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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Got to agree. It is not Marrone's fault that Brown doesn't know enough to hold onto the ball when he is about to score or that Mcdipshit fumbles another punt return(although given Mcdipshit's history maybe they should of put someone in there that is a bit more reliable). The 4th & 10, honestly that call could go either way. You can't blame him for that. The only thing you can blame Marrone for is not going for it on the 4th & 1. You spread everybody out & let Orton sneak it up the middle. That play is virtually impossible to stop. New England made something like 58 straight conversions on 4th & less then a yard running that play over the years. The only way the defense has a chance to stop it if there is a bad snap or something flukey like that. Make that first down & get 15 more yards & your pretty much in Carpenter's range. I don't think Marrone is a good coach but you really can't blame him for this loss. The players lost this game not the coaching staff imo.
  2. What's the problem. If they play on that Saturday get an early flight & watch it at one of the many sports books available on the strip. That would be a great time.
  3. Wardynskis is pretty close to Sahlems if you ask me. Both are pretty good. On a side note you ever look into a hot dog & think to yourself "what the f*ck am I eating?"
  4. I think the trap game is more valid in college football then it is in the pros. In the pros every team is capable to a certain extent. You always see it in college though. A team will sleep walk to a win against a much inferior opponent the week prior to a big game. The team usually wins because talent eventually prevails but they very rarely cover. I see it time & time again & it is one of the few advantages & insights a handicapper has over the sports books that set the lines.
  5. You are correct sir, playoff contender yes, I am not quite sure they could get over that hump to make the super bowl with Dalton under center.
  6. Betus is a reputable book also as well as the ones you mentioned. If you do make this bet I would put a stipulation that you use one sports book. I don't think it is fair to you that he could go to any sports book out there to find the line he is looking for. 5dimes & Bodog are the most reputable imo.
  7. The bengals will never be a true contender while they have Dalton under center. He is just not good enough. When they played at Houston in the playoffs the Titans were begging the Bengals to win the game but Dalton could not make a play. Last year against San Diego in the playoffs he was also awful.
  8. Exactly, dumb player. He will get you beat more times then not. That fumble at the 5 yard line late in the game against Auburn was just pure stupid.
  9. Couldn't agree more. I said after the Bills lost to NE & sat at 3-3 that if they want to make the playoffs they need to win their next 6 games. Well they are 2-0 right now in that stretch. Win there next 4 & they will have the tie breakers for the wild card over any team they need to worry about except possibly San Diego. Win these next 4 & 10-6 will get you a spot into the dance.
  10. I was at the game so it was tough to tell but when I saw the replay they miss spotted it by almost 2 yards. That can't happen on a game ending drive like that. It should of been spotted at the half yard line. I hear what your saying about the refs are down field & it was a chaotic situation but you simply can't mess up something like that in that situation. Guys jobs are on the line & they need to do better. If it means stop the play & taking a quick second look so be it, they review every other friggin thing.
  11. Thanks for the update. Why would you shoot any squirrels? What did they ever do to you?
  12. Couldn't agree more. The Chargers when they where the baby blew jerseys & the bills have the best uniforms hands down in the whole league. I don't mind wearing the all white combination at home but the problem with that is then they have very limited chances to wear the blue jerseys as most home teams wear their darker jersey. Agreed on the all blue look too , I would not be a fan of that combination. Looking at the uniforms now, I just can't believe anybody would think going with those Donahoe era abomination of uniforms would ever be a good idea.
  13. I thought the same thing but you know what, it was at home & I think the clock operator was thinking if they review & rule his foot was out or something like that they wanted 1 more tick on the clock to run another play. I think that is why the clock operator left 1 second left.
  14. This isn't college football. A win is a win, no style points necassary. If this team has any thought of the playoffs they need to win their next 5 games. I don't think they will be able to do it but you never know. They are all winnable but the only game I see as a sure win is the jets at home. Next week will be tough. The jets usually cause all kind of problems when we play them there.
  15. I was for the trade. Yeah it sucks to pay that steep of a price but look who has been our first round picks the last 10 years. My guess is we will be picking around 18 or 19 this year, or maybe even higher if the breaks go our way. You don't get a chance to get a playmaker like that everyday.
  16. I heard the same thing. What is surpriising is I heard from several sources that the coaching staff loves him. Well if they love him so much to not even give him any playing time is baffling. Just another example how marrone is alienating this lockerroom. Makes decisions that simply make no sense.
  17. Very true. I am starting to get the feeling though that noone at One Bills Drive really like marrone. I think he is on an island by himself. I am not quite sure the players are buying into what he is trying to sell them. Some of his decisions on game day are baffling. Like keeping Hughes & Williams on the bench on that final drive. You can't defend something like that. He is supposed to be an oline expert, the oline has regressed from last year. I don't know, I too hate the thought of bringing a new coach in but it may have to be done. I honestly think if Marrone does not make the playoffs he is done.
  18. Fair enough, I was in the scoreboard endzone pretty low so it was tough for me to see how much he gained. Plus I had a few pops in me by that time. Right call bad result I guess. Yeah he should of ran out of bounds.
  19. The end of the half fumble by Spiller was a stupid play by a stupid player. Although it was even a dumber call. If your going to call that play why not just take a knee & head towards the lockerroom.
  20. The only thing I would add to this post since your giving all our Qbs nicknames is JP "the dipshit" Losman.
  21. Come on man getting there at 8am cracking a beer as soon as you get up is what makes the gameday at the Ralph so special. If they do build a new stadium, there is no doubt in mind that it will be downtown by the waterfront. Tailgating as we know it will never be the same.
  22. This is the biggest home game the bills have had imo since that Pittsburgh debacle. This isn't just about another win, if the Bills win it could signify the changing of the guard & proves the gap between NE & the rest of th division is finally closing. Lose & I am not saying the season is over but it will be just another reminder that NE still has a stranglehold on this division.
  23. Couldn't agree more. This game coming maybe the most important home game this has played this decade(I know that is not saying much). It goes beyond wins/losses here. If NE wins, even with their early struggles although the gap is closing it will feel like the same old same old. If we win, we are now alone in first place in the division with wins already against the phins & pats. This game will tell a lot of how the rest of our season is going to go.
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