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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Ah the resident Patriot fan speaks up. How much are those number attributed to RAC? Because if you watch Brady he very rarely throws the ball in the air more then 10 yards.
  2. You & Mr Weo should just join a Pats board & be done here. From reading your posts for many years it is obvious both of you are Patriot fans trying to get a rise out of everybody on this board.
  3. Agreed. To the OP. Do yourself a favor & go back & watch the Baylor game. Watch the difference how Petty throws a football compared to Licatta. It is like night & day. The difference Petty is a legit NFL prospect, Licatta is borderline division 1 player.
  4. The UB campus is a hell of a lot farther out to the stadium site then Canisius is. I don't get UB students. They have a ton of kids there & for the most part they usually have a decent basketball team but my son & I will go up to Alumni Arena for a Saturday afternoon game in Feb & the place will be empty & the people that are there are older alums & not students. Is it they just have so many kids from NYC going there & these kids from there can give 2 sh*ts about anything from Buffalo as New Yorkers tend to snub there noises down at people that live in NYS west of the hudson river? You could put the football games down at the new stadium but my guess is you won't get much of a turnout. The kids don't even turnout when the event is right on campus. One more thing. my friend took me to a Sabres game about a month ago & he does a lot of work for the Sabres & he has gotten kind of close to Pegula with the work he has done for the team & he told me mark it down that it is going to be a dome stadium built on the Perry Projects. Says it is a done deal & it is what T Pags wants.
  5. I hear ya. Like I said I wouldn't of gone about it that way but if their kid had an upcoming birthday party I may have told them my kid is coming & then have my kid not show up. See how they like it.
  6. Count me in towards the side that hosted the party. These parties cost a lot of money, I think it is rude to tell them your coming & then don't show up. Now if it happened, I wouldn't give a kid an invoice, but I would remember it the next time their kid had a birthday. & just for the record there was once where my son said he was going to a birthday party, but something came up & he couldn't attend & we still dropped off a gift. Plezmid, As a father of a beautiful 5 year old girl, that is one of the most disgusting messed up articles I have ever read. What kind of society do we live in that people actually think like this. Makes me sick.
  7. Yep, I believe he said something to the effect when he got on campus in Columbus school is a waste of time for football players & they shouldn't be required to go.
  8. The problem is if you actually pay attention to college football & watch the games & watched FSU while EJ played there you see a QB that is very limited in what he can do. He can only read half the field, he slow on his progressions if he even goes thru his progressions, he has speed but he is not a good scrambler(if that makes sense) & his accuracy on the medium to long passes is horrible. I realize this is not his fault but he should of never been drafted in the first round. The big problem is that a lot of EJ's problems I really don't think are correctable. Van Miller told me a long time ago when we were discussing JP Losman at the gym that "accuracy is something you can't teach, either you have it or you don't." I hope I am wrong but I really think Manuel will be out of the league in 3 years.
  9. Yeah but 99% of the time they are going to score a TD anyways being first & goal at the 1 inch line. I see the OP's point. Bottomline was if Bryant didn't try to reach out for the goalline he would of been able to secure the ball. It would of been better for Dallas too because they could of took more time off the clock. All they would have to do is sneak Romo & they would of had their td. Selfish play imo.
  10. Went 2-2 this week. Took the Patriots -7 saturday & Carolina +13. Lost both of those. Took Dallas +5.5 & Indy +9.5 Sunday. Over the last few weeks I've been slowly turning my attention over to college basketball. Easiest sport to bet imo. Went 6-2 yesterday. The NFL is like the NBA, you might as well flip a coin. These games are extremely unpredictable.
  11. Yep, remember the day like it was yesterday. It was the early Saturday game & I was in a great mood that day. Drove over my friends house as he was having the party. It was a beautiful day here for January standards & I was thinking to myself "man this would of been a great day to have the game in Buffalo." Got to my friends house & everybody was in a festive mood, drinking bloody mary's & pounding down beers. My friend was cooking eggs, french toast & couple other breakfast items(it was around 11am when I got there). He had a fridge full of strip steaks for after the game. The game started & you knew it was going to be a tight battle. Never got the sense the Bills had a chance to win it until that first drive of the 2nd half. Antwan Smith started ripping off some runs & they scored a TD. My friends & I were pretty into the game & we had quite a bit to drink so it was a pretty wild scene. Christie kicked the field goal & man it was like we won the super bowl. All my friends were hugging, my friends dad who was hoisting the party came over to me & gave me a big kiss on the cheek. I went to hide into the bathroom as I am paranoid about this kind of stuff thinking something bad was going to happen & I just heard my friend yell out "I can't f*cking believe it!!!" I came out of the bathroom, & honestly it looked like someone had died from the looks on my friends faces. After they said the play stood my friend took the platter of strip steaks & chucked them against the side of the wall. The platter shattered & a bunch of marinated strip steaks just laid on the carpet. Noone said a word, we all just looked at each other & walked out & went home. Is one of the most surreal scenes I have ever been a part of. The only year of my life since I have been watching football that I did not watch one minute of the playoffs. I did watch the super bowl that year & was glad when the Rams beat the titans as the titans fell short by a yard to end the game. To this day that is the most hurt I have ever been after watching one the teams I route for get beat. & keep in mind I have been thru a couple doozies as I am also a Mets fan.
  12. The lions covered though. My guy was giving them at +6.
  13. I grew up watching Stewart Scott. ESPN took a big chance on letting Stu be his own man in a time when most of the anchors were proper button down tie kind of guys. Here comes a black kid trying to crack in to a business that was dominated by white males & he was himself & it worked. I give him a lot of credit & I give ESPN a lot of credit also for allowing this to happen. I know in that profession your supposed to be unbiased but I remember the one time, Wednesdat night in Febuary he was doing Sports Center & Duke was top team in the country & UNC this wasn't one of their better years(they weren't even in the top 25) & they were playing in Cameron later on that night & he looked at his cohost Rich Eisen as they were talking about the upcoming matchup & he said "come on Rich you think UNC has got a shot don't you?" Eisen just looked at him started laughing & said "I don't think so Stu, not tonight." RIP Stewart.
  14. Bingo. To compare EJ's career to Winston's at FSU is ludicrous. You could tell by the difference in Fisher's offense when EJ was under center compare to Jameis that Fisher has 10xs more confidence in Winston then he ever did in Manuel. Sounds like Pete is just another disgruntled fan of the U.
  15. Agreed, for someone to question is arm strength tell me that person has never watched Winston play. This guy has got a cannon & like you said is also a pitcher on one of the top baseball teams in the country. Arm strength/accuracy are the least of your worries when it comes to Winston. If he could keep his head on straight he is going to be a good one.
  16. He would have a tough time getting one of the premier job openings in College & those are the only jobs in College that would pay him more then he is making with the bills. My guess he would get a job at a lower tiered conference(The American or maybe the Mountain West) something like that but those aren't going to pay him the $3.5 million that he is making with the Bills, not even close.
  17. This makes sense. From his posts Bill did not seem bothered with the occassional jab, he seemed pretty thick skin. Anyways hope he is doing well. His post game is one of the things I look forward most on this board. Very insightful poster imho.
  18. My mother in law came down with the flu this week so we didn't have to rush over there Christmas morning after the kids opened the gifts at our house & linger thru her lousy cooking & her snide comments to everybody. So needless to say this has been one of the best Christmas' in years! Hope you feel better.
  19. His point is that Brandon once again blew the coaching hire. Why are you trying to be so argumentative?
  20. I was really surprised at some of the balls he threw against the BIlls a few weeks ago. The one that I think Graham picked off down the seam I mean my 11 year old son could throw a better ball then that. I think it is over for Manning & if you watched his press conference after the Bengals game I think he knows it. Sure he is still a better option then 80% of the options out there, but that is more telling of the sorry state of Qbs around the league. Even though they will probably end up as the 2 seed, I don't think anyone would be surprised to see the Broncos one and done in the playoffs. I see Manning playing next year & that is probably all she wrote. I hope Denver fans have to suffer of 20 years of bullsh*t at the QB position like we have to the last 2 decades.
  21. Yeah it is kind of weird. The funny thing is the key I have now doesn't even really work that great. I got to jiggle the lock a bit to get it to open.
  22. Funny you asked that because for years & don't ask me why but my wife had a key , my parents had a key, my inlaws had a key, my brother in law had a key to my house but I never had one. We usually don't lock our house & when the odd occasion I would come home & the house was locked I would just call my brother in law who lived about a mile away to let me in. I do have a key now but believe it or not I just started carrying one on my key chain about 2 years ago. I have owned this house for nearly 9 years.
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