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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I would just like to say I really respect people that have season tickets that don't live in WNY anymore. That is dedication. Let's face it the product on the field has not been that great. I have season tickets but usually only go to the first 3 games & I live 15 minutes away from the stadium. It is not just the drive I admire, but I imagine people burn their vacation time & in some cases probably sacrifice a vacation or 2 during the year all in the name of going to see a perenial 6-10 sh*t team. I salute your effort & admire your dedication!!!!
  2. I graduated in 91 from high school & I liked my era but I always say the late 70's to early-mid 80s had to be a better era just for the fact the drinking age was only 18. The pictures from that time always seem like everybody was just out to party & have a good time.
  3. Yeah, we went to Panama City in 92, then Cancun in 93 & 94 & for our last year we went to Acapulco. I have to say Mexico had it all over Florida imo. The weather was much nicer, there was a way better girl to guy ratio & there were no drinking laws what so ever. Man I miss those days.
  4. Thanks. It is freezing here today but is supposed t get in the 70s starting tomorrow. Exil -I believe I shut it off when I closed the pool. Figured it was the right/safe thing to do. Usually I don't think about things like that so maybe that is why I wss caught off guard.
  5. You got it. I am getting out at noon today & plan on doing just that to kick off thelong weekend.
  6. Okay I will admit I am too stupid to live. My brother in law comes over last night takes one look at it, goes in the house says the gas is not turned on going to the outside, turns it on & it fires up. It is weird because I thought I smelled a little gas before. I don't know, maybe it was just me farting. 25 years of boozing, my sense of judgement is not what it used to be.
  7. That is a terrific idea. Never even thought of that. I will have to keep that in mind.
  8. Look their all businessmen, noone is going in this with the intention of losing money. That is not how these guys operate. Each one of them is going to have a budget put in place & they are going to try to win within the perameters of that budget.
  9. Hmm, I could see him slipping. If you watched him last year he missed throws that in years past he would make in his sleep. But let's face, he is so far ahead of the game him slipping is still better then most Qb's in the league & wll still probably be light years ahead of how EJ plays this year.
  10. Save your money. Futures bets are fun for the casual observer but the Vegas sports books makes a killing on these each year. For the most part people bet with their hearts on future bets. They bet their favorite team. Remember with the odds too, the odds are only good if the ticket is a winner.
  11. Just called national Fuel, the lady told me I need to call a license contractor. Thanks for nothing national Fuel, god forbid you try to help someone out right before the holiday weekend.
  12. My dad's friend went to all four Bills super Bowls & said Minnesota did it the nicest. He also said it was so cold you could not even go outside but somehow they made it work. Mentioned they had a lot of underground tunnels & such to get from place to place. Still being inside all the time is noway to spend Super Bowl week.
  13. Not a bad idea, maybe I will give them a call before I do anything.
  14. New stadium or not Minn should never win it over NO. NO is the perfect site for the superbowl. In fact if the NFL was smart it should award NO the superbowl at least once every 3 years.
  15. Funny, that is exactly what my dad said when I told him . I got my father in law coming over Friday to take a look at it. He is preetty handy. Your right if it was me doing the work there would be a good chance my house would of been blown up to the other side of the neighborhood.
  16. Our 14 year Old Pomeranian has bladder cancer also. She just got diagnosed last month. She has mostly good days & some bad days. Friday I took the afternoon off after I spoke to my wife & kids and made an appoint with the Vet to bring her in that afternoon. I got in the parking lot, sat there with her in my car for nearly an hour & turned around & went home. I couldn't do it. I know the day is coming soon where I got to man up & do this but I am in the same boat. Most days she is so filled with life & still moves around pretty & does not seem to be in any pain. I just felt like the time was not right last Friday.
  17. Your best bet would be if the Bills made the Super Bowl & were the favorites. Then you could hedge your bet by betting the NFC rep getting points & possibly win it both ways(Bills win but don't cover). If the Bills get in there & our underdogs you will be forced to bet the money line.
  18. It is kind of wierd given the cooler climate. When my subdivision was being built Majestic must of been giving deals on inground pools because there are a ton of them in my neighborhood. My pool is pretty big. It is oval & I think it is 34x16. I never understood like down in Florida that people don't have nicer inground pools. They only have those little utility pools that an average size bathtub is bigger then.
  19. Well I have a shutoff valve going into the heater & I have that turned off since I can't get it lit. I did smell gas when it was on but it was not a ton. Just a slight smell.
  20. Okay, my father in law going to come over and bring his air compressor. When I googled it it seems like this is what likely happened. Hopefully that is all it is because I don't feel like dropping a lot of money to get this fixed. Illinois - the pool came with a heater. It also came with a solar cover but I ended up throwing it out. The heater works way better. It heats up the pool about 1.5 degrees an hour. So if I know the kids want to go swimming the night before I will fire it up before I go to bed at night & the next morning it is usually in the low 80's. I usually don't use the heater from mid June to mid August because the water is ually around or little above 80 naturally but it extends the pool season for the kids from May until we have gone in it as late as the first week of October. But without the heater with the cool nights we have your looking at really only about a 2 month season. BTW, the solar covers suck imo. My deep end is 10 feet deep & the solar cover only heats the top of the pool. & it was a pain in the ass to put on & off & a eye soar to look at. That is why I threw it out.
  21. Okay so I opened my pool about 3 weeks ago. Since the weather in WNY has been let's jusat say on the frosty side this spring I told myself I better check the heater this past weekend to make sure it fires up just for the odd chance that we get a few days above 65 degrees in a row before the 4th of July. The pilot will not light at all. I first tried to use the ignition & then I tried to light it manually. It is not getting no gas. I think something must be cloggng it because I could smell a little gas when I press down on the pilot. Has anybody ever had this problem? My 2nd part of the question/idea is this. I called 4 different pool places today & everyone said they are booked solid with pool openings until July. I moved in my house 8 years ago & for the first three years I would pay Majestic $300 to open my pool. One year I decided to watch them do it & I said jesus what am I paying these guys for. All they do is unscrew the plugs, poor the $20 starter kit in the pool & flood the filter. So the last 5 years I have been opening my pool myself. The closing I have one of my friends come over & we close it together. My thought is getting a side business going that just opens pools. I don't really want to get into closing the pools since it is a little more complicated & I don't want to be responsible for screwing up & having someones pipes freeze. I would just do it on the weekends try to get maybe 10 closings a weekend & just do it from April to memorial day. I could probably make 7/8 grand doing it with what would amount to a couple hours of work for maybe 8/9 sat/sun a year.
  22. How much does the management service cost? If you could make the margins work I would think this would be a nobrainer to hire them even if they cut into your cash flow. Who has time to deal with all of this stuff, especially if you have a demanding job/wife/kids.
  23. You are correct sir. In that 30/30 on ESPN the Bills GM said we took Hunter with the first of our 1st round picks because we new 2 picks later either Kelly or marino had to be there. The other thing is everybody thinks that the Ken Obrien pick by the Jets was a bad pick, but it is only a bad pick with the notion they could of had Marino instead. Obrien, had a pretty good career, it is just that he had the unfortunate luck of being in the same draft & getting drafted in the same round as 3 hall of fame QBs.
  24. Interesting how history has a way of shaping itself. That secretary never interupts the meeting Kelly probably signs but 2 years later there is noway we are in position to draft Bruce Smith in the 85 draft. So actually although she did cost us 2 years of watching Kelly in a Bills uniform we probably would not of had Smith without her error in judgement.
  25. I know he is only a little over 6FT but he plays bigger then Harvin. Plays bigger then his size. Not scared of contact & he will run around you but he will run thru the defense also. I am not saying he is Calvin or Fitz but don't let his size deceive you.
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