confidence he never seemed to have in Manuel. It is still early in his career but the warning signs are there that he is going to be a bust. With that being said, let's see what he does the last 6 games. I hope Marrone/Hacket realizing the season is pretty much over open the playbook for EJ & let's see what he can do. With that being said, if the Bills land in the top 5 next year I would be very tempted to draft a QB. In gambling terms, don't look at it like they are giving up on EJ, just hedging their bets that he does not improve. Bridgewater, Boyd, Marrioto, Manzel, Hundley, one of those guys will be available when the bills pick & I would be tempted to pull the trigger.
  4. You comparing him to Dorsey just tells me you probably never watched manzel play. Those 2 QBs could not be more opposite.
  5. I would like to know what does not impress you. Him throwing for over 400 yards against an Alabama defense? This guy is putting up insane numbers against the best defenses in the country week in & week out. What does he have to do to impress you?
  6. Could not of said it better myself. Cutting T Jack when they did was a foolish decision & made no sense. It even makes less sense today seeing how the season has played out.
  7. I know it sounds like desperation but I think the Bills need to do it. What if Bridgewater is sitting their when the Bills pick. Or Boyd, or marriotta, or Manzel, or Price or Hundley, all those guys are going to be rated higher then what Manuel was rated coming out of the draft.
  8. We didn't win the division championship in 1998 did we? I thought we got into the playoffs as a wild card team that year.
  9. I say you draft a QB next year again in the first. If we only win one more game that should get us the 4th pick or so. With Clowney coming out, that should be good enough for us to get one of the top QB's. Let Manuel & the top pick battle it out in training camp to see who starts. Noway the way Manuel has played should he be handed the starting job next year. If it hurts his feelings too bad.
  10. I got mine yesterday in the mail. $46.80. & my wife always tells me I waste too much time on this board.
  11. I am sure there is stuff to do in Oregon. Fans in California are generally just not as passionate as fan from different parts of the country. & save the BS about how there is just so much more to do in California. With that being said, Stanford put on a clinic last night on how to out muscle a faster team. It really is a shame that they had to lose to a bad Utah team because I think this is the one team that could actually beat Alabama. A Stanford/Ohio State Rose Bowl does not sound too bad though. Winston is goingto be a terrific pro. Kid could do it all + he has got a great head on his shoulders & is a born leader. I would take him over any QB that is coming out in the draft next year. I don't think he could go into the draft until 2015 though.
  12. I had a feeling that would be the case. How crazy is that. This to date is the biggest game of the year & will shape the national championship race(Don't count Stanford out yet as they are sitting right @ #5 tight now). If this game was played in Autzen the excitement dial by the locals would be off the hook. The fans of the Bay area & the fans in Cali suck.
  13. Baylor really has not played anybody this year. That will stop tonight when they host Oklahoma. They also play Oklahoma St & a surging Texas team before the year ends so we will know plenty more about Baylor in the next several weeks. As far as UB, NY33, they are pretty good. IMO this is the best team they have ever had. They are fringe top 25 & should start receiving some votes. The whole season pretty much comes down to the Bowling Green game. Win that & they will most likely play a Northern Illinois team that has gone 19-2 in the last 2 seasons & features Jordan Lynch, who is a terrific QB. Exciting times indeed for UB.
  14. Kind of sad. I am just a softy for the old stadiums. As a Mets fan I miss Shea Stadium, if even though it was not very nice. Very few of the new stadiums have any charachter too them. Maybe that is because only the corporate suits could afford sitting anywhere near the field. But man that Astrodome when it got rocking was as loud as any stadium I have ever seen. Do any of you remember when Billy Hatcher hit the tying hr in extra innings against the mets in game 6 of the 1986 NLCS. It was in extra innings & a few inning before the Mets won it to close out the series. That place exploded. I think it was hatcher that hit the HR, it might of been Kevin Bass though now that I think of it. The playoff games the Astrodome held for football, the house of noise. Sadly, professional sports with the stadiums the way they are just don't match that excitement anymore. It is kind of sad.
  15. It has been sunny for 4 out of the 5 games this year so that is not true.
  16. There really is not a bad seat @ the Ralph either. The stadium is outdated but the sight lines I got to imagine are second to none. At least @ the stadiums I have been to, which is about half of them.
  17. No clue, they should switch it up next year. What they are doing now is not working.
  18. There is a good 10 degree difference this time of year between the home & away side of the feel, especially on a day like Sunday where it was in the 30s but it was partly sunny. I have always sat on the visitors side, in fact I have probably been to over 100 Bills games @ the Ralph & I think I have only sat on the home side 3 times & 2 of them were playoff games(Oilers comeback game & 1994 AFC Championship game against the Chiefs).
  19. I read they are going to lift the curtain for the Duke game.
  20. Bowling Green plays Miami(Ohio) also tomorrow I believe.
  21. They could also easily be 0-9. They are what they are. 3-6, out of the playoff race before Veterans day once again.
  22. Kid is a player. I would love to see the bills get him if he falls to them in the 2nd round. Projected right now to go late first/early second. 12th best player in the country seems a tad high but who knows. This should be a good game & with the weather being nice(highs in the 50's, no rain) hopefully they get a nice turnout for the game.
  23. You bring up an interesting point. My guess is this team will end up in 5-7 win range which should get them a top 12 or pick. This upcoming draft is going to be a top heavy draft when it comes to the QB position. II mean you got Bridgewater, Marriotta, Manzel, Boyd, Hundley(possibly), Pachall, Braxton Miller, Mccarron, Murray, Morris, Price, Manion. I mean this draft is loaded with QBs. Say the bills are picking 9th & they are in love with one of the QB prospects, do they have the balls to pull the trigger. Think of it this way. At least half the QBs I just mentioned(& possibly more) if they entered the draft last year would of been ranked higher then Manuel. I know Bridgewater, Marriotta, Boyd & Manzel would of been selected higher then Manuel. My quess is Hundley, Price, Murray & Mccarron would be rated higher then Manuel also.
  24. Your absolutely right. A simple move such as signing Jason Campbell in the offseason & this team is probably sitting no worse then 5-4 today & probably 6-3. Now some of it is bad luck. Noone could of predicted that Kolb would be sidelined for the year but still. I just don't understand cutting T-jax when they did & I never will understand it. It was a head scratcher the day they announced it & even more of a headscratcher now.
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