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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Russ Brandon is not going to have any say whether the Bills stay here or not. I am pretty sure that will be up to whoever buys them. He will also probably be out of a job once the new owner takes over although the new owner would be wise to keep him on of head of marketing. Dude could sell ice to an eskimo as evidence by all the support the Bills get even after missing the playoffs all these years.
  2. Tonights games at least on paper are the best night of games for a sweet sixteen as I could remember. A couple of these games, UVA/MSU & Kentucky/Louisville are final 4 games in most years. Tenn is going to give Michigan all they could handle tonight. Not a good matchup for Michigan in the fact that they do not like to hit the glass, which is tenn specialty. I don't like to go against Beilein though with almost a full week to prepare. Work can not get over fast enough. I can't wait to watch these games tonight.
  3. It is a $400 million buyout so I am sure it is not totally out of the question for the new owner to lay that kind of coin down to move the team to LA or Toronto but it is not a drop in the bucket either.
  4. Could not agree with you more about College Football. Better in every way. Well said.
  5. You know I read an interesting point the other day. With so many people now dvring the game, less people are watching the actual commercials & the companies are starting to get p*ssed they are paying all this money when people are just fast forwarding the commercial part of the games. It will be interesting over the next few years as I think more & more people are going to start doing this as how this will play out with.
  6. Good weekend of games. Kind of got my clock cleaned gambling though so it was a fun weekend but a little bitter sweet and of course Syracuse lost so that just added to the misery. I guess I should not of been surprised with the way they were playing the past month or so. Always more fun when you win money.
  7. Bingo, at this stage of the season Cooney is who he is. A sharpshooter who can't shoot. If he was making his outside shots that would open up the whole offense. I doubt he miracously finds his shot this weekend too. If he continues to struggle it is going to be a chore to beat Western Michigan. I bet alot of MAC Basketball & these guys could fill the rim in a hurry.
  8. Wow that is pretty good. We have a work office pool that gets pretty big, I think 140 people went in last year. It is $20. I have been in it for the 16 years I have worked here never came into the money althoughI did get into the final 4 in 2003 & I needed Texas to beat Syracuse to win the whole thing in the Semis. Serves me right for picking against my alma mater. It always amazes at the lack of interest college basketball generates around this area. The NCAA Tournament is truly the greatest sporting event of the year. Buffalo is hosting this weekends games. On the drive in today the morning show on GR not one caller or morning host even mentioned the tournament. Then I turned on satelite radio & espn, fox etc.. all they did was talk about the tournament. Maybe if some of the local colleges were better. GR was talking about some of the reasons why Nolan has not agreed to sign the contract. I mean honestly this time of year & that is the best topic could come up with? It makes me sick. Lt Dan, a fellow degenerate like yourself is always welcome to stop by!!! 43 Spruceland Terrace, Lancaster, the party goes all night.
  9. I know this is a football board & everybody here loves to talk football 365 days a year and analyze to death who the Bills are going to take with their 6th round pick but the best 4 days of the sports calender is coming & that is the first 2 rounds of the NCAA Tournament(I don't count the play in games). Just wondering what everybody is up to. I was thinking of pulling my son out of school & taking them to the games Thursday afternoon. I have not really looked into how much tickets are going but I am sure they are going to be bumped up since Syracuse is playing. If not maybe we will just go to Wild Wings for the night games after he gets homme from school. Friday, I have my annual tournament party, one of my favorite days of the year. Itap the keg at 11 am & old time friend, some of them which I don't see all year start showing uup at various points of the day. It is almost like my little mini version high school reunion party. We will drink, eat & bet college basketball all day. Usually a card game breaks out about 6-7 o'clock & the festivities go well into the night. This is the 13th year in a row I have had this party & I really enjoy it. With me & all my friends having wives/ex wives, kids & such we don't get to see each other as much as we used to but everybody tries to make it a point to come to this party. I am expecting about 20 guys there this year. As far as the tournament goes, man is this a loaded field, most loaded field as I could remember. When you got Louisville & Mich St as #4's & freakin Kentucky looming in the 8/9 game & possibly playing Wichita St on the weekend this is great drama. Funny thing is I was watching ESPN last night & all 5 analysts have Mich St cutting down the nets next month. I like Wichita coming out of the Midwest. This team is better then last year's & remember they had eventual champion Louisville on the ropes in the final 4. I really like Arizona's draw. Should have a partisan crowd playing in San Diego & then Anaheim. Oklahoma St could be a tricky game but after that I think they cruise. In the East I got to go with Mich St. They finally look healthy & I have learned over the years never to bet against Izzo once the calender flips to March. In the South, I like Florida. I think they are the best team in the country & what I like most about them is it is a senior laden team with 4 seniors seeing significant playing time. As far as my Syracuse, I actually love their draw. I would think they could get by Western Michigan & Ohio State nor Dayton scare me in the 2nd round. After that we will see but they should at least see the 2nd weekend of the tournament, especially if Grant is ready to play. I got Arizona beating Florida in the national championship. Should be a great 3 weeks of sports. My favorite time of year.
  10. I am so sick of hearing "oh he wanted to play for us". He wanted to play for us because we were probably the only team stupid enough to guaranty him 5.5 million. But let's low ball our best ball player & let him walk out the door for nothing. What a great idea!
  11. It is not speculation. From two news sources the Bills offered Byrd in the neighborhood of $7.5 million per year. If that is true, which I don't see why it wouldn't be the Bills should be ashamed of themselves. They knew all along that offer was not going to be good enough, they just wanted to throw it out there to say tey tried. They have no problem though giving out 300% raise increase to 2 guys that for allintents & purposes have been busts since they have been in the league. This organization makes me sick. Biggest joke in the league.
  12. I think EJ is the starter this year but I don't see the harm in bringing in a guy that could actually challenge him for the job. I am not sure mallett is that guy or not but I would throw a 5th round pick at NE & see if they would jump. I really hope the Bills do not go into training camp with the same 3 guys they had last year. That would be a big mistake imo.
  13. No what is laughable is people like you that get so defensive when someone even mentions bringing in some real competition for EJ to face. The Bills had one of the worst QBing situations in the league last year, I don't think anybody on this board could argue that. If they even had average play from the QB spot this team wins 9-10 games & possibly makes the playoffs. But let's stand pat & not try to stiffen the competition so poor EJ does not have to worry about his job. If he is as good as you say he is he will beat out the competition & certainly would beat out a guy like Mallett. I watch Mallett warm up the one time when the Pats were here & Bill is right, this kid has a top 5 arm. Everyhting looked so effortless. I don't think much of him either because I don't think he has the head to play this game but at the right price I would bring him in for a look. Why not?
  14. Yeah that sucks but my boss got back from a cruise. It was during the NFL playoffs & he said the main pool they had this huge tv almost like a scoreboard on each end of the deck with the playoff games on. I am sure they will have something similar for the tournament. Not a bad way to watch the first weekend of the tournament, sitting poolside in 80 degree weather with a Matei. In fact that sound like an awesome way to watch the tournament as long as your wife/significant other doesn't mind.
  15. Of course he is open for returning as long as some team does not meet his insanely high salary demands. If the Bills had any stones they would publicly state that they offered Byrd a very generous contract, he declined & now they are pulling their offer. But they won't do that, they will just continue to sit there & let parker make an ahole out of them.
  16. Well done sir, good for a laugh. The Bills might as well try it. What they have been doing sure as hell has not been working.
  17. So your critizing a guy for buying season tickets & then saying he does not want to spend for another game(a game in December that is all but a glorified preseason game) but go on record as saying you don't even go to the games & then making a stupid comment saying it never gets hot here in September. Look at some of the past Bills games early in the season. It gets plenty hot here especially if your on the sun side. You wouldn't know anything about that though would ya since you don't go to the games. I am glad the series is over to but my second thought when I heard this was "great, now I got to pay for another meaningless December game that I won't even attend & probably can't even give the ticket away when the Bills enter the final month of the season at their usual 4-8. Don't be so critical of people. Everybody has their different reasons different philosophies on home games & at least this guy supports the team & puts his money where his mouth is unlike you.
  18. My guess is the good people of Toronto could careless about the Bills not playing there this year. Look, here is the thing, mainly due to hockey the people of Buffalo can't stand Toronto & the city of Toronto basically thinks the people of Buffalo are a bunch of inbred hicks. We are not sister cities like say us & Rochester. I have little doubt the people of Toronto could support an NFL team. I really don't think that that is up for debate. They just don't want to support our crappy NFL team. Who could blame them. If I wasn't from Buffalo I wouldn't route for the Bills either.
  19. This sums up my frustration exactly. Well said.
  20. Don't be surprised if the Bills draft the safety out of Alabama with the 9th pick this year & if they do that I am cancelling my season tickets the next morning. I don't entirely blame the Bills in this whole situation. It sounds like they made him a more then fair offer. I just don't think he wants to play for the Bills anymore. With that being said, this is just a typical type move for the Bills. A very good player leaves & they draft their replacement. The problem with this is you never get to build on the prio season.
  21. I have been saying this for a while that Virginia is the best team in this league. I don't think Syracuse falls past the 2 line & my guess is they will still be sent to Buffalo for the first weekend. I guess in the grand scheme of things it really does not matter if you are on the one line or the two line. You still got a pretty easy game the first game & in the 2nd game your going to face a team that is capable of beating you. Kansas has 7 losses but I know Lunardi's reasoning is they have played the toughest schedule. I don't care who you play, 7 losses is too much for a 1 seed. Kansas gets the 2 in the midwest with Witchita as the 1. That would be a fun elite 8 matchup. Right now with 1 week left in the regular season & then the conference tournaments Arizona, Witchita & Florida are locked in @ the 1's even if they lose in their conference tournaments. The last one is going to go to the winner of the ACC Tourney if Duke, Virginia or Syracuse win it & if some other team happens to win the tourney like UNC(playing as good as anybody in that conference) I could see Wisconsin grabbing the last #1 if they win their tourney.
  22. I am all aboard with this line of thinking. I don't see much of a difference between Jenkins & Ebron(I love them both so if we could possibly nab Jenkins in the 2nd & get either Watkins or one of the tackles with our first I would be thrilled. One of those guys should be there especially if the 3 Qb's are taken of the board before #9.
  23. You are correct kind sir. 3 years is the maximum they could tag them with the 20% increase in year 3. This makes it even better. I would definately tag him again this year & then if they can't work out a long term agreement I would tag him again next year. Not a bad deal for Byrd either. He would get paid $25-$26 million over 3 years. That would of been just as much if not more he would of got if he was allowed to hit the open market.
  24. I could be wrong but I don't think they could tag him next year. I think 2 years is the maximum you could tag a player. Anyhow, I don't see the harm in tagging Byrd right now. He is not going to sign the tender until mid August & this buys the Bills some time in trying to A.) work out a long term deal or B.) Trade him. I am pretty sure they will be able to get a first for him or at least a 2nd. It does not make any sense from the Bills stand point not to tag him. Their idiots if they do not.
  25. The problem with letting Peters go is what happened after that as tried to replace him. Bringing in Dockery & then trying Walker @ LT. How much money did they flush down the toilet on those 2 guys. That money could of easily been used to keep Peters here & happy. No you draft Glenn & you got your bookend tackles that could be compared favorably to just about any pair of tackles in the league. When you hit on a rookie free agent in most cases you should try to keep him. Peters had every right to demand top tackle money, he was one of the top tackles in the league & apparently still is. The way the Bills do business has them spinning their wheels every year. They let a guy like Clements go & use their top pick to replace him the next year. Trade Lynch & they use3 a pick on Spiller. Don't be surprised if they let Byrd walk they use their top pick on the safety from Alabama. The problemwith doing this is you are never building a tea your always just replacing guys. Are you going to over pay some guys, absolutely, but that is the price of being a winning franchise, which clearly the Bills are not.
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