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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. That is interesting. I have always been a big Kap fan. My uncle lives about 2 miles away from the University of Nevada & I went & seen him play in college twice. I was mad when they didn't pull the trigger on him in the 2nd round of the draft. With that being said, I really have not watched him much this year. Very interesting posdt you had about him.
  2. No if you play like EJ Manuel this fan base thinks you suck. Getting Kap on this team would make this team an instant super bowl contender. & the cold harsh reality of the Dline is your not going to keep both Dareus & Hughes. There both going to get somewhere in the range of Mario Williams contract maybe a bit less but close. You can't have 3 guys on your Dline making that kind of coin. With that being said SF is not going to let him go unless it is for a king's ransom & I am talking multiple 1st round picks.
  3. It is no big secret how to stop manning. Get consistent pressure with your front 4 & take away the short slants & crossing patterns that he loves to go to. The problem is most defenses do not have the personal to effectively accomplish this. The Bills defense may. Seatle had the personal & you saw what happened. Try to Blitz Manning & he will usually torch you.
  4. Thanks. Our stadium it is one of the few old school stadiums left that really has a great atmosphere. An article captured it best when it says "going to a game at the Ralph on a Sunday to watch the bills play is like going to a high school football game on steroids". It really has a bit of a college football atmosphere feel to it. I hate to say it but I think given the schedules, even with the loss your Browns have a better chance to make the playoffs then the Bills. IMO all this win did was keep the season interesting one more week for the Bills. We gave away to many games earlier this season(Houston, KC, 2nd Miami game). With Manning, Rodgers & Brady 3 out of the next 4 weeks my guess is the Bills will end up 8-8, 9-7 at best & that won't be good enough this year. Looking at Cleveland's schedule, while not easy I think you guys could get to 10-6 if you get some better play from the QB position. Good luck rest of the season.
  5. I just bought myself a 2008 Corvette. Only has 14,000 miles on it. Bought right outside of Boston, Mass. Gets delivered here Friday. That is my early Christmas present to myself. Always wanted one & finally decided to pull the trigger. The nicest Christmas gift I have ever got is either that or the package of socks my daughter got me for Christmas last year.
  6. What home field advantage do we have now? The No what made Buffalo great back in the early 90's was having about 10 future hall of famers on the roster. Noone wanted to play the Bills in Buffalo because they were really good. Just like noone wants to play New England in Foxboro now because they are really good. What is Brady like 83-14 in his career at home. Amazing.
  7. That is not true. We got 8 feet of snow back in 2001. I think it was more spread out over like a 5 day period but it was there. It was towards the end of December. With that being said the weather get over played here. Of the 5 home games that have been played here this year there really has not been one bad weather home game. This is usually the case each year. Our weather in the fall is actually the perfect weather for football. The only reason I would want to put a dome in is so we could attract other events such as an NCAA Tournament Regionals or Final 4, Super Bowl etc.... That maybe a pipe dream but who knows. A ton of stuff is happening downtown. Other then that I would prefer an open air stadium. You could say retractable roof but it would be a wasted as I bet if there is even a hint of rain or the temp is below 65 they would keep the roof closed. It would be closed 90% of the games.
  8. You know the Bills fans motto. We will get em next year. On a different subject I don't see why they cancelled the UB games this week. My office is about 2 miles away from the campus & they litterally got probably 2 inches of snow. You could see grass in some places.
  9. I would actually like it if they moved the game. Hell move the green bay game too. Then as season ticket holders we would get a credit for next years season tickets. This season is over as far as playoffs are concerned so who care where they play the game. Play it in Iceland for all I care.
  10. The Blizzard of 77 was totally different. It actually only produce 14 inches of snow but it was the winds & the snow drifts from the snow on top of frozen lake erie that was causing the problems. This storm was way different. I lived in Lancaster & have lived here most of my life(except for the 4 years I went away to college @ Syracuse) & I have never seen anything like this. Even when we got that 8 feet of snow back in 01 it seemed liked that was more spread out. This was constant snow without a break for 48 hours. I think at points it was 4 inches per hour. I finally got to work today. The roads are great & my offices is in Amherst & you could see some grass when I pass Audobon golf course. They got nothing. Things are fine now(at least where I live) but there is a hell of a lot of snow to move. They are calling for temps in the 50's & 60's Sunday-Wednesday. I worry about people that are in flood prone areas that they are going to get flooded. People are going to have their laughs our expense again but after a few tough days life is starting to get back to normal. I would take this anyday over the flash floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, mud slides etc... that disrupt some other parts of the country.
  11. Here is what the NFL has become. there are probably 4-5 teams in this league that are truly elite. Right now I could think of 3 of them & that is NE, Green Bay & Arizona. I am kind of reluctant to throw Denver in there right now the way they have played the last month. Then you got on the other 3-4 horrible teams that don't have a chance of winning most Sunday. I include Oakland/jets & Jacksonville on this list. & then you have a bunch of teams that they could win anywhere from 5-11 games depending on if they get the breaks or not/what type of schedule they have/do they avoid major injuries. The Bills fall into this category along with most of the other teams.
  12. I think you will see Kentucky go down sooner rather then later. Ton of talent on this team but there is noway Cal is going to be able to keep everybody interested/happy with this 5 man substituions. These guys were all top 10 recuits, if I was one I wouldn't be happy playing 15 minutes a game. The Harrison twins are very good. Good job by UB. I watched the whole first half, they went right at them, were not intimidated at all. I knew they wouldn't win but it was a good showing.
  13. If I am Pegula I would like to find out how much of a say Whaely had in drafting Manuel. I think this was Nix's pick all the way. He even said that past fall that he wanted to get a franchise QB before he left the team. With that being said I think Whaley should stay. There are 3 major problems on this team. QB, the Head Coach & Off Coordinator. We could fix 2 out of the three this offseason. Sorry but Bills fans are anything but spoiled. We have had plenty of patience.
  14. I could honestly see us losing to the Jets this week.
  15. My prediction is the Phins will give Tannehill a big contract extension after this year & they are going to regret it for years to come. Guys not good enough & never will be.
  16. To the opening poster. You see things very clearly. Well done sir, well done.
  17. It wasn't borderline. It shouldn't of been flagged. Watkins was about 6 yards away from where the ball landed so save your bs for some other thread. If that is Manning or Brady throwing that ball noway it gets flagged.
  18. You could poke fun all you want at this theory fluffhead but history has taught when there is big money involved there is usually some corrupt stuff going on behind the scenes. Gambling on the NFL has never been bigger & it is a multi billion dollar business.
  19. Honestly, maybe I am just a jaded Bills fan but it just seems like the refs are out to get us. I mean there is no fckng way they call intentional grounding if that is manning or Brady or Brees or rodgers throwing that pass. It wasn't close to intentional grounding. & then they throw the flag on gilmore when the ref has a perfect angle. I mean the Bills are bad enough, they don't need to have to beat the refs too. Also, in the first half Miami was holding on every play. I mean it was obvious watching it on tv. Not one flag. We rip off a decent run & sure enough they get woods for holding. I mean he did hold but they let the phins get away with it. You know I was thinking last night Brady & Manning are still as good as ever. This is unprecedent. I mean do you realize they have been in the league 15-16 years. I am not taking anything away from them but one of the reasons they are still good is the refs favor them. I mean the phantom PI calls anytime you breathe on one of their receivers, to the illegal pick plays that never get called that they always run to anytime you lay a hand on them it is pass interfernce. I am really starting to hate the NFL.
  20. Oh boy, rough way to start for UB. Kentucky is loaded. I think the biggest problem Coach Cal is going to have is that he actually has too much talent on this team. His hardest task is going to be to keep everybody motivated & to keep everybody happy. I think he expected more guys to jump last year but they stuck around. He probably has no less then 10 guys on that roster that are going to be playing sooner rather then later in the NBA. Good to have college basketball back!
  21. Exactly. Every year around this time everybody starts stating 10 wins won't get you in & every year at the end of the season if the Bills would of just got to 10 wins they would of been in. Teams start knocking each other off this time of year. If the Bills get to 10 wins that should be good enough for the 6th seed. I doubt they get to 10 wins but if they do my thoughts are it should be good enough. I have a feeling they are going to lose tomorrow.
  22. You couldn't be more right. The plays calls were there, the players failed to make the plays. I think Hacket gets a bad rap around here. It is not his fault he doesn't have a QB that could make a play once in awhile. Orton has been good up to last Sunday. Was not one of his better games. He missed 3 or 4 throws that would have resulted in TDs. In close games you just can't have that.
  23. I either usually go to Wegman's & get it right from there Butcher Block. Also Dash's on Main Street have very good cuts of meat. They usually also have bone in ribeyes which wegmans usually does not have.
  24. The chopped sirloin at Ponderosa never fails to disappoint. Just kidding. Chophouse is overrated. Have went there 4 times now & I think it sucks. EB Greens is good but for a steakhouse around here my money goes on either Russells or Kennedy's Cove on main street in Clarence. I could make a steak better then any of those places though & for a fraction of the price. That is why I rarely go out to tghose places unless it is a special occassion.
  25. I got to agree with you on the Chandler call. Horrible call. Like you said Gronk gets away with much worse & never gets flagged. On the 3rd down play forget who the receiver was when he was a yard short that should of been a late hit. 2nd guy hit him 3 yards out of bounce. The other 2 calls though were the correct calls. I understand what your saying but it is just garbage week in & week out certain teams get calls that other teams do not. It is not fair and it is not right. I watched the Denver game after the Bills game yesterday & their receivers set illegal picks on almost every play. As mentioned before Gronk mugs the DBS on nearly every play & rarely gets called. But because the NFL wants to showcase Brady/Manning I firmly beleive they tell the refs to give these 2 teams more leeway then the average team such as the Bills. Very frustrating.
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