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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I think what he is saying is NE won the game & did not cover, a win/win for the NFL . They get their favorite franchise the win & the sports books make out because probably over 70% put money on NE to cover the 10 point line.
  2. This sums up my feelings exactly. It is kind of like me with college basketball. I can't remember when I watched an NBA game from start to finish but I will watch as much college basketball as I can. I don't want to say the NFL it is a conspiracy to keep the same teams at the top but sure feels that way. I mean 90% of the teams in the league don't get that PI call that NE got at the end of the game yesterday. How many times have we seen NE on the right end of a call like that this decade? I don't really enjoy watching the NFL anymore & it is a number of things. The bogus penalties, can't touch the QB, the lack of a cool stadium environment because the corporate suits have taken over 90% of the stadiums, the same teams in contention every year. The list goes on & on. & yes the Bills suck & that is a big part of it also. You don't think the refs can be betting these games? If you believe that you have a ton more faith in human nature then I do.
  3. I hear what you are saying but the problem is a lot of the posters on this board who watched Manuel play @ FSU had very real concerns about his game. What concerned me most was his accuracy & that lack of accuracy has shown up in most of his games. I am a firm believer if you are not accurate you have very little chance of succeeding in the NFL & I don't believe this can be taught. Either your accurate or your not. It is the main reason why I never bought into the Losman hype. A good QB in the NFL does not throw the ball 10 yards out of bounce like Losman or Manuel consistently do on your typical 15-20 yard sideline route. How many times have we seen Manuel do that this year? Van Miller once told me before Losman ever started a game for the Bills "that this kid will never make it, he is just too inaccurate." He nailed it on that one.
  4. Yep. I called it when they drafted him. This guy is not accurate & he does not go thru his progressions. Look at FSU's offense this year when they have a real QB under center compared to last year. It is like night and day. If we lose out we will have a top 3 pick. Hopefully we will have the guts to pull the trigger on a guy like Bridgewater.
  5. I have watched Ebron quite a bit. He is a beast & a mismatch nightmare for any defensive cordinator. Put a DB on him & he is going to muscle the football away from him 9 out of 10 times. Put a LB on him & he will run right past him. I would have no problem at all if the Bills selected Ebron. He would do wonders for the redzone offense. I have not seen as much of Amaro play. I am always skeptical of skilled players from Texas Tech.
  6. Sorry man but history in sports has shown us that most fan bases will not support a loser. Sure there are exceptions, but for the most part it holds true. Add in the fact that the Bills have not been to the playoffs in 14 years & it is amazing they get the attendance that they do. Look at even the Red Sox 2 years ago, they were horrible(after winning 2 WS in the decade) & they were playing in front of 15,000 at the end of August/September. I guaranty once the Patriots fall & are not as successful, that place will be half filled most Sundays. Using KC & Pittsburgh as examples are bad examples. They may have 1 or 2 bad years every so often but they never go into a decade of rebuilding & not competing for the playoffs like the Bills have.
  7. I would still like to know who pulled the trigger on the Maybin pick. Jauron was kind of made the scapegoat for that pick but I call BS on that. If jauron did make the pick wouldn't he of made more of an effort to get Maybin playing time instead of having him ride the bench. I got a feeling Nix had his hand on that pick also even though he wasn't the GM at the time. & oh boy what a dumb pick that was when Orakpo/Cushing were still on the board. & yes a ton of posters on this board at the time could not believe the Bills passed those 2 over Maybin & I was one of them. It was reported that when the Bills made the pick of AM that several other teams tables could be seen laughing because it was such a stupid pick.
  8. Yep, anybody could go back & look up the posts. There were a lot of guys on here who watch college football that were all over Wilson before this draft. I think one poster even suggested drafting him with the Bills first round pick saying I don't care what the experts say this guy is going to be a good one. If the posters on this board know this shouldn't Nix & the Bills personal?
  9. I was all over Russell Wilson. Anybody that watched him play in college knew his game translated into the NFL. His intangibles were off the chart so much so that when he transferred to a top #10 preseason team in Wisconsin who already had established leaders his senior year, they immediately voted him as captain. That is the kind of high charachter guy Wilson is. When he fell out of the first 2 rounds I could not believe it. When he was sitting their in the 3rd round & the Bills traded up I was like OMG they got him. No what do we do. We pick Graham. Moves like that in a nut shell is why the Bills have not been to the playoffs this decade. I remember Nix saying something like "we liked Wilson but was concerned about his height." FU Nix, the guy could play football, who cares how tall he is.
  10. Don't you grill the Bills fans every year for not buying December tickets. Isn't that a little hypocritical to make a statement like that.
  11. I agree with this. They are just possessions. What do you have in your car that is worth risking your life & your son's life for? Call security & let them handle it. That is what I would of done, although I'm 40 & I would like to think my fighting days are over. Remember this Mrags, no matter how tough you think you are there is always someone out there that is tougher & crazier. You never know who you are coming up against nowadays. Okay, well when your in the morgue because someone put a bullet in your head because you decided to fight the guy for stealing some lose change from your console we will put that on your gravestone. That is funny you mention that, that happened to us one time. My one friend years ago that used to go with us to the Bills game would get so hammered he would always leave at halftime. The one time after the game we found him sitting waiting for us in the wrongcar about 4 cars down from us. Of course instead of getting him out of there before the owners came back we left them in there & were laughing our a**es off when the owners found him. I guess seeing what could happen it wasn't that funny.
  12. I know it des sound a tad crazy & my guess is the Bills will never hve the guts to do it & they would get lambasted for doing it. But here is the thing. The Bills have not had good play from the QB position since Flutie was here. Manuel may or may not be the guy but if a guy like Bridgewater is out there I say the Bills pull the trigger. At the worst we are hedging our bets that Manel does not work out.
  13. Good post Bill. I will echo your sentiments about Stevie Johnson. He is what I call a dumb stupid player. He will get you beat everytime by making a dumb play in crunch time. My guess is he would never be on a Bill Parcells/Belicheck coached team because they do not want players like this. Wrap up the fuggin ball you moron & let Carpenter win the game. As far as Manuel, a couple of us a few weeks ago got lambasted for suggesting we pick up another QB in the 1st round next year. I still stand by that statement if the right qb is out there when our 1st pick comes up. Manuel may or may not be the franchise QB & hopefully he does take that the next step next year but right now the warning signs are there for him being a bust. His accuracy & footwork stink & anybody that claims differently just has not watched him play. Before the Bills drafted him I posted on here that his accuracy is just not good enough. I still stand by that statement & it worries me. I am a firm believer you either have accuracy or you don't. It was why I never bought into the Losman hype & I was proved to be correct on that. Let's hedge our bet next year by picking another first round QB.
  14. I know we say this every year but the end is near for these 2 guys. They can't play forever & it is going against the very laws of physics why these 2 guys are still so good. I think the Broncos are going to be a surprise 1 & done playoff team this year. THey are probably still going to get homefield advantage assuming they beat the Chiefs next week. Manning struggles in bad weather. You could see he did not have the zip on the ball to cut thru that wind last night. The Broncos would be better off being a wild card & having someone like San Diego or Miami get home field advantage. With the road going thru either Denver, NE, Cincy, KC, should be lousy playing conditions for the duration of the AFC playoffs.
  15. Haha, I hear ya. After college about 8 of us would get together every Wednesdaqy night in the fall(all of us went to high school together) & we used to play football. My friend had a pretty big back yard & he rigged up all these construction lights & we would play under the lights. Usually it was 4 on 4 or 5 on 5. We would uaully play right up until Christmas & then the ground would usually be too wet. Losers would have to buy the beer that night. We would play to about 10 or so & then drink in his backyard for a few hours. We were all in our early 20s. We did this to we were in our early 30's & then it just got be too tough with families/kids & such. Man, those were good days. I miss them. In alot of ways, getting old sucks.
  16. Here we go again, Duff's is horrible. There are so many more better place to go for wings then Duffs in WNY. Anybody that thinks differently does not know what they are talking about. The one mentioned in San Diego my friend lives out there & says they are horrible.
  17. Hey, John from Hemet takes offense to that. lol As far as me we go over my sister's house for Thanksgiving. My mom cooks a turkey in the oven & my brother -in-law deeps fries a turkey also. My friends & I used to do the going out Wednesday night & playing football in the morning but that stopped about 7-8 years ago after we would all be sore for the next few weeks & we all started having kids. I miss those days, that used to be a fun time. Friday I am working from home which is to say I will just have to monitor my emails throughout the day as I expect it to be pretty slow so I plan on watching some football/college basketball & drinking some beer & then on Saturday I am going up to Wild Wings with a few of my friends & we will watch some more college football. Some great rival games on that day. Should be a fun weekend.
  18. I always remember on a Monday Night game. it was an early season game back in 1989. Broncos @ Bills. The fans were off the hook that night. I think it was the 2nd game of the season & we just came off a last second win @ Miami. Well it was clear that the broncos were going to have a tough time controlling Smith & Bennet & the one play Smith & Bennett crushed Elway at the same time & Dierdorff had a great line. he said, "right now Smith & Bennett are playing a little game of meet me at the quarterback". He was also complimentary with Bills fans when the Chiefs played here a few weeks ago. In the beggining he said something to the effect of "this isn't your typical NFL atmosphere here in Buffalo, it is more of a college atmosphere & this stadium has the same traits as Arrowhead as far as the noise level is concerned." I know he was not popular among Bills fans but I always liked DD. I am going to miss him.
  19. Yes I heard that also however I don't think that includes underclassmen that may enter the draft. Even still he should be drafted somewhere in the first round & yes I would love to see the Bills get him.
  20. I said all along Hackett was doing a pretty solid job. It is not his fault the players can't execute a solid game plan. Yesterday the players executed the game plan & the results were good.
  21. I disagree with your assessment on the team. This team is lacking a bit in the depth department, but they are ready to win now. The one place that they are lacking is the QB position. If they had above average QB play this year they would have 6-7 wins so far & would be right in the middle of the playoff race. Yes the QB position is that important. I can not stand it when people on this board minimize the effect a good QB has on the team. The whole dynamics of the team change. So please save the BS about how they are not ready to win this year, next year, the year after that. It is all excuses. Get a good QB on this team & this team is a playoff contender. My hope is Manuel takes that next step next year & becomes a QB you could rate in the top half of the league. Because if that happens, the Bills will compete for a playoff spot.
  22. You make some excellent points. It is what a smart front office would do. My guess is Manuel would be the 5th or 6th QB of the board if he was in next years draft. That should scare anybody who thinks the Bills should not draft another QB next year with their first pick.
  23. Yeah after I posted that I started seeing some stuff confirming it.
  24. This one guy in my office just came by & told me Regier has been fired & Pat lafontaine will be the new President & Ted Nolan will be the coach. Not sure how reliable this is, I can not find anything on the internet to confirm this. If true though, pretty big news.
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