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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. My son has never seen a Bill playoff game either. Hell, he turn 10 in April & he has only seen the Bills with a winning record once in his life & that was when he was a year old for christ's sakes. It is almost unfathomable that the playoff drought has gone on this long. What is even more disturbing is some of the clowns that have made the decisions that have contributed greatly to this drought are still here. I got a really good feeling though this drought is going to end this upcoming season. If they do make the playoffs this year, the week of the playoff game I am going to go on a massive 5 day bender, starting Wednesday morning & I am not going to stop drinking until Sunday night. It may cost me my marriage, my job, but god dammit it will be all worth it to watch some Bills playoff football.
  2. Yeah he was getting a shot. I could not believe noone would take a flyer on him in the 6th or 7th round. You ever the game when he was at Arkansas when they played Kentucky his last year. It went into like 5 or 6 over times. Peters caught I believe 4 or 5 tds that game. He was unreal. Amazing a guy that big had the talent to play the TE position & play it well. Like you said, he was getting a shot somewhere.
  3. Yeah from the games I watched they still look like they are out there. Probably a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Not nowhere when Bonds was playing. I remember there were games when he was going for the homerun record that it didn't even look like people had room to move around it was so packed.
  4. One more thing. The average high for Buff in Feb is 31-36, chicago 32 - 40, for march in Buff it is 37-48 chic is 41-53, for april in buff 49-61 & chic is 53-65 in may for buf it is 62-71 & chci 65-75, for sept in buf it 76-65 & chic is 80-69 oct 65-54 & chic is 69-57. So Chicago is about 4 degrees warmer then Buffalo on average so I doubt your boating season is a full 2 months more. I see people boating all the time here in late October, so your telling me Chicago people keep their boats in the water until New Years? + isn't Lake Erie quite a bit warmer then Lake Michigan? My guess is the boating season is longer here if anything. I don't buy the accident part. Great Whites usually do a hit & run attack in which they attack their prey then they let them bleed to death before coming back for them. My guess is they do this so they don't get scratched up to much when they are attacking a sea lion. The difference is with humans they will hit them but by the time they come back usually a life guard or whoever gets the person out of the water. There was a scientist on the discovery channel that actually believe when GWs attack humans they mean it. Of course a ton of scientists disagreed with this stating if this was the case their would be a ton more attacks. So who knows.
  5. This winter has been brutal for sure but this is rare. Prior to this I have been golfing 3 out of the last 4 winters in March so save your BS about you don't want to be anywhere the city until June. The tournament is coming here in march, hopefully they will get some Frozen Fours here in the future(that was a big hit the last time they came here) & I think you may have something. The casino is right down the road & I don't know if you have had a chance to walk down the inner harbor lately but believe it or not it is coming together. They have had several big concerts here the last year or so with big turnouts. Hopefully this will be the anchor that pulls everything together.
  6. Agreed, I watch a ton of baseball in the summer usually have the TV on the patio when I am doing yard work & such + I have the MLB package. Whoever designed/built AT&T really had a vision & was way ahead of their time. The ball park looks terrific & imo there is not a nicer setting & cooler looking atmosphere in all of baseball then that ball park. One question for you Chef. That Cove year you see all the people sitting in the kayaks behind right field. I know the Bay is a popular hangout for Great White Sharks, if I was in a flimsy kayak I would kind of be scared of getting attacked. Obviously I never heard of anybody getting attacked there but still. Playing with fire if you ask me. haha.
  7. I don't know man. You can't keep letting the draft picks that you hit on walk after their first contract. They are never going to get ahead that way. I mean is Byrd worth the $9-$10 mill per year that he is probably going to get offered by some team? Probably not but what is the difference. Their $25 million under the cap & you know what, signing Byrd to a long term contract they will still be $10-$15 million under the cap next year to sign other players so why let him walk? Because as usual business is first over actually trying to win games at one bills drive. It is just the way it is.
  8. UNC has proven they could beat any team in the country as evidence by their wins against Kentucky, Louisville, Mich St & now Duke. The thing that concerns me about UNC is they don't shoot the 3 well & they don't shoot free throws well, usually a recipe for disaster come tournament time. They do a lot of other things well though I will say that & they did make their last 10 free throws last night I believe after a horrible start from the charity stripe.
  9. Don't sleep on Virginia, they are very good. With the right draw I could easily see them getting to the 2nd week of the tournament. Bennett is a hell of a coach. As far as last nights game, Cuse was due to lose one of these games. There is a reason why no team has gone undefeated in college basketball in over 40 years. It is dam hard to bring your A game every night. Add in the fact they we are dealing with 18-21 year old kids & laying an egg against a horrible BC team last night at home happens once in awhile. Syracuse will be fine. Even if they lose to Duke & Virginia they will still be a 1 seed. I don't know if you guys have checked the locations but when they get that 1 seed they are going to be sent here to Buffalo. Last time they were sent here to the Arena I don't know if any of you guys were in town but it was a Syracuse love fest. Had to be 80% Syracuse fans here. They cruised beating Vermont & the Gonzaga. Then if they get the 1 seed in the East they will be sent to the Garden. I don't think it could setup any better for them. I mean they are not going to have to leave the state of NY until the final 4. This setup is even better I believe then when they won the NC in 03 when they were sent to Boston & then Albany. The only thing that worries me is if they lose to Duke Saturday & then lose to them again in the ACC Tourney. Will the committee place Duke as the #1 seed in the East & slot Cuse as a #2 seed in some other region? The ACC tourney is played in Greensboro I have been down there twice for that tourney & although Duke brings their fans there it seems like every other schools fans route against Duke so it will be interesting to see what kind of fans turn out if Cuse plays them in the championship. If they end up playing UNC you might as well play that game in Chapel Hill, it will be all UNC fans there.
  10. Agreed, there is no player in this draft that has more upside then JC. The questions are certainly there but like I said wierd year for him. He could of entered last year's draft & with the lack of top end QB prospects would of been the first pick in the draft no questions asked. I did think he kind of tanked it this year for fear of injury. He could be a bust but his talent level is thru the charts. Add him to the mix & there wouldn't be a front 4 in the league that could match us. You wouldn't have to worry about sending blitz packages anymore, just let the front 4 dominate. I really wish the Raiders were not picking in the top 10 because I could see Clowney drop if it wasn't for them. If he is there at nine the bills should sprint to the podium.
  11. Fair enough, but the excuses are over, Manuel needs to show plenty of improvement from last year. Contrary to what some posters believe the time of 4 or 5 year rebuild projects are over in the NFL. The Bills roster is ready to win now. There is a enough talent on this roster with a few tweaks where we could contend for the Divsion and make a playoff run this year. Not in 2016 or 2017, this year. Fair or not a ton depends on Manuel. We don't need a game manager, we need a QB that is going to go out there, put the team on their back & win a game once in awhile.(I know crazy expectations of your QB position). That is what a franchise QB does. I have my doubts that EJ will ever be a franchise QB.
  12. Could not agree more, if the Bills go into camp with manuel as the unquestionable starter they are relying basically on hope that the QB situation will be resolved. This roster has enough talent that they are ready to win now. It depends on how Manuel plays.
  13. Exactly, that & the fact it is the only sport where the fans in most arenas are right in your face & I have to say college basketball has the biggest home advantage in all of sports. My friend at work went to Pitt & he is pretty bummed out this morning. I walked in the office this morning & gave him a little smile as I past his office & he immediately goes off saying "why the f*ck would Dixon call a timeout with 4 seconds left so they could set their offense up?" I said "that's Dixon, guy way over coaches."
  14. Exactly. I honestly don't understand why Hacket took so much heat last year. Look who his Qb's were. I mean he ran an offense that put over 500 yards on the Chiefs who were one of the top ranked defenses at the time with Jeff Tuel as his QB. That counts for something in my book.
  15. I got to agree with biscuit on this one. I mean Smart should of acted a little more mature but come on, fans think they have the right to say stuff to these 20 year old kids that they would never say to their face out on the street. But your right too, Smart has to be for a lack of a better word smarter in a hostile situation.
  16. You ever watch a Miami game or for that fact a Jets game late in season when they are out of the playoffs. They will announce the game as a sellout but there are a ton of empty seats. The team would have to manufacture sellouts I guess is what I am trying to say.
  17. Smart has had a rough year. He came back to stillwater this year because he thought his team had a chance to win the NC. At the beginning of the year I would of agreed with him but this last month or so they have had some bad losses. I think they are actually right on the bubble as I am typing. They kicked off the team their backup PG & with Smart being out the next 3 games my guess is that there is a distinct possibility that the Cowboys get left out come selection Sunday. What is worse is I believe Smarts draft stock has dropped this year(he would of been a top 10 pick if he went out last year). I hope the Dbag Tech fan feels like a real big man antagonizing Smart at the end of the game. Real class thing to do.
  18. Yeah I know but it is a different era now. Seats are a ton more money(especially in NE) & the fans are so used to be competitive that I don't know if they will handle a couple losing seasons too well + add in the fact that Boston is more of a baseball town & it will be interesting to see. They may sell out the games per se, but I think it will be a situation like Miami has going on right now with 20K empty seats every game.
  19. It is going to be fun watching some of these organizations once there golden boy QBs retire & their not competive for a couple seasons scramble to fill the stadium. I am talking about New Orleans(they were a tough draw before Brees came to town) & NE in particular. Unless they get lucky & pull an Indy those teams are going to have a tough time filling their stadiums after a losing season or two.
  20. Your living in a dream world. It is not like he runs a construction company. You think some attorney after their all dressed up to go to court is going to be willing to take 20 minutes out of their morning to shovel the sidewalk?
  21. Reading this in my office I got a little tear in my eye and had to shut the door. May god bless you & your family.
  22. I would like to see you try. I am 10 years younger then you I believe. haha
  23. Exactly, why would he want to to shovel the sidewalk for a lousy $10 when he is mooching off mom & dad & enjoying the day snowboarding while his girlfriend is knee deep in dirty diapers & taking care of his screaming baby? It sounds like this kid has got his priorities straight & has a level head on his shoulders. I admire that.
  24. Yeah & he would of kicked your wrinkled old *** right in front of all your employees. These younger kids don't put up with sh*t nowadays. You look at them cross eyed & they want to kick your a**
  25. Disagree. You expect him to get up in the freezing cold weather, go outside & shovel your sidewalk for $10? It is not worth the effort imo.
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