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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Okay I will stop complaining about the weather. Good luck to you. Thanks for reminding me to keep everything in perspective!
  2. Yeah $200,000 - $250,000. Their very nice but winters like the one we had this year would be rough living there. Of course it was rough living anywhere in WNY this winter. I really don't get hungover either. With that being said I usually stick to drinking light beer & very rarely go to hard stuff. My wife gets drunk maybe once a year & she is useless for the next 2-3 days with her hangover.
  3. Wow man that is rough. My wife on several occassions has called me a binge achoholic. See I am not the guy that is going to drink 7 days a week but once I start I just can't have 2 or 3 beers, I got to drink 15-20. Part of the reason I rarely drink during the week. Sure I have gone benders but not sure if I could function in everyday life if I drank everyday. I just can't have a couple drinks. I am sure our waterfront property is a lot cheaper then in San Diego. Those condos by the inner harbor(or is it outer harbor?) I believe run between $200M - $250M. They are really nice though. Good luck to you my man. I hope you get your life back together.
  4. Okay, that is great about the lakes but when is the weather going to warm up. 9 degrees again this morning on the way to work. At least the days are getting longer I suppose. But this sh*t is getting old.
  5. My mistake, average temperature was 11 degrees. Still that is pretty friggen cold.
  6. Only supposed to get up to 14 on Thursday. Hopefully this will be it. It has been warmer the last few days. It was 28 on Saturday and it felt like a goddam heat wave. It looks like temps might hit in the 40s/50 next week. Doesn't sound like much I am sure where you live but I will take. Weather wise, most depressing winter I have spent here. This was really a record setting winter. Coldest Feb ever in WNY, average high was 11 degrees. Jim in anchorage, they said on the news this morning this is the first time since they have been tracking temps that WNY average high was colder then Anchorage, Alaska. Not only was it cold but it was also the third snowiest Feb in WNY with I believe 49 inches. F*cking unbelievable.
  7. Very nice, you should drop a hot tub in there.
  8. Nice, leading out from our kitchen we have sliding glass doors with a deck & then a stamped concrete padio. I got 2 little Pomeranian puppies for the kids for Christmas(they weigh 3 pnds each). I built a snow fence from the deck to the patio about 4 feet tall. It is funny watching them trying to climb over it. Yeah that is what I am looking out at, I will be surprised if this snow melts by Memorial day. Savannah GA is awesome for St Paddy's day. My friends & I went down there one time when we were in our late 20's. Best St Paddy's day weekend I think I ever spent. It was so much fun. I would move down there just for that.
  9. Yeah Whitehurst got a second but the key was there was limited tape on his play. Same thing with a guy like Rob Johnson. The problem with EJ is they got what 14-15 games of film on him. My guess is if they had more tape on Whitehirst/ROJO they would of never gotten the return that their teams that traded him got.
  10. I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense to cut EJ now but you got to be kidding with Manuel having any kind of trade value. You couldn't get a 6th round pick for him right now. He has no trade value. With that being said I would keep until at least the first cuts of training camp. What does it hurt keeping him on the roster.
  11. EJ can't read a defense to save his life, has horrible pocket presence & his accuracy is even worse but hey he could get a date on a Saturday night so he must be good!
  12. Well 3 degrees today with a -20 wind chill factor in the rough tough buf. The sun is supposed to be out today so that is good. We are supposed to get a heat wave tomorrow & get up to 20 before dipping again(Friday is supposed to be another BRutally cold day). The weekend is supposed to be close to normal temps. Quick trivia note. If the weather pattern holds Buffalo will not have broken 32 degrees for the whole month of Febuary. Last year, Buffalo had 11 days that were over 32 degrees in Feb. Unf*cking believable. My 2 little pomeranians didn't even want to go out this morning because it was too cold & I believe their origin is from Sweeden. At this point all you could do is crack a cold one, sit back & laugh at mother natures sense of humor.
  13. Phones & airports are nice but it is not the same as knowing your grandkids are only a ten minute drive away. My father-in-law takes the kids to breakfast every morning before dropping them off for school. My dad coaches my daughters ponytail softball team. Little stuff like that that a phone can't replace. I like living here but yes, after this winter & if I had no kids I would seriously consider getting out of here. This winter just beats you down.
  14. Yeah, I hear ya. It is a little more complicated when you have kids & most of your family is here. My parents & my wife's parents would be devastated if we ever moved the kids away from them. These kids are their lives. Not sure if I could live with myself if I did that. + for the most part I like living here especially with all the new stuff getting built/going on. This winter has tested me though. Exile, this sh*t doesn't make you stronger. Tonight we are supposed to set a record. -8 with a wind chill of minus -28. I mean this is nuts. We are supposed to hit high 20's by the weeken, it is going to feel like 80 degrees.
  15. The cheating aside, what NE* has done over the last 12-13 years is much more impressive then what the 49ers, Cowboys or Bills of that era accomplished.
  16. I really feel for you, I don't know how people down there manage everyday life with that kind of brutal weather.
  17. Got to agree, this is the worst winter I could remember. It started with the 8 feet of snow. Okay that was kind of fun, got to work from home all week & it melted a week later. December was awesome, we got no snow, temps were above average. I drove my corvette actually 4 or 5 time in December. These last 6-7 weeks though have been the most brutal stretch I could remember. They said on the news that we are 11 degrees below normal for highs in the month of Feb. The news person said that is unheard of, she said 3-4 degrees would be a lot to be below normal. I can't say we have gotten clobbered with snow, no really big storms, but it has been 4 inches one day, 3 inches the next & none of it is melting so I say there is probably a good 3-4 feet on the ground. It looks like maybe towards the end of next week we should get some relief with temps in the 30s & 40s. Temps the last few days are as cold as I think it could get around here. Monday it was -10 in the morning. Not the wind chill the actual temperature. I never remember it being that cold before.
  18. That is not the point he was trying to make. He was implying we should of traded Byrd when we had the chance to get something for him, not keep for the year where he was a malcontent, milked an injury & walked out the door leaving us with nothing. If we traded him in that prior offseason we could of got at least a 2nd round pick for him.
  19. We clocked a couple kids on my son's team last year close to 60mph from the 46 ft diamond & these are 10 years. I can't even imagine them pitching from that distance when they are 12-13.
  20. I have said this for years that it is crazy that they allow 11-12-13 year old kids to play on a 46-60 diamond. They are not going to be happy until one of these kids get killed. My son is on 10 but he will turn 11 by May 1st so he is on the 11U Travel team. They play this year on the 50-70 ft diamond. As 10U last year was his last year on the 46-60 foot diamond. Then they wonder why some of these kids could throw what is equivelent to 90 mph +. The diamond is too small for these kids.
  21. Yeah listening to some of the Chicago people talking I knew they were going to turn this into a race thing. Like you said preposterous. My son plays is 11 & plays travel baseball & the eligable teams that contend in the LLWS there are strict guidelines that zone each district & if a kid does not live in said district he can not play for that team if you want to enter this tournament. No different then a public HS baseball team from Lancaster illegally zoning a kid from Elma for the purpose of them playing on their team. As history has taught us if caught they would have to forfeit their wins that year. Same thing. To call the race card on this is ridiculous. The parents/director knew what they were doing, they cheated every team they beat in this tournament & got what they deserved. Plain & simple.
  22. How many games in the last 10 years have the Bills had a home snow game? I think it has been 2.
  23. I got to agree with this statement. I have never been to Denver but I used to work with a lady that lived her whole life in Denver. She would always tell me how great the weather was there & how much sun they get. She used to tell me Denver gets a bad rap because every so often they get an early snow storm in the fall or a late snowstorm in April but it always melts the next day. If you look it up on the weather almanac Denver actually gets more sun then Florida. My friend lived in Colorado Springs for 7 years & he siad the weather was awesome. He said the summers there were unbelievable. Said it would be mid 80's & sunny pretty much every day except for a brief shower around 4 in the afternoon that would last about 10 minutes. I am not sure they are in win now mode anymore. They have something like 21 unsigned free agents from last year's team. This team has the makings of once good team in serious decline.
  24. This is the winter that just may be the straw that broke my back. I have owned a house for 14 years now. I shoveled thru the 8 feet of snow in 2001, the October storm back in 2008 I believe, but this winter is the worst winter ever that I could remember in WNY. First we get 80 inches of snow in friggen the middle of November, fine all melted within 2 weeks, December we got no snow, but these last 6 weeks have been the worst stretch of weather for such a long period of time that I could remember. It is not like we got a major storm but everyday it is bitterly cold & we get 3-4 inches overnight. Then the plows come & it seems like I am shoveling before I go to work in the mroning at least 3 out of the 5 days. Now they are saying temps are going to go down to -8 this weekend. I mean it is virtually impossible to be that cold around here with us being next to the lake but nevertheless I have just about had it. My driveway looks like sh*t too, I can't keep up shoveling especially at the end of the driveway where the plows come in. You think one of my neighbors would help me out as they all have snow blowers. Ah F*ck them, they will get their's when the weather gets a bit warmer & me & my son go around the neighborhood & egg all the houses. But I am seriously reconsidering my position on owning a snow blower. May have to break down & buy one.
  25. Locker has horrible accuracy. He had horrible accuracy in college & it hasn't gotten any better in the pros. The only reason he was drafted was because he is a physical specimen(great arm, can run). I would take a flyer on him if it doesn't cost much but he is EJ Manuel with even less of an accurate arm if you could imagine that.
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