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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. The Badgers are one of the few teams that could beat Kentucky. Kaminski could pull one of their bigs away from the middle to open things up a bit + they know they could hang with Kentucky as they went toe to toe with them last season. Not sure they get by Arizona though.
  2. Get the poor guy some cable! Although he could watch the games that CBS are broadcasting I guess. As far as Okl ST, you won't be cheering long, my guess is they get dumped by Oregon in the first round.
  3. Well anybody that has been on this board for awhile should know this is my favorite time of year as far as sports is concerned. There is nothing in sports like the NCAA Tournament. So who does everybody got? Obviously there is Kentucky & then rest of the field. I do not see anybody beating the Cats in the Midwest. The only teams I could see giving them a game in that bracket are Wichita St & Maryland. Out of the West, I got an Arizona/Wisconsin matchup that I pray happens because that should be a great game. I got Arizona barely beating Wisky. Out of the South I got the Zags as I believe Few's time has come to knock down that final 4 wall, & I also believe this is his best team he has ever had which is a pretty strong statement. & out of the East I have Villanova. I just don't trust Virginia with not being completely healthy, I just think they have too often have a tough time filling up the rim. Interesting stat for those people that are going to ride Izzo magic once again this March. Izzo's teams have been a 6 seed or higher 6 times at Michigan St. All 6 times he has not gotten out of the first round. I got Kentucky & the Zags in the championship with Kentucky finishing the perfect season. I hate to type that because I can't stand big blue nation & especially coach Cal, but it is what it is. This tournament kind of reminds me of the Varsity going against the JV with Kentucky being the Varsity & the rest of the field being the JV. I don't ever remember Vegas setting even money on one team in the tournament as they have for Kentucky. The first weekend of the tourney should be wild. How does everybody think the committee did? I don't think UCLA should of gotten in. I think Temple or Miami should of been placed ahead of them. Also, some of the seeds are baffling. Not sure how the Shockers are a 7 seed & not sure how Ohio St is a 10 seed. Anyways, I took a new job last summer so I don't have a ton of vacation days to play around with so for the first time since I could remember I will actually be working Thursday. I am going up to the Old Frog Hairs for my lunch to meet a few buddies & then I am taking off Friday for my annual tournament party. Good luck to UB which plays WV friday @ 2:10 which will be perfect since some of my friends that are coming over are UB alums. I think they have a real chance to beat WV or at least cover the spread(+4.5). God I love this time of year!
  4. Well, that very well maybe the way the Saints play this but it is not smart business. They should unload DB and start rebuilding. It is funny you keep mentioning Jeter's situation with the Yankees. Yankees should of never gave jeter that final contract. In a lot of ways it held the Yankees back from aquiring a real shortstop.
  5. Yeah I suppose, are they still going to want to come to the Superdome when the Brees led saints are 4-8 going into December. This is probably going to be unpopular here but I always viewed Saint fans as fairweather. Yeah Yeah they have supported them terrifically since Katrina, where were they before that though? Anytime you ever saw a Saint fan on TV prior to Katrina they usually had a bag over their head.
  6. I agree I don't think he is going anywhere but it is pretty shortsighted of the Saints not to be entertaining offers for brees. With or without Bress Saints aren't making the playoffs next year. There roster is a disaster. If your the ownership(& I know their ownership is pretty messed up right now) why would you want to pay Brees $40 million for the next 2 years when the rest of the roster is not very good. If I'm ownership, I would put Brees on the trade block & auction him off to the highest bidder.
  7. Honestly, sometimes the loyalty for one of their own by Bills fans is blinding.
  8. Good luck to you sir. One question, why did you always loathe the state of Georgia?
  9. Alumni Arena is a perfect on campus basketball facility for UB. I was there years back when the Tar Heels came to town & that place was rocking. The problem is the place is usually only 40% filled up. Doing they get a double bye & go right to the semifinals in their tournament or is it just a single bye? Agreed, Niagara & to a lesser extent Canisius have been the pathetic programs in the area as of late. UB has had a decent run since Witherspoon took over. I do agree with biscuit on one thing though. I think Hurley is the type of guy who would jump at the chance to coach a bigger program. Hopefully that will be at least a few years away.
  10. I would trade this year's 2nd & next years 1st for him. Put kaep on this team & the Bills are a super bowl contender.
  11. I see your point & I would probably of kept him around for this year but as soon as they dealt for Mccoy I knew Fred's days were likely over here. It is too bad. I could see the Bills side of this though. Like I said I would of kept him around one more year but I kind of saw this coming.
  12. They are not getting an at large I don't care what their RPI # is. They got to win their conference tourney, which the way they are playing I would probably put them as the slight favorite over the rest of the contenders (toledo, akron, cent mich, bowling green, kent st).
  13. Yes it was Ohio, I remember I was at my Brother in law's stag watching the game & thinking around the 10 minute mark of the 2nd half how cool is this 2 WNY teams are going to make the tournament in the same year(Niagara won their Conf Championship the week before). Niagara ended up playing Kansas. I knew they were going to get blown out. UB on the other hand was a legit top 30 team that year & would of gave their first round opponent all they could handle. Too bad they got snubbed. Have a good time tonight at the game. I love this time of year!
  14. Yeah I know UB never made the tournament & I also know it was St Bonaventure. I just forgot to put Bona before that sentence. I remember that game like it was yesterday. I was just out of college & had my first real job. Me & my friends all blew off work that afternoon & watched the game up at Coulter bay. Man did we get loaded that day. I ended staying there to about midnight. My then girlfriend(now my wife of 14 years) had to come pick me up that night. I could barely walk out of the bar. She should of known that was signs to come. haha That was a good time that day. That Turner Battle team was good but if memory serves me correctly they really blew the championship game in the Mac that year I believe against Ohio? They were up big all game & let Ohio come back & put it into overtime(it might not of been Ohio, could of been Akron or kent St).
  15. Yeah all things being equal they want to put the best teams in but you would be naive to think that the power conferences don't have considerably more pull in that meeting room come selection Sunday. It is a catch 22 for the smaller conference schools. They don't have the top 50/top 100 wins that the bigger schools have since if you are a good mid major the bigger conferences won't schedule you. There is definately less margin for error for the mid majors getting at large bids.
  16. Well, the committee is big on top 50 wins & UB has none. That right there is going to knock them out from consideration as an at large. When got that at large bid back in the late 90's(when they should of beat Kentucky in the first round) their RPI was around 50 but I remember they had 4 or 5 top 50 wins. But with the right matchups I really think UB could see the second week of the tournament. They would be a 12 seed & end up playing a team like Baylor. The lesser schools or not the blue blood premier schools are becoming more attractive because at those schools kids stick for more then one year. Noone talks about this but it is a great advantage at schools where the talent gap isn't enormous with the big boys like VCU/Witchita St/Northern Iowa come tournament time that these teams are bring senior laden teams that have been playing together for 4 years against bigger schools that are playing mostly freshman & sophomores.
  17. The MAC tourney is wide open this year. With that being said UB has as good of chance as any to cut down the nets in Cleveland. They got one thing going for them. They have been playing lights out for the past month & seem like they are peaking at just the right time. If they do win their tournament my guess is they will be a 12 seed in the NCAA's & they are going to give whatever 4 seed they end up playing all they could handle. What is kind of weird is I believe their RPI is in the low 30s but they have not been mentioned once as a possible bubble team. I don't think they have beaten a top 50 team this year & that is probably why.
  18. Hey stop beating around the bush & tell us how you really feel.
  19. Why do you need a replacement for Alonzo? The defense was just fine without him last year, in fact they improved without him.
  20. to the OP, how exactly would you have liked the Bills to handle this? They gave Spiller a phone call. It wasn't their fault he was scheduled to go on NFL Network just as the story broke. There are a lot of things over the last 30 years that the Bills have done to not makie us proud of this organization, this just isn't one of them.
  21. Well your right on the lake so it is usually a bit windier there then compared to some of the suburbs. I worked down there for 16 years & in the winter months the wind comes off that lake pretty hard. But other then that it is fine. Typically you don't get as much lake effect snow then some of the southtowns. Spring/Summer/fall it is awesome down there. They have concerts & such going on every week & now they have the harbor center/canal side up which is very nice also. They have nice ice rink down there where the Aud used to be & the summer concert series is also pretty fun.
  22. As I read this & look out the window & see it snowing again. Now there calling for rain/sleet mix tonight & then it is supposed to freeze over as the temp plummet to single digits thru Thursday. Dam this place!
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