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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Look your act is getting a little old. I mean I appreciate the fact that you support our players but do you even follow college football. Ask all 32 GMs in the league who they would rather have Sammie Watkins or Stevie Johnson & I bet my mortgage all 32 GMs in the league would say they would rather have Watkins. Just like I am pretty sure that 85% of the GMS would say they would rather have manziel/Bortles/Bridgewater then EJ.
  2. Would you rather have them starting out the season playing those teams to come out of the chute 1-5 or 2-6 and talking abou the draft before Halloween? This schedule give them the opportunity to come out of the gates quick & at least there will be a chance of the playoffs once the calender turns to November. This schedule is fine. The only thing I will say is it was a slap in the face not to put the Bills on Thanksgiving against the Lions after RW's passing.
  3. It is actually a decent sports bar also. I don't think tickets will be that tough to get seeing the game is in December & the Bills are typically out of the playoff race by Columbus Day. Got to agree with this one. There is a lot of drinking that goes on in the parking lot on game day. Don't judge us though, If you had to put up with 15 years of this nonsense you would try to numb the pain as much as possible too.
  4. I like Watkins but I don't know if I am all in on him like that. They had a list of top 10 ten draft picks of receivers that have been taken in the last 15 years on the radio this morning that are under 6'2. The list was unimpressive. I would be careful with Watkins. If you think your getting Calvin Johnson or Fitzgerald I think your going to be really disappointed. Sammy is not built like those guys.
  5. oregon is a major powerhouse now not because of their uniforms(although I am sure that does not hurt recruiting). They got one of the best if not the best complex/sports facility in the country backrd by Phil Nike. I guess their sports complex is unbelievable.
  6. I don't know aren't we like 0-4 with the whiteout? Just put a patch on the jersey & be done with it.
  7. Man, that is pretty scary that several doctors could not even figure out she was passing out because of low BP. Isn't BP the first thing they check? You wonder where some of these doctors get their degrees from.
  8. I hear ya but you got to remember if Clowney was allowed to go out 2 years ago he would of been the first pick in the draft. He is forced to return to S Carolina. They lose an early game to Georgia I believe essentially taking them out of the national championship picture. If your Clowney what would be your chief concern. Personally mine would be staying healthy. My point is I don't blame the kid for kind of tanking it at times last year.
  9. I have season tickets now & I usually only go to 3 or 4 games a year & sell the rest of my tickets. Be honest, I am kind of in your camp now, much more enjoyable to get the ticket & watch the games down in my basement. If it wasn't for my 10 year old son to be honest with you I probably wouldn't even get season tickets. He loves going to the games. I like going to the games too but I find it the older I get it is just more enjoyable at home.
  10. The only guy you are trading up for @ the 1 spot is Clowney. Period. The thought of Clowney on the Bills line is intriguing. Now you got your bookends with Williams/Clowney, add MD, KW, Hughes & you have one hell of a pass rush. You want to beat T Brady, you get pressure with your front 4. Throw Clowney into a mix that is already pretty good & I don't know how the line accounts for everybody.
  11. That is right, if they are not going to be loyal to me I am not going to be loyal to them. I got other things to do in the fall on a Sunday then give my hard earn money to a team that can't wait to get out of town & go to greener pastures. My guess is a lot of fans would feel this way & you wouldn't be able to watch the games anyways because none of them would sell out.
  12. You are correct. Most people do not understand this rule. An owner could own another sports franchise as long as their is not an NFL team in that market. If there is no NFL team in the market he is allowed to own an NFL franchise in a different city. So for instance, Mark Cuban could not put a bid in for the bills since the Mavericks play in Dallas, which also is home for the Cowboys. But the owner of the UTah Jazz could make a play for the bills since there is no NFL franchise in Salt Lake City. I am just saying I wouldn't really want to support the team anymore knowing that they are going to be in Toronto in a few years. That is my point.
  13. I agree with this sentiment. I know if the Toronto group wins the bid & the move to Toronto is coming I won't go to another game. What is the point?
  14. Haha, yeah it was quite a scene. I was in some serious pain for about 2 weeks. I didn't want to go to the doctor because I have really lousy health insurance thru my work now. The only good thing that came out of it is my mother-in-law knew to keep her distance from me for awhile because she knew I was hot about the whole thing.
  15. Last winter (2013) I had the inlaws over for dinner. I am one of these crazy bastards that grill all year round. Well I bought some nice strip steaks. Brought them in & sure enough as only my mother-in-law could say "mine is not cooked enough can you throw it back on the grill." Well I already took my boots off & just decided to put a pair of flip flops on to run it out to the grill for another 5 minutes. As I was taking it out I slipped on a piece of ice on the deck & my back/but landed square right on one of the steps. I am in serious pain & an instant welt the size of a grapefruite froms right over my tailbone. I thought I broke my tail bone. So my father in law helps me onto the couch, I am monaing in pain, they are all at the table eating & my M-i-l looks at me & says "I could see your going to blame this whole thing on me." My wife instantly says "of course he is not mom, it was an accident." I somehow pulled myself up from the couch, looked at my wife, looked at my mother-in-law & in agony said "your god dam right I am going to blame you, would it kill you to eat a rare piece of meat!!!!" That was over a year ago & the in-laws have not been over since for one of my grill outs. I never went to see a doctor & it has been over a year now since this happened & every now and then my back still bothers me.
  16. Dude your going to be in Jamaica, who cares about the draft. Have a few redstripes for me, forget about the NFL for one week & have a great time. You could catch up on the draft when you get back. Same goes for the guy that is going to vegas for his bachelor party that weekend. There are ton of things I like to do when I am in Vegas, watching the NFL draft is not one of them.
  17. This is exactly right. You could get away with being a major dick if your any good, when you have been buried on the depth chart the last 2 years & are fighting for playing time this year(I think they have 3 other kids competing against him) & are not head & shoulders above the competition, dabo probably figured he has had enough of this nonsense. I saw him play once when he was @ St Joes. Was not overly impressed with him. Seemed like a better runner then a passer.
  18. The atmosphere there is just horrible. It is like your at a funeral. I blame it on 2 things. First that stadium sucks. Whoever designed that stadium had to be an idiot. I realized it was designed for the Empire Games or whatever but come on. Everybody is so far away from the field it is really not possible to generate any noise. 2nd I blame the atmosphere on the student body. Honestly, UB has what 20-25,000 undergrads there & the student section could only fill that little corner by the goalline. What is with the students not showing up? I remember a game a few years ago the year they won the MAC Championship. There was a Tuesday night game, late in the season, Veterans Day, I forget who they were playing, I think it was either Ohio or Ball St, not sure, but the winner took control of the East division, it was a beautiful night out(for November) temps were in the high 50's that night, no rain, I took my son to the game. When I got home from work I was like let's leave early I think this place is going to be packed tonight. Espn was there to add to the excitement. I get there & to my disappointment it was the same 5,000 fans there you see every other game. If Iam a student I would of been all over going to that game. tailgating all day & then heading over to the game. The student body @ UB sucks when it comes to supporting their athletics. I hate to be racial about this but I think a lot of it has to do with all the foreigners that come up from NYC who all they care about is getting a free ride to UB & would never consider taking a night away from their precious studies to actually support the school that they go to.
  19. I have a pretty good connection inside the Bills. He has giving me tips that were spot on before. He has been wrong once in awhile too, but he has been more right then wrong when it comes to the Bills since I've known him. He told me yesterday, mark it down it is going to be opening weekend Monday Night against the packers. If this is true I got to imagine this is going to be the hottest ticket since that Cowboys Monday Night game. I remember the extra tickets I bought for that game when I resold them the profit I made pretty much paid for my whole season ticket that year.
  20. Why would NBC want to flex the Bills Lions game? That makes no sense. The only other matchup I could think of that has less national appeal would be the Bills vs Browns.
  21. The problem with Jacksonville is it is a college town. They are rtight in the middle of University of Georgia & Florida & they are in the heart of SEC country. College football rules in the south, not the NFL.
  22. I don't think people realize how wealthy Pegla is. He donated $100 million dollars to Penn State Hockey. I read tat if he did own an NFL franchise he would be the 5th Wealthiest Owner in the League. He basically has an everlasting ATM machine in the fact that anytime he wants to make more money he just drills more gas wells. It all depends on if he has the interest to own the team. Hockey is his first love. But make no mistake about it, if he wants to own the Bills he will end up owning the Bills.
  23. I had a job offer a few years ago to head up the commercial credit division of one of the banks right by Lake Norman. Lake & the overall area was beautiful. To this day I kind of regret not taking the job as it was more money & I think it would of been a beautiful place for my kids to grow up but in the end I just didn't have the heart to take away my kids from their grandparents. Very true, after reading this I am actually kind of glad I didn't move down there as I am sure my kids would of been living in that water come summer time.
  24. Concerning #1, how would you know? You said yourself in many posts you don't go to the games.
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