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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I will do you one better as far as idiot bills fan & deep frying stories go. It was the Cleveland Monday night game & my friends & I decided to change it up a bit a bring the deep fryer to deep fry a turkey. My friend had one of those big turkey fryers he won at some benefit & it was never used. Now keep in mind none of us had experience deep frying a turkey before. So I got my father in laws pick up truck & off we went. We deep fried the turket at the game & it turned out pretty good. All night though I was thinking to myself I want to dump this greese before we go home. Well we were thinking about dumping it in the dumpster in lot 5 but someone stopped so. So we go to the game, of course the Bills lose in agonizing fashion as only the bills know how to do. We drive home & I had quite a bit to drink. So we get home, the deep fryer is securely in the back of the pick up & I am thinking to myself just leave the deep fryer alone until the morning. But noooo, I tried to lift the deep fryer out & spill it all over me & the driveway. My friends were all cracking up so I told them if there not going to help me clean up get the hell out of here which they did. My wife comes out & starts yelling at me & I told her in so many words to get back in the house & mind her own business. Needless to say she locked me out of the house & I had to sleep in my car that night. It was baout 20 degrees out. Greese all over the driveway & I was scrubbing the driveway for the next month. It all came off though. Used some Dawn with it. Needless to say never again will I bring a deepfryer to a Bills Tailgate.
  2. Got to agree with this one. We played St Joes twice a year in basketball & baseball & their kids were the biggest prima donna d-bags around. Hate that school & their stupid sense of entitlement. The other all boy Prep schools we played(Canisius, Timon, St Francis) those kids never seemed as bad as the dickheads from St Joes.
  3. This is exactly how I feel. I wasn't even really disappointed yesterday. Until we get a bona fide big league gunslinger under center this team will continue to spin it's wheels. Sad but true. I also gave up my Browns & Chief tickets. If it wasn't for my 11 year old son who loves going to the games I would probably give up my season tickets next year. F*ck this team. Hopefully with Pegula in charge things will change.
  4. Well Orton was out of football too until we called him & don't forget who put Orton on the bench in Denver. In all seriousness though hopefully they could upgrade the QB. If not this is a 6-8 win team again next year.
  5. Couldn't agree more. I think that is why I am kind of getting sick of the NFL. Even the stadiums in the playoffs have little atmosphere now since these teams are in it every year. I think it would actually do the NFL good from to get some new blood in there.
  6. It is all about the QB Biscuit. Unfortunately the Bills don't have one. There is not an offensive coordinator in the league that would look good with manuel or Orton as their QB.
  7. That is easy, both of the QBs stink. Here is the thing. There are a couple posters on this board that study that all 22 film. (I am not one of them). The common theme that these posters state after reviewing the filmm is that Hacket has plays that has receivers open. Is it Hacket's fault that he doesn't have a competent QB? I think Hacket should get another year.
  8. I can't remember who suggested the midget idea. Molson suggested nuking wings was the best way to cook them. The Midget idea was a classic & if you think about it; it probably would work.
  9. I think this is probably the best move. Anybody that is available is going to be available for a reason. You just got to pray to the football gods that sitting the last 3 months EJ learned something about what it takes to play QB in this league.
  10. You must of forgot about the post where someone suggested that we get a midget on the squad & use him in goalline situations where 2 of the linemen just throw him over the top of the pile or the post where someone stated that microwaving chicken wings is the best most tasty way to cook them.
  11. Yeah I thought about it but what was I supposed to do, cold rooster the lady. My son didn't think it was that big of a deal so I just decided to politely tell her not to do that again. She nodded at me so I think she knew she was out of line.
  12. Except the Packers have actually won something & are overall one of the most successful organizations in the league.
  13. There was some Packer fans behind me I did notice the attitude/behavior kind of changed as the game went on as it was apparent that the Bills weren't going away at this game. After a first down by the Bills my 10 year old son made the first down gesture & the lady packer fan behind me grabbed my sons arm & pulled it down. I told her calmly don't ever touch my son again. Other then that they were okay. I just think there so spoiled by their success(kind of like NE fans) that they expected to come in here & have an easy win. When that didn't happen, their attitudes changed quickly. Overall, I thought they were okay though. Definately not as obnoxious as Pat or Jet fans.
  14. Just out of curiosity what doesn't impress you about Mariota or Winston? Is it Mariiota college career stats that show he has thrown for 101 TD passes to 12 ints or is it Winston's 27-0 record in college as a starter. How much better do want these guys to perform?
  15. Good advice, the only thing different I would suggest use the bathtub for kind of a built in cooler & load up on as much beer & ice as chef & his wife could get their hands on & fill the bathtub up with that.
  16. The Bill were getting 15 points so the savy better that I am I put $100 on the bills. First drive of the game by NE I knew the game & my bet was over. Brady went thru the defense like a knife cutting thru melted butter. We left at halftime. Had to work the next day. When I got home my wife said "what are you doing home so early." I just told her have you watched any of the game. She said no. Didn't regret the decision to leave early one bit. What an embarrassment. Man for man the Bills have a better roster then Green Bay. The one factor obviously is Rodgers is playing out of his mind & is as good of a QB as I have ever seen. On the radio this morning they were saying put Rodgers on the Bills & they are a super bowl contender. I tend to agree. My guess is the Bills will keep this game close & probably lose it in the 4th quarter. 24-17.
  17. It is a big deal. 13 people died in this storm I believe including a 37 year father of 2 that was buried under 12 feet of snow in his car. Yeah that is hilarious. Maybe next time one of the cities that get hit hard with hurricanes like New Orleans did after Katrina or when NYC got hit a few years ago we should make fun of them. I don't think those cities would think that would be so funny.
  18. Agree with some points but how do you think Baylor shouldn't of been in over TCU? They basically played the same putrid out of conference schedule with the difference being TCU played a mediocre Minnesota team & Baylor play a less then mediocre UB team but Baylor beat TCU head to head. So you say TCU playing Minnesota should trump the head to head matchup?????
  19. I ran a bunch of different scenerios in that playoff tracker, & everytime I put the Bills at 10 wins they got in except one time when Pittsburgh knocked them out for the 6th seed. My point is chances are if the Bills get to 10 wins my guess is they will be in. I am also guessing that no team in the first round(assuming Denver/NE get the byes) will want to play them.
  20. The times I have went to Miami the scalpers are practically given tickets away. One time we got 50 yard line seats 20 rows up for $20 a piece. I don't think the ticket prices are too high or at least the ones on the secondary market. A place like Miami you really got to win big to get the crowds because the weather is so nice this time of year & there is a ton of other fun stuff to do.
  21. I don't know. I am just tired of guys like Manning & Brady getting calls on these ticky tack plays. The first call was ridiculous against Roby. The second against Gilmore I don't know it looked like he got there right when the ball arrived. CBS didn't even have the courtesy of showing the phantom holding penalty on the int return. I mean it is tough enough to beat Denver at Mile High, but when the refs continue to throw flags on possibly game turning plays it almost makes it impossible to beat them. The NFL has an agenda, don't kid yourself, they want guys like Manning & Brady playing deep into January & it just seems like they get favorable call after favorable call & it gets tiresome watching this if your not a fan of those teams. Part of the reason why I could take or leave the NFL nowadays. College football is way better.
  22. It is pretty simple in my opinion. If the Bills win there 3 remaining AFC games they will be in the playoffs. If they lose even one of these games they will not be in the playoffs.
  23. Sorry man but TCU plays a horrible Iowa State this week. They should roll. There is noway after bumping them to 3 that if both TCU & Ohio State win they could bump TCU out & put OSU in. The team that has the biggest complaint right now I believe is Baylor for the simple fact they are in the same conference as TCU, played basically the same schedule(I know TCU is clinging to that big Minnesota win) & they beat TCU. So why are they ranked below them? Of the top 4 teams I think you are going to have to route for Alabama, Oregon or FSU to lose for Ohio State o get in. One of 2 of those teams I could see losing this week. I do think Bama will roll over Missouri. I actually think OSU is going to lose to Wisky anyways so it may not matter.
  24. No but I watched them both in college & Manuel does not have even close the tools that Kap does. Kap was raw coming out of college but he had some tools that you could work with.
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