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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. If you do watch Brady the Pats offense does not ask him to make a ton of tough throws. Most of his throws are 5 yard slants, screen passes & throwing seem routes down the middle to his big tight ends. He will throw outside the hashes once in awhile but you get the feeling he is throwing the ball with the intention of getting a flag & not throwing for the completion if that makes sense. Brady's best attribute is he knows where the open guy is going to be between the hash marks on most plays & he throws it on rythym. Disrupt his timing & you got a good chance of beating him. Manning, some of the throws he makes are just flat out unbelievable. He will have a 2x2 indow to get the ball in & he does it time & time again. He doesn't have a great arm but he gets it there & he is the most accurate QB I have ever seen. Both of these QB's are like an extra coach out there, they are as smart as the come.
  2. Pretty much my feelings on the whole thing. It is just not fair. haha
  3. The only QB I would pull the trigger on is Bridgewater if falls to #9 I really don't think that will happen. Maybe tempted if Manzel falls but once again I don't think that will happen. I would give Ebron a real hard look at #9. He is a matchup nightmare for the defense & he would certainly open things up for the Bills offense.
  4. Actually the Chiefs were favored by 1.5 points so the favorite did not win in this one.
  5. I just get sick of watching the same guys competing for the championship every year. By all logical theories Manning & Brady's time should of been done quite some time ago but here they are 15 years later as good as ever. I mean it is mind boggling that they have been this good for this long. I also don't like how they get treated differently then the rest of the qbs in the league. You brush against them a second after they release the ball & it is roughing the passer. That call last night towards the end where they called PI to keep their drive alive was marginal. The refs let them play all game & then they call that at the end. Hardly any other QB gets that call. I don't know maybe it is just me being a sore loser, I always liked Manning but I am getting sick of him. I almost hope he fails his physical in March so he can't play anymore. I don't know, if that is the worse that could be said about manning that he mooned some reporter when he was 21 years old after being in the spotlight for all these years I would probably have to say that the article drives home the point that manning is a petty good guy more so then he is a jerk.
  6. I don't think this QB class is overrated & the moment Bridgewater & Manzel declared for the draft the QB class became better then last year. If one of those 2 guys drop to the Bills I hope they pull the trigger. I would not take a chance on Bortles @ 9. We already have one QB project going on.
  7. The problem with reselling Cuse tickets is they play in to big of a place. If they had an 16-20K seat arena you would be able to name your price for teams like Duke/UNC/Indiana & probably still get a decent buck for some of the mid level home games. Now factor in that your also losing games against storied rivalries like Gtown, Villanova, Uconn etc... & replacing them with teams like G Tech, V Tech, & Wake Forest & those tickets are pretty much worthless. I was playing around with getting season tickets this year especially with Duke/UNC/Indiana coming in but decided not to. Just to tough for me to get out there during the week(I live in Lancaster) & on the Saturday games I was not really willing to spend a whole day revolving around a 2 hour basketball game(although this time of year I usually watch college basketball all day on Saturdays). I kind of wish I got them now since it looks like Cuse has a real chance to cut down the nets this year but oh well.
  8. Point well made. But I was not really inferring that it was the right thing to do. I was just stating noway that would happen today & kind of amazed at the difference in just a generation of the way we protect our kids.
  9. I was 4 so I don't really remember it but that story is amazing. Could you imagine in today's world a bunch of 6 year olds getting dropped off in the end of the street in the dead of winter in the middle of the night & allowed to walk home in the worst blizzard this area has ever seen? My wife does not even like when my son rides his bike around the block in the middle of summer & he is 10.
  10. Jeter, it just goes so far beyond numbers with him. he has been the heart & soul of the Yankees for the last 17 years. & his numbers are pretty dam good for such a long time.I am a mets fan too so it pains me to say that.
  11. Got to agree with this. Your going to see more & more players get blackballed from the steroid generation. If they could ban Pete Rose from the Hall they could certainly ban these cheaters. The voters have spoken too. The majority are not going to vote these guys in. Palmerio is not even eligable anymore because he did not receive 5%. How crazy is that. One of the best offensive players of his generation can not even get 5% of the vote. It is going to be interested to see when Jeter, Riveria & Griffey come up for induction if they get 100% of the votes. Honestly if any voter does not vote for these 3 guys they should have their credentials taken away. & yes I think Piazza got a screw job. He should get in next year.
  12. I wouldn't mind seeing the Bills try to trade down in the first to get an extra 2nd & pull the trigger on this kid there. His coach compares him favorablly to Romo(who also went to Eastern Illinois). This kid is a good Quaterback but more importantly he is a good football player. Can't have enough of those on your roster.
  13. I hear what you are saying. I like when Warrow posts, he gives pretty good insight. Tim Graham on the other hand I don't know. It seemed like he had really thin skin & the littlest things would bother him. There was one poster I know that would continuosly call him out & give him a tough time(can't remember his name) but if I was graham i would of just put him on ignore. My guess is due to his friendship with Lori, the moderators treated him with kid gloves too. I got suspended for a year with no warning for calling Graham out for taking a cheap shot at Ralph Wilson. My words could of been chosen better & I should of been reprimanded for that but come on a year with no warning? I guaranty if it was any other poster I said that to after them taking a shot at Wilson I would not even of gotten a suspension.
  14. I have taken my son to 7 games now. He is 9 years old & I have never had an incident where it would remotely make me think I should not be taking him. & we don't sit in good seats either. With that beig said, going to the games just are not as fun as they used to be. I would rather sit down at my bar in my basement & watch the ticket on my 3 tvs down there. I don't know maybe I am just getting old but it is much more enjoyable.
  15. I have pretty much gone full circle. When I first got season tickets back in 1997(I know horrible timing) we had 12 of us that would go. We were in our mid 20's at the time. Man would we make a day of it. We would meet at my friends house who lived right down the street from me usually at 6:30am for 1pm games. We would get to the stadium no later then 7am. Being all from Lancaster we always parked in lot 5. At that time, there were no restrictions when you could get the. We would get there & there would be noone even collecting at the gate. We drive in, setup, & an attendant would come by car to car collecting money(there was only a handfull of cars in the lot. & man would we throw a party. We would sometimes get a keg, sometimes my friend(who was always in charge of the beer) would just have coolers of ice cold beer in the back of his pickup truck. Each guy would give him money. I was in charge of the food & man back then would we do it right. My other friends pickup truck we would put 2 full size grills in & I would immediately start the gril & cook some omlettes/breakfast sausage/canadian bacon/sometimes pancakes/hashbrowns & so on. Some guys would eat right away some guys would start cracking the beers right away. Around 10:30/11 I would restart the grills & cook some steak/lobster tails/ribs/burgers/pork chops. It would be something different each week. & we would do some heavy drinking. We would go back to my friends house after the game & build & watch the 4pm games & we would drink some more & order usually pizza & wings. Yeah it was probably about a 10,000 calorie day for me back then. My wife would get so disgusted with me. I mean I would leave at 6:30am & I would not get home sometimes to 11-12 oclock at night. Especially when we had our son. He was sick alot when his first few years, nothing super serious, but a ton of acid reflux & stomach problems. I am embarrassed to say she almost left me a couple times after Bills games not understanding how I could leave her all day with a screaming kid. Looking back it was pretty selfish. As the years gone on, a tailgate group dwindled, a few guys moved out of town, a few guys had kids & few guys just got sick of the losing. We still have a big group for the opener & their are stragglers that come to different games but for season tickets from the original group of 12 it is only me & this other guy & we both bring our sons now. I went to the first 3 games with my son & to be honest if it wasn't for him I would probably just go to the opener. He loves it though & I do love spending the day with him. As far as tailgating now, I get there between 9 & 10am, me & my friend still park in lot 5 but instead of doing keg stands & beer funnels for breakfast, we usually have a friendly game of father son football between the 4 of us(me & my son always win haha). I will still have a few beers in the parking lot, but usually don't drink in the stadium & nothing like I used to. I miss the old days but I don't know ever want to relive them. There was many times back then myself or one of my friends could of ended up just like these two guys.
  16. I don't know how strong of a class it will be but I am pretty confident that 4 or 5 guys that are coming out this year will grade higher & would of been drafted sooner if they were in the same draft as Manuel. An Athlon preview for College Football this year a scout said about Aaron Murray , "I went to the combine, studied all the QBS in the draft & none of the QB's in this past draft have anything on Aaron Murray." Bridgewater, Manzel, Price & Boyd I believe also would of been taken higher the Manuel if they were in the draft.
  17. This sums it up. The Bills pretty much pigeon holed themselves into taking a QB. The problem is it was one of the worst years to draft a QB in the first round. None of the QB's graded out for a first round pick. Now I know this is not an exact science with the projecting of grades but the warning signs are there with Manuel. A poster above says it best. There is not one thing that manuel does that is particularly good. Is not accurate, can't seem to throw the medium range ball, is not a great scrambler, does not progress in his reads well, has slow eyes. I mean the warning signs are there for him being a big time bust. I am not ready to give up on the kid but I will sya this, if there is a QB on the board that the Bills brass truly believes in when there first round pick comes up I hope they have the foresight & the guts to pull the trigger. At the very least bring in a capable veteran. Noway should Manuel be handed the job with no competition the way he has played this year. I do agree with this. Losman's first year starting when he played games @ Tampa & home to Atlanta where I don't think he even threw for 100 yards in either game might of been the 2 worst games I have ever seen a QB play. Losman was flat out horrible that first year he started.
  18. Your right there are games like FSU/Savannah ST every week. But here is thing. There are over 100 games played on any given Saturday & there are always interesting games on the docket week in & week out. Never said the NCAA was pure & that all the student athletes are clean & untouched when it comes to money. Not sure why you would even reference that. My apologies.
  19. I have to agree with this. TD's undoing was putting his faith & drafting Losman & not finding a capable head coach. The one thing with Donahoe was it always seemed that his moves were more of the purpose of showing how much smarter he was then everybody else. The thinking was draft Mckinney, he had show he knew more by drafting fat Mike even though he never played LT in college, when common sense said to resign Pat Williams, he had to show how smart he was by letting him go, when common sense said to draft Steinbach at guard, he had to draft a gimpy WM. Evenn the hire of Greg Williams came out of left field as noone besides TD had him on the radar. I will say this about TD though. He was connected in the league & he was respected in the league. He was proactive & that is what kept his time here interesting & entertaining. But in the end a lot of his undoing was because of his ego & the fact that he worked for one of the worst owners in the NFL.
  20. Why is that? The last time I checked the Redskins won their division last year. I can't remember the last time we won our division. I think it was 1995. Pretty pathetic.
  21. What is also dumb is putting your eggs all in one basket with a QB that has clearly has shown the warning signs of being a bust this season. I am not saying the Bills should be done with Manuel, but if they lose out they will be picking in the top 3 & at that point I think you really need to consider drafting the best QB on the board. Worst case at least your hedging your bet if Manuel does not work out, best case you got 2 good young QB's on the roster; a pretty good problem to have..
  22. You are out of your mind if you honestly believe that. Watch college football on any given Saturday. 10xs better. Not even close. The NFL is just about unwatchable for me. Even the close games are boring. Watch the NCAA Tournament & tell me that is not more exciting then anything the NFL has to offer.
  23. I hope we lose the last 3 games & somehow end up picking high enough to get bridgewater. I was not high on Manuel when they picked him & his play has confirmed my worst fears. This guy will never be a franchise QB. I have seen enough.
  24. Totally agree with this. The rules have changed now with the new rookie salary cap. Manuel is basically getting paid like a decent backup veteran QB would be paid. By trading down they already in a way recouped that pick with getting Woods & Alonzo so the sting is not that bad. With that being said I agree, the Bills don't have the moxy or the guts to draft another QB in the 1st round. We will be stuck with Manuel for at least the next 3 years. Hopefully turn it around.
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