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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I don't think Marrone was well liked in the organization from the towel boys & janitors to the players right onto the top of the front office. I think he was very condencending & full of himself. I also feel it would be highly unlikely that Hughes signs here if Marrone stayed. I really don't think too many people within the organization were sad to see Marrone go.
  2. Agreeed, the new version sucks. Not quite sure what they were thinking with this.
  3. Can we come & stay at your place even if the Bills don't make the super bowl?
  4. I can't believe they all stayed there & none of them transferred. I mean all three guys could pretty much start anywhere in the country & two of them are going to be sitting on the pine this fall. Not quite sure how Urban is going to manage that. I wouldn't, Winston is worth the gamble with the off field issues. His ceiling is way higher then Manuel's.
  5. Granted your taking a chance with Winston's character issues but the tangible skill set between Winston & Manuel is not even close & for you to say anything different tells me you haven't watched Winston play these last 2 years. Winston is miles ahead of EJ in this department.
  6. Agree with this. I am not saying it can't happen but in most cases it is just not worth their time. They will try to scare you with it but very rarely does it go thru. & also agree with this. IRS, Child Support & student loans. Those are completely different animal. They can & will clean you out.
  7. I remember that year too. Started out 4-0. My friend came up to the tailgate for the San Diego game without a ticket. Just wanted a single seat & couldn't find one for under $200. Ended up watching it at the Big Tree. With that being said though, that team was winning with smoke & mirrors & had nowhere near the talent level that this roster has.
  8. Yep those are the ones he will be able to get at first. That is pretty smart because it looks like your paying off the balance each month.
  9. Yeah you would but for the first couple years after he files bankruptcy he is not going to be able to get a credit card.
  10. I have a friend that filed for bankruptcy 3-4 years in NYS. He got everything discharged but I have over recent years heard that the courts are not so willing to discharge unsecured debt like they used to. LIke I said that was 4 years ago & he seems to be doing okay, just got a car loan a few months ago. I work in credit but on the commercial side but look at credit reports. Bankruptcies do hurt you but if clears everything it maybe the way to go. Just plan on paying cash for everything for the next 3-5 years, which isn't necassarily a bad thing. More people should follow that advice, myself included. Eventually your credit score will rebound & I think the bankruptcy stays on your report for 7 years. But honestly, especially is your paying every month a lot of high interest rate credit cards, your never going to get out of it. Those things rack up interest & it should be illegal what some of these credit card companies are able to do. I compare it to loan sharking. Unless you have access to a lump sum payment like Gungy had your only way out maybe to file bankruptcy. I would definately at the very least call a bankruptcy attorney & see what your options are. Anyways, good luck to you, I hope everything works out.
  11. Agree, he always didn't spend his money wisely but he did pay players. RIP Mr. Wilson.
  12. What do you mean it is about time? Mr. Wilson just passed away last year.
  13. Growing up it was Dick Enberg & Merlin Olson as his color man. They were always doing the 4:00 Sunday afternoon game, usually in the AFC West. I know I will take some ribbing for this but for my money right now I will take Gus Johnson. It is a shame he went over to Fox & doesn't do March Madness anymore. I think egos got in the way & Gus thought over played his hand a bit when he departed from CBS.
  14. When I was a wee lad working at Burger King the one lesson they taught me was to never combined mustard and mayonaise on a burger. I have never forgotten that lesson.
  15. Larry Brown is a hell of a coach. SMU was the biggest snub from the tournament last year. I could see them doing some damage this year. I could also see them losing to an underachieving yet very talented UCLA team in the first round.
  16. Your being an idiot, move onto the next brilliant idea.
  17. My almost 11 year old(his birthday is April 9th) also picked Wisky in the pool he & I are in. He follows college basketball very closely & insists that Wisconsin is going to dump Kentucky in the semifinals. Says Kaminsky & the upperclassman leadership is going to be too much to handle for the Cats in a high pressure game. Me personally, I don't think they get by Arizona in the elite 8.
  18. Read Warrow's post. He summarizes what is happening better then I could. There investing a ton of money into the health care field with good paying jobs & I believe that field is here to say. I never said it was going to be the booming shipping town that it once was, noone is saying that. But for you to keep harping on the fact that Buffalo will never improve because they are located on the wrong side of the lake is wrong. I am not quite your seeing what is going on downtown. + San Diego said he is semi retired anyways, so what does he care if there are long good sustainable jobs here or not. I am not saying weather lulls pay the bills. But don't say that last 2 winters are the norm here in Buffalo. That is simply not true. I have lived here most of my life except for the 4 years I went to college & this last winter was by far the worst winter I have ever experienced here. Feb was the coldest Feb on record & the third snowiest so that is not the norm. Like I said 2012 I dont think I picked up a shovel all year. Our part of the lake is by far the best of the great lakes for water activities as the other lakes are much too cold. Lake Erie where Buffalo is gets in the 70's in parts of the summer. I am not sure any other lake gets that warm.
  19. Great start to the tournament last night. BYU/Ole Miss may just be the game of the tournament. Ole Miss could not miss in the 2nd half. With Dayton/Boise St playing tonight it should be another great game. Can't wait for this weekend.
  20. Could not agree more with this statement. The people that continue to make fun of downtown Buffalo, either have not been down in the last 4-5 years or simply ignorant jackasses that are just trying to get a rise out of the hometowners. The last 2 winters have been brutal but the 4-5 winters before that were pretty mild. In fact 2012 I don't think any ice even formed on the lake all winter. Pegula has dumped a ton of money in the downtown area & canal side, small boat harbor, casino, are very happening places. The condos on the water front are very nice with there own driveways & parking on the street so parking should not be an issue. Everything is a 20 minute commute so traffic is not a problem. I mean obviously it is not as nice as San Diego but it is not a bad alternative either. It is only going to get better also as I assume they will be building the stadium right by the Casino in the next 5-10 years so things are definately looking up. The Harbor Center with 716 bar is beautiful & they hockey games & other stuff going on there on a nightly basis. If I were you I would buy one of the townhouses by the waterfront.
  21. The one guy I work with grew up with Laettner. He said Laetner was kind of a big baby growing up. He was a few years older then Laettner so he was better friends with his older brother but they said they use to pick on Christian all the time, to the point most of the time where he would end up usually running home crying. Says he was a sore loser too. Then he said one year he shot up & didn't stop growing & that is when they stopped giving him a tough time(haha). He said by the time he was a freshman in high school everybody in town pretty much knew that Christian was going to have a pretty successful career in basketball.
  22. You are correct Sir. I think Reese Davis said it last night on ESPN but it is not the case. They also beat Marquette one year as a 6th seed. So everybody scratch what I said & feel free to ride Izzo to the final four.
  23. Well it is not a bad matchup for Ohio St. since VCU likes to play uptempo, press & Ohio St strength is their excellent guard play. Also, after that horrific injury to Briente Weber VCU has not been the same team. I like Ohio State's chances. One thing that does concern me is OSU has been horrible away from home this year. Hopefully for Buckeye fans, that trend does not continue or it will be a short tournament.
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