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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Clowney was in a weird spot this year. If he was allowed to enter the draft last year like he wanted to he would of been the #st overall pick, no question. This year he did disappear in games but I think he was more interested in not getting hurt then giving 100% effort. I would love it if he dropped to the Bills but there is noway that will happen.
  2. I am not saying just draft a QB to draft a QB, but if they really believe in a guy & he is there @ 9 you pull the trigger. It is too important of a position not to.
  3. What TG did to Manuel was bush league. Manuel should of popped him right in the face. You don't ask a question like that unless your looking to stir something up & create a story. My guess is TG was probably disappointed that Manuel handled it so professionally & just walked away. It pretty much shows why TG is a 3rd rate journalist. With that being said, I don't see how the Bills can't draft another QB this year & if one of the QBs they like drops to #9 I say pull the trigger. Bills arenot going anywhere without a QB & EJ has not shown enough in his first season to put all their eggs in that basket.
  4. Just about to post the same thing. Bis cuit is right, with Seatle's defense you can win with any number of QB's I suppose, but pretty tough to build a defense as good as Seatle's. A good QB will mask a lot of flaws on a team.
  5. Yeah Manning did get the better of Brady 2 weeks ago. I still say Brady has gotten the better of Manning over the course of their careers. Unfortunately you are right on with this interpretation. Parcells/BB knew Kelly's ego would get the best of him. Thomas should of ran it at least 30 times that game.
  6. That is the difference between Manning & Brady. Brady would of been in guys faces right from the opening safety. When things go bad for Manning he usually hangs his head. Also, after Denver was down 15-0, 22-0 Brady would of started slinging it down field not keep doing these 5 yard dink & dunks that are going to take 10 minutes to score a TD. Brady has a stronger arm then Manning. I don't think Manning is even capable of doing that. Just not in his game. Both great QBS, all time greats, it is unfortunate that Manning is going to be tagged as a guy that does not perform his best on the big stage.
  7. Agreed, save the 20/20 hindsight BS for some other board, plenty of people were on Wilson from this board & shame on the Bills for not pulling the trigger on him & picking Graham.. Agreed, the first series that Manning had after the safety I knew Denver was toast. They were on those receivers not giving them any room to run after the catch. Manning, put pressure on him & he cant handle it. Seen it before.
  8. Manning is done so is Brady their time is over. It is a new NFL, you need mobile athletic QBs. They may keep their teams competitive but neither one will win another super bowl. Mark my words.
  9. Come on man, you made a pretty stupid blanket statement about Manning & Kiko called you out on it & had solid stats to back it up. No need to keep fighting about it, just admit you were wrong & let's move on. Anybody that has followed Manning's career knows he struggles in bad weather(it does not look particularly bad on Sunday). He played in a dome most of his NFL career. Not only that but he played in a division for most of his career where he plays Houston on the road(dome, mild climate) & jacksonville on the road(nice climate. So that is 10 games right where he never had to deal with any weather. He played his college career at Tenn where I am quite sure since the SEC for the most part refuses to play any away games noth of the Mason Dixon line never played a game under 40 degrees & he played his high schiool ball in Miss where my guess is he never played a gam under 40 degrees. So yes it is a relevant point to state Manning struggles in cold weather. When you think about it, Kelly never gets mentioned when talking about the all time great Qbs(rightfully so) but it is amazing what he was able to do up here for all these years.
  10. The bottomline is the Bills are going to be significantly under the cap once again this year. Having Byrd on this team is not going to blow the cap up or keep us from signing young guys that are on the roster & their contracts are up in a year or 2. Having Byrd on this team clearly makes them a better team. Your arguement is only valid if the Bills were pressed against the cap which they are clearly not. Give Byrd his money.
  11. Well said. reading that article I felt ashamed also. All the corporate suits in the NFL offices really should be ashamed of themselves for the amount of greed they have displayed. It does seem worse since Goodell took over. Believe me I firmly believe there is a special place in hell for that guy. I remember Mike Ditka went on a crusade a couple years ago calling every NFL owner to donate some money towards the retired players. He said he got one return call(out of 32 owners) & the owner sent him a check for like $2,500 or something. He said he was so disgusted by the lack of compassion of all the owners that he ripped the check up.
  12. Yes, I heard that about the Rose Bowl where people did not like where everything is spread out & I also heard that a city like Indy where everything is condensed & in walking distance is a terrific place to have the super bowl.
  13. I agree, this is one of the more interesting matchups. I also agree with the OP that the off field story lines have been beaten to death & are really not that interesting i think that is where the frustration comes from. I mean who cares if Lynch does not want to talk to the media or Sherman does not think Manning throws a nice deep ball, or if the wind at game time is going to be 12 mph or 16 mph, or what the average temperature is in NYC @ 6 oclock at night in Feb. I was talking to my friend who lives in Hoboken & asked him if he was going to the game. He has a ton of ticket connections thru his work. He said having it in NYC was a big mistake. He said up until a few days ago you wouldn't even know that it was super bowl week. He said everything is so spread out & it is just not very festive. He said they did start cranking up the atmosphere @ Timesquare the last few day. Big mistake having it here. The greatest thing about having the Super Bowl in New Orleans is everything is condensed into a few miles & it creates a great atmosphere. I just think it was really arrogant to put this game in NYC by the NFL. NYC is not setup to host the super bowl.
  14. Absolutely. It is going to speak volumes this offseason how the Byrd situation play out as to how serious the Bills are about becoming relevant again.
  15. Yes I agree with this in theory, however when the Bills are $20 million under the cap as they were last year, there is no reason at all to let a guy like Byrd walk if winning is the number one goal of the organization, which clearly in Buffalo is not the case.
  16. I don't get this logic. I don't care about market value. The Bills are not pressed against the Cap. It is not like if they tag Byrd they are going to have to release 4 Vets to get under the cap. Having Byrd on the team, makes the Bills a better team, so my only conclusion is if they are serious about winning this year & that is the most important thing & they can not come to a long term contract for Byrd they will tag him again. It is really that simple.
  17. Yeah revisionist history but can't say I do not agree with everything you have stated. Decisions like this have kept the bills out of the playoffs this decade. The Bills never seem to use the draft to add pieces to the puzzle, they mostly draft to replace pieces that they let walk away. They will be doing the same thing this year if they let Byrd walk. You can't keep letting pro bowl caliber players walk for little or no return & expect to ever improve.
  18. Exactly, noone is forcing them to get a free education @ one of the finer colleges in the country all for playing football. If they don't like how they are treated & getting a scholarship for their services tell them to go into the real world & find a job. Noone is forcing them to attend Northwestern. Disagree, tell that to the regular NW student who comes out of school owing $200 grand in student loans. Noone is forcing these kids to accept these scholarships. If they don't like the way the game is played find something else to do.
  19. Agreed. We have gotten off pretty good the last 4/5 years. This winter sucks. It is not so much the snow, it is just bitterly cold & windy. They were even saying the other day that the ski resorts are not even enjoying a great season because noone wants to go out in this cold weather. My son is in 4th grade & I don't think he has had a snow day in the past 3 years. He has had 5 already this year. One more & they say they going to have to extend the year on the backend. All of the snow days have not been because of snow, they have been because it is so cold. TThey had one today. The roads are clear but it is -0- degrees out. I laugh when people say this builds character. F*ck that. It is miserable here right now. Maybe but it all melted within the next few weeks. This cold doesn't seem like it is going to let up.
  20. Virtually impossible to achieve also. I think one lady from Wisconsin did this 5 or 6 years ago but I also read you have a better chance of winning 3 mega million lotteries in a row then accurately picking every game right in the tournament.
  21. Yeah because the Bills have used so many top 10 picks on TE's in the past. I think the last time they used a pick that high on a TE was Tony Hunter back in 1983. It would actually be an atypical move by the Bills. A typical move for them would be if they took the safety for Alabama with the #9 pick. I would have no problem with taking Ebron @ #9 but would prefer like a previous poster to drop down, grab another 2nd & then take him. Dude is a matchup nightmare & would open up all the underneath stuff for this offense & would instantly become EJ's best friend.
  22. Why do you keep saying Bortles played a crap schedule? He played a tougher schedule then Manuel did his senior year. He went toe to toe with the #4 team in the country before losing(South Carolina), he beat the #9 team in the country at their own place(Louisville) & beat the #5 team in the country in the Fiesta Bowl in Baylor. The combination of those 3 games were tougher then any 3 games Manuel played in his last year @ FSU.
  23. NC State lost a lot of talent from last years team, who actually underperformed. This year, with less talent, the pieces have not come together. Your right about FSU/Virginia, both those teams are lined up to get bids. Duke will get a bid but I think Carolina is on the bubble come selection Sunday. Although, no bubble team is going to be able to match wins against Kentucky, Louisville & @ Mich St. They better be carefull with the bad losses. They already have too many.
  24. It is a down year for the ACC for sure. This is the worst I could remember Duke/Carolina being as a combination & the other thing is in years past you usually had 1 or 2 other teams stepping up also, like Miami did last year. This year it does not seem like you have that although Clemson & FSU are not bad. If it wasn't for Cuse/Pitt joining the league this year, the ACC could of been in real trouble in the amount of bids they receive.
  25. Old Roy really needed Harrison back & once he was dismissed I knew it was going to be a struggle for them. Yeah they had some nice early season wins but this team can't shoot. That is not a good aspect of your game to be lacking in when your playing Syracuse. They are going to struggle to even make the tournament although they got 3 pretty big wins on their resume.
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