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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Why the hell would you bring your wife's family if they don't allow you to booze? Come on man, use your head.
  2. I tend to agree with you. Why is she texting her sister about the bill? If I was the manager I would fire her just for that.
  3. My dad was diagnosed with Cronic Leukemia 12 years ago. He goes to his oncologist every 6 months but has not had to take a treatment, radiation, chemo ever. It sounds funny to say but if you have to get diagnosed with something, you could do a lot worse the CLL. He is now 71. He is pretty healthy, still golf's twice a week & really except for having a tough time breathing when the weather gets really cold in the winter time is in good shape. Good luck to you sir & every other person that is battling cancer on this board.
  4. I am in the same boat as you. Never been to Hammer's lot, it is just not convenient. We are all coming from Lancaster/Clarence so there is no easy way to get to that side of the stadium from where we are coming from. We do the grass lot for the opener since we have more people at that game & then take it to lot 5 after that. It has always been good to us. + I am usually home by 4:30 & watching the late games from the comfort of my own basement.
  5. Thanks, this pretty much sums up my feelings. Just feels like a big empty hole right now. Same thing happened. The last 4 days she was trying to go to the bathroom but nothing was coming out. She lived a good life & I am gratefull I could call her my dog for 14 years. To everybody else, thanks for the kind words & thought. I certainly appreciate it.
  6. I know I mentioned it a few weeks ago when another poster had to put their dog down that my dog's time was coming to an end but I had to put my dog down this weekend. She was diagnosed with bladder cancer awhile ago & it progressively got worse the last 10 days or so. She couldn't go to the bathroom the last few days & it looked like she was in quite a bit of pain. Our Vet told me it was definately the right thing to do. I actually drove her in to be put down about a month ago but sat in my car with her for about an hour in the Vet parking & drove home. Just could not bring myself to do it. This wekend was different. I just knew it was time. We got her when my wife & I first got married 14 years ago. She was the most docile friendly dog I have ever seen. All she ever wanted in life was to have someone to snuggle with. A true lap dog indeed. Our Vet often commented that this was the most friendly pommeranian he has ever seen. He said he usually dreads the appointments with poms but he said he really looked forward when Maisy was on the schedulle becasue she was so friendly. He said often times Poms could be a bit nippy & standoffish to people they don't know. When my wife was pregnant with our first child 10 years ago she had a rough pregnancy & was put on bed rest for the last 4 months. That dog would stay by her side in bed the whole day & would only come down to go to the bathroom. It got to the point where I would put her dog bowls right by our bed for those last few months. When my son got sick when he was 2 years old & had namonia Maisy never left his room until he got better. It is kind of weired & the house feels a bit empty now. I have woken up the last 2 nights thinking I was hearing Maisy walking down the hall that leads to our bedroom. I am sure it will get better over time. She was a very special dog.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. I mean buy him a few beers at the game. I think that is more then enough of a nice gesture of thanks. If your going to buy him the Nike jersey you might as well just got the tickets yourself.
  8. A lot of talent on those seminole teams although he did lead them to two 12 wins seasons so he must of been doing something right. The bowl games I remember he did go 4-0 but his biggest contibution in those games was not turning the ball over. I think in the South Carolina bowl game(I believe his sophmore season) he actually only threw for about 80 yards but he might of been splitting time with Ponder, I really can't remember. I never got the wow factor watching him in college. Watching Winston I get that wow factor. + it seemed like once Manuel left & Winston took over Jimbo opened up the offense.
  9. I watched him play & was never really impressed with him. I guess we will see this year.
  10. I have never heard one of Marino's teammates ever say a bad word about him. Just curious where you get this line of thinking. I like you & your positive attitude but your the ultimate homer. You question one of the alltime greats leadership ability yet your high on Manual, a kid that hasn't proved anything yet & wasn't even that good @ Florida St. If Manuel has 10% the career that marino had I will consider him a success. & I am with the other posters, this season rests on EJ. If he is average to good I think we win the division, if he plays at an all pro level I think we are Super Bowl contenders. The talent on the rest of the roster is there imo. If he is lousy my guess is he will be looking for work next year & the Bills will continue their playoff drought. I have not been this excited for a football season in a long time. I really think we got a chance this year.
  11. I would go with option 4. Don't go to the wedding. In case you guys ever get married this will be a perfect place to put your foot down & let her know where you stand when it comes to your beloved Bills. Go to that wedding & if you do get married to her down the road I guarantee she is going to have some of your Sundays booked up when the Bills are playing. If she breaks up with you over this(& there is probably a 40% chance that she might) she probably was not the one for you anyways.
  12. I am kind of in the same boat as you are. When I was in my 20's/early thirties I would never consider missing any game. I still have season tickets but I usually only get to about 3 games a year & to be honest if it was not for my 10 year old that loves to go to the games I would probably only go to the opener. I just find it much more enjoyable to spend the day down in the man cave then go to the stadium now. Showing my age I guess.
  13. This. There is no doubt the driver was drunk, that is probably why they never stopped. Glad the daughter is okay, I hope they catch whoever did this. Just horrible.
  14. This is an excellent post. I mean you got to use your head a little bit. Perfect example my son likes the falcons, whe they were on the schedule last year I was going to take him to that game(before I found out they were playing up in Canada) but I told him he is not wearing his Matt Ryan jersey. My wife thought I was being silly but I said it takes only a couple drunk aholes to ruin our day. You got to be smart about it. I have gone to a lot of away games & I rarely wear my jersey unless when we go down to Miami(there are usually 25K bills fans there) or jacksonville. But I see it all the time people wearing different jersey come into our house & disrespect the Bills fans around them. If you ask me these peple are looking for trouble & often times they find it.
  15. You should of probably thought about this before you got married. See the trick is to lay down the law before your married when you are dating. I walked out one time on my wife at a wedding when we were dating where she was the maid of honor to go home & watch Game 4 of the Braves/Mets NLCS. She thought I was kidding when I told her before that I was going to do it until I got up & did it. Sure she didn't talk to me for 3 weeks after that & it almost cost me our relationship but it was worth it in the end as that day was the day there was a line drawn in the sand & from that day on my wife knew how important sporting events are to me.
  16. I remember when Strausburgh was @ San Diego St & they asked Gwynn why doesn't he use his ace pitcher more & he said something to the effects of "I am not going to possibly damage Stephen's arm just to bulk up my resume." Class act & one of the sweetest swings in all of baseball. Made hitting look easy. Batted 394 in the strike shortened season of 1994. Closest anybody has ever come to topping the 400 mark since Williams did it. One of the alltime greats for sure.
  17. The real problem with football & players going broke is out of any of the sports their careers are the shortest & they make the least amount of money. An average starting left handed pitcher in the big leagues is making $11 - $12 million per season. Most of these NFL players don't see that in their entire careers.
  18. If you forget to buy your beer why can't you just go to the 7/11 across the street, they start selling @ 8am.
  19. I got to agree with this if the product is better people are more eager to get into the stadium watch the team. Back in the early 90's when I first started going regularly to games it just seem the whole day was centered around the football game, now there is no doubt for a lot of people the whole day is centered around tailgating & oh yeah there is a game at 1 o'clock if anybody is interested.
  20. The Canadiens are aholes, so I guess my response would be I would never go see the bills play a game in Canada even if it was right across the peace bridge in Fort Erie.
  21. I got to agree with this sentiment. My friend used to be in the Army Core of Engineers & he told me one time that a big part of thereason that area has never been built up is that they have no idea what is in the ground after they dig it up & they are scared as hell to find out. I dpn't know the specifics of any of that but in KD's defense you must be making some money & it must be a nice chunk of change & worth it to offer up your property as a parking lot year after year.
  22. I would rather watch them at home. As too why I have kept my season tickets over the years. I still like going to a couple games a year & my son loves going. If they ever get good again I will go to more but for the last 2 years I have been just going to 3 games a year & then selling the rest of my seats on ticket exchange. They are pretty easy to unload & I usually get around face value for them so it all works out in the end.
  23. They had a bikinni contest at Fat Tuesdays in Cancun back in 92 when we were there. Same thing started out with girls in bikini's with t-shirts on that were hosed down. Then the wet t shirts were taken off then some of the girls took their bikinis off. One of the girls started eating the other girls muff right on stage to every guy at the place amazement. Needless to say that girl won the bikini contest & my guess is that she did not have to worry about getting a date for the rest of the week.
  24. My guess is you never tailgated in lot 5. They are not on the grass lot right in front of lot 5 because they can't bring their bus into lot 5 anymore but they have a guy dressed up, looks just like Hulk Hogan except he ways about 100 pnds. I have also seen there Sgt Slaughter look alike & couple other of the old time wrestling stars. For a couple of the night games they even set a ring up on top of the bus. It is fuggin hilarious.
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