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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Section 122 is spot on. There is going to be a lot of upset people that laid down big coin to watch this fight.
  2. It is a myth that they charge full price for preseason games at least for the Bills. If you buy season tickets they give you a discount on each game from the actual face value of the ticket so that the 2 preseason games are free. Also, the 2nd game is usually kids day. I think kids get in for $10.
  3. I was at a birthday party yesterday & I am not going to mention any names but a member of the Bills team was there. It wasn't a prominent player but it was still cool to talk to him. Got to talk to him for about 10 minutes. He told me a couple interesting things. Said the players love Rex. He also said Cassel probably has the inside track but Ryan loves Tyrod Taylor & is going to give him a real chance at starting. Also said don't be surprised to see Spikes back. Said his name plate is still on his locker. He also said this year it is playoffs or bust, said this roster is loaded with talent. I said I agree except for one very important position, he seemed confident saying "the coaches will get it figured out."
  4. Agreed, if they don;t lose anybody to transfer they will be the clear favorite next year to win the MAC.
  5. Yeah tough call. I mean you are talking double your salary but I agree with JR & you. Hurley has put the program in a real great position for next year & he would of had even more options next year. Arizona St is not a great gig. There always go to be second fiddle to Arizona in state & you got to go up against historical power teams like UCLA & now throw Oregon in the mix with all the money they have. I just don't think it is a great opportunity. It kind of reminds me of when Turner Gill jumped over to Kansas. Yeah it is in a power conference but they have been bottom feeders in that conference for many years. I knew Gill's stay in Lawrence was going to be a short one. I could see Hurley's stay being just as short. I will disagree with you on that. UB is poised to be a fringe top 25 team next year. Hurley has them positioned to make some noise on a national level. He probably should of stayed one more year.
  6. Where did you here this. The Oakland to St louis thing makes no sense. Why move to a city that has supported their team even worse then Oakland fans. It is a nice thought Kirby but honestly I could careless about other teams moving as long as it is not the Bills. You think any of these other fans would give 2 sh*ts about Buffalo if the Bills were the ones moving to LA. No we would be a punchline for years to come. I am just glad we have Pegula in our corner & we had a former owner that did what he could to keep the team in the area instead of chasing every last nickel from what another city had to offer.
  7. I don't understand why you would call Ryan a liar. The guy spoke the truth Monday. The officiating stunk Monday & as usual Coach K & Duke reaped the benfits of it. Just once I would like to see Duke on the short end of bad officiating. Ryan may have tried to back pedal but the fact is he doesn't recuit one an done players. & don't give me the BS he can't get any one doners. The guy just went to 2 straight final 4's in the process beating 3 straight blue bloods in UNC/Arizona/Kentucky. I am sure some kid from Chicago or St louis or wherever that is a can't miss prospect would consider playing for Bo & going to Madison.
  8. Why would you hope Berchtold would get the ax? From all accounts the guy is very good at what he does. All these years he was doing exactly what his bosses told him to do. Now with new ownership, you will probably feel differently about the guy in a year or 2. That is awesome Jay. You owe your ticket rep at least a case a beer! Good Stuff.
  9. That was one of the best hits ever. It was after a fake punt & Lonnie Johnson forgot about the punt returner still down the field & absolutely got blown up by him. I showed it to my son a few years back & we laughed about it for hours. That sums up Johnson's career with the Bills perfectly. Tasker said years later that he was really fumed about getting booted out of his last game but then he got to the tunnel & all these Green Bay grounds keeper were giving him high fives & yelling what a way to go into retirement. He then said they invited in their clubhouse/office & he drank some beers with them, told some stories & ate all this food. Said it was one of the more enjoyable Sundays he had that year.
  10. Agreed, I honestly don't know what he said that was so wrong. He said they don't do rental players(which they don't) & when directly asked about the officiating he stated his opinion. Wisconsin has lived at the foul line all year, for them not to even hit the bonus in the 2nd half when Duke hits the double bonus so early is crazy. Duke has been getting the benfit of calls for the last 25 years. If you don't see that you really don't pay attention. I am not a fan of Duke or Wisconsin so I really don't have any skin in the game. Just my unbias opinion.
  11. I think K would prefer the 4 year player. With that being said he knows he is going up against UNC every year & knows they are bringing in top tier talent most years. Ryan's situation is a little different. There was a time when K wasn't recruiting the 1 & done player & he was routinely getting beat by UNC because they were the more athletic team. When UNC had Jameison/Carter, those years. He has changed his philosophy over the last 5 years or so.
  12. Okay fair enough. No he wouldn't turn Wiggins away or the Fab 5. With that being said I also thinks he enjoys & prefers Wisconsin & his program operates the way it operates with grooming kids for 4 years. Who wants to recruit a new team every year? Yeah coach Cal gets the best talent but he runs a meat factory. I honestly think Ryan would rather get to know these kids & mold them into a cohesive unit over a 4 year period. Cal never gets that chance the way he recruits. & I know everybody does not believe this but Cal's system is flawed. Your always the more inexperienced team & your always trying to mesh moving parts. In Cal's system too, you better hope that you never miss on a recruiting class or your going to have a miserable season. I know college basketball has changed but I am still a big believer that upperclassman leadership is still very valuable come march. Even the year Cal won it at Kentucky I believe he had 2 seniors playing significant minutes. Beerball, your assuming a ton of stuff calling Ryan a hypocrite. You don't think he has ever had a chance to get a one & doner? Maybe he doesn't target those recruits. What do you think the only one & doners go to the blue bloods- Kentucky/UNC/UCLA/Duke.
  13. Why is it utter BS. is it so unthinkable that he would rather coach a kid up for 4 years then constantly have half your team turning over year after year? I don't think in Ryan's system you could have 1 & done players. It takes a few years to learn/master. I will tell you another thing. I respect Ryan's program & the way he goes about his business a hell of a lot more then Cal's program @ UK. Cal had what 9 Mcdonald All Americans on his roster this year. Anybody could win with a roster that talented.
  14. All I needed to see was the Oakland game last year. They couldn't run on us until Darieus got hurt, then they were ripping off 10-15 yards runs at will. Pay the man, he is the best player on the roster & he is top 3 in his position in the league.
  15. Well they are not a blue blood but Ryan has run a pretty elite program there for years. They have made the final four twice now, they are always in the top 20 & always competing for the big 10 title. If that is not your defination elite then you have pretty lofty standards. If my son was a top 10 recruit I would love him to go to Wisconsin to play for Bo Ryan. He runs a great program.
  16. Yeah the real estate is pretty cheap here especially on the high end houses but you get killed in the property taxes which compensates for the cheap real estate. Personally, I would rather have the real estate more expensive & the property taxes less. At least then your building equity, paying property taxes is like flushing money down the toilet. The property taxes are absurd in Erie County.
  17. Man that is hilarious. I would of loved to see Smerlas' face when your dad said that.
  18. I hear what your saying but keep mind Duke was in the double bonus 10 minutes into the 2nd half & Wisky didn't hit the bonus all second half. Maybe it wasn't the appropriate time but the one reporter did ask him about it so what is he supposed to say? The rental player comment was a dig especially to Kentucky but he was probably a bit bitter considering the game just ended 5 minutes before his presser.
  19. Agreed, I know Bilas was giving Ryan crap too about his post game presser. I didn't think he said anything that was so out of line. Bilas said he thought Bo was outline saying we don't rent a player we try to build them up for 4 years. That is the truth. The game would be a better game if more coaches had that philosophy.
  20. Was it me or was Wisconsin giving up good looks from the three line all night. Noone wanted to pull the trigger. Instead of being up 9 with 13 minutes left they should of been up by 20. You knew Duke was going to make a run when they kept within striking distance. I had Duke in this knockout pool(they went post to post, covered every game) so I was kinda of routing for Duke. The one mismatch I thought they were really going to be able to exploit was decker & he never got going. Interesting my guy sent all these prop bets out & one was Decker over under 3 pointers at 1.5. That had suckers bet written all over it. He went 0-5 with 2 airballs from the 3 line last night. The guys in Vegas do know their sh*t. I think Ryan had a legit gripe. Physical game yes, but how does Duke get in the Double Bonus with 10 minutes left to play & Wisky doesn't even get into the bonus all half. Both teams were going after each other pretty good all night. The fouls should of been more even.
  21. I don't know man. Wisconsin is kind of a matchup nightmare with their bigs being able to take their game outside the ark. I kind of like Wisky in this game but I need Duke in this knockout pool I am in to win $700. So I will grudgingly route for the Dukies tonight. Wisconsin is not a cinderella team man. Everybody that follows college basketball knew they were coming back loaded off their final 4 run from last year. I know their school is not a blue blood but this is not no David & Goliath matchup either. In fact I would say Wisonsin has the more talented lineup.
  22. A couple of my friends & I smoked some ribs & deep fryed some wings for the final 4 this past Saturday. This weekend I am going to get some nice ribeyes to cook. It will be the first time I grilled since New Year's Eve when my friend & I braved the elements & grilled lobster tails for us & our significant others. Usually I grill all year long but this winter was brutal . Didn't even think about grilling out for Jan & Feb. The weather was that bad.
  23. Noone is giving up on Manuel but this year he needs to earn it. There is no excuses for him anymore. This is his third year in the league & this team is ready to win now. If he can't beat out Matt cassel & Tyron Taylor, he probably doesn't have much of a future in the NFL. True but in His second year in the league he threw for 63% completion %, $3,600 yards & 21 tds against 10 ints. Where EJ played 4 games in his 2nd year & was then benched for Kyle Orton. I am pretty sure the Ravens knew they had their franchise QB by the end of year 2.
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